Need help with my Eushully games


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May 19, 2016
After updating the latest windows update. All of my eushully games become like coding language ($%^ and the likes). I already change my administrative, region and time to japanese. And before the update it's working fine. I need help to fix this problem
I never played a Eushully game before so I don't know much, but I'll try to help.

If you're certain you already changed the timezone, time format, location and language for unicode program to Japanese, then the problem may be the font itself. Does this only happen to Eushully games? Do you know what Eushully's default font is? Maybe some of Windows' supplemental fonts were lost during the update and that was one of it?

If you're sure that the font is still there, Do you have a sample screenshot of that error?
Thank you for your advice. For some reason after restarting and formatting the system. It fixed by itself. :)

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