Ah, ok.
Btw, do you know which of the menu's i have to press to get to the removing the bra and panties? Can't seeem to find it.
And was it next month the game got htc vive support along with motion controller interaction?
Not too sure about the VR side of things, don't have any VR aperatus to test the VR version with.
Removing the bras, ect is not a menu option
You see, you have to get into free mode, the second menu option. From there, you do like you did in the tutorial if you played it; You right-click to bring out your hand, you left-click where the heart is and drag.
This is how most motions are done in the game, excluding piston, which uses the wheel, a bit like in Mizuki Island, if you've ever come across the title.
After you've dragged her in front of you, you get the option to choose whether you wanna go on the bed, floor or sofa when you right-click-hold
Any one of them will do. From there, you'll likely have to fiddle with the options in the right-click menu until she gets in a pose that exposes her back. From there, you get the option to remove the bra/panties.
What's unfortunate about the game, is that it doesn't let you put clothes back on or mix & match.
I wanted her to keep the dress on, but with no bra or panties, with the stockings half off