Nicknames... The reason behind them?

We can call in [MENTION=10870]Vietx2k[/MENTION] and offer him a name.
eh oh. Ive been summoned.
So what's this thread about.
I can only assume related to nicknames and renano wants to have people attack me with some idea's for a nickname at the moment :scared::sowwy::swearveng::swearveng::shockmenft:
Since im talking, Am i A mermaid then? :goodtea: If so im afriad of cats too then. Dont think it would work :goodtea:
I decline your recommendation as a centipede :goodtea:
By the way, do you have one? :bigeyes:
Let's avoid insects for now :bigeyes:
So what's your nickname :bigeyes:
How about BlazinBlueAngel? :3
You burn with ... umm. you burn with ahhhhhh. Your stuff is blue at the moment and you're ohh soo nice at the moment :bigeyes:
Viet is a ningyo~

Nero has a new nickname from Viet.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Viet has gained ownership of a new nickname.

Only Nero can judge your fate. ._.

/me casually watches
Im not a cat person. But if i was to make a nickname. Ill look at my current sig and maybe think of something like Nyantendo. Or or or or or or or on words 'yo' :bigeyes:
Fishman, it is! Thank you for choosing Decalcomania Nickname Services, Viet onii-chan.
Nintendo + Tuna = Nintunado

Viet has been conquered.
Oh so it;s Viet Onii-chan :bigeyes: totally ignoring the fishman :bigeyes: Viet Onii-Chan sounds nice :bigeyes:
That's a lie. Me? Conquered ? i dont see no pokeball nor pokedex to add a nickname to my status.

Who you talking to Mistah Blue? :bigeyes: Renano isnt a fishman, let a lone a man :bigeyes:
/me is really amused

I'll still call you Viet. 'Onii-chan' is a little... much for me. ^^;
Viet Onii-Chan will catch on sooner or later :goodtea: Mistah Blue is already on it :bigeyes:
/me throws lure ball, net ball, and dive ball at the wild Viet

You won't see me calling you 'that'.

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