Nicknames... The reason behind them?

mmh.. most people are just side character A/B/C to me lol *joking*

i never type others' full usernames, because i am lazy. so i just use shortened versions. any other nickname i give other people is what just comes to mind. and i do it because i feel like it~

mmmh.. shiki, because of tohno/nanaya and ryougi shiki~
first time using it. usually use Moriarty08, Shiroyasha(number), KuroShiro(number).. yeah i have a hard time, coming up with nicks..

i usually call samy samy, samson, samysamy, kitty lol

EDIT: wild pingu detected!!

Samson.. bwahahaha :XD:
I came up with the username 'Decalcomania' because I had a song called Decalcomanie by Epik High on my iTunes, which I was listening to at the time. Decalcomanie didn't appeal to me much, so I added an A at the end and tada! Decalcomania is born.

I have several different nicknames on the forum (Probably the second most because of renano), such as 'Nero' 'Elysium' 'Demi' 'Hermano' 'Choco Vanilla' etc. This is only because I want a unique nickname from everyone, so we could each make memories while being called a name that is only assigned to that person AKA samyeung46 being called 'Samkaka' and renano being called 'mademoiselle'.

The nickname 'Nero' was assigned to me by renano because I think she told me that it meant that the name meant 'Powerful Sadist', but I forgot. (Sorry renano)

The nickname 'Elysium' was assigned to me by samyeung46 because he couldn't think of a nickname for me and I just told him to call me 'Elysium'.

The nickname 'Demi' was assigned to me by MokouX13 because.... I don't know.

So on and so forth.
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I came up with the username 'Decalcomania' because I had a song called Decalcomanie by Epik High on my iTunes, which I was listening to at the time. Decalcomanie didn't appeal to me much, so I added an A at the end and tada! Decalcomania is born.

I have several different nicknames on the forum (Probably the second most because of renano), such as 'Nero' 'Elysium' 'Demi' 'Hermano' 'Choco Vanilla' etc. This is only because I want a unique nickname from everyone, so we could each make memories while being called a name that is only assigned to that person AKA samyeung46 being called 'Samkaka' and renano being called 'mademoiselle'.

The nickname 'Nero' was assigned to me by renano because I think she told me that it meant that the name meant 'Powerful Sadist', but I forgot. (Sorry renano)

The nickname 'Elysium' was assigned to me by samyeung46 because he couldn't think of a nickname for me and I just told him to call me 'Elysium'.

The nickname 'Demi' was assigned to me by MokouX13 because.... I don't know.

So on and so forth.

You're right Nero...

I named you after Emperor Nero. He was a powerful but sadistic ruler.

There is one more reason why I named you Nero.

One of my favorite utattemita (people who try to sing on NND) is also named 'Nero'. His name popped into my head when you asked for a nickname.
Man.. Everybody has multiple nick and unique ones...

Next, my nick name SainTPrimE

Since my name was Stanislaus Prima and usually be written St. Prima (Cause St. are usually used as a short for Saint/Santo) and Prime is based from Optimus Prime (That transformer truck guy..) since I'm always become the leader of everything at my school...

Some people even call me Satan cause my full name are Stanislaus Prima Satya Handaru the first name is quite had to read I admit that... LOL

Hmm.. let see.. nicknames is a description about you..
like your characteristic, your grammar, your behavior, your habbit, and many again..

But somehow bad nicknames appears when someone hate you.. not because of our chacracteristic or etc.. but he/she just likes call you with that* "bad nickname"..

Is so hard to predict a human, right?

Just post your nickname at home school or something and tell us the reason...

Edit : Minna thanks for sharing...
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My nickname at home - "Yos" or "Jos" since my name is Yosse.. pew.. nothing specially :3
And on this forum - Neko.. and just Neko i think.. XD
It's quite early for you to online... Don't you sleep or something?

Any reason behind that 'Neko' nickname? Like... You were a cat actually or something...?
It's quite early for you to online... Don't you sleep or something?

Any reason behind that 'Neko' nickname? Like... You were a cat actually or something...?
Yeah.. i've just wake up early everyday.. sleep just for 2 hours :donefor: *Euro is a pain*
It's Neko not 'coz i'm a cat Lol..
i have cats.. so that's why.. (simple thing)
It's Neko not 'coz i'm a cat Lol..
i have cats.. so that's why.. (simple thing)

Awww that's cute [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ^^

Well I do have another nickname that was given to me when I was a young child/baby.
It was Baby Alex.

The story goes my full name (now everybody is going to know it XD) is David Alejandro Tirado. Since I'm the youngest David in the family and my middle name is Alexander in english, hence the nickname Baby Alex. I still kinda get that from my cousin's from time to time and also my grandparents lol. Other than that I don't really remember any other nicknames I have besides DavRoc and Baby Alex >.> .

Well besides Neko who calls me Davie ^////^. I like it and it's pretty cute because of the ava you have lol >/////<.
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*is being dragged here* ummm?? wait what?? Oh nicknames??

Well, until now since the first time I'm in here I think I didn't have any nicknames from the others member "yet" *maybe*

As, for my nicknames "Alice Rei" its kinda like Renano chan, Its my Original Character names..
Its should be her real name is "Alice Zero" and when she go to Japan she change it into "Rei Arisu" I just mix the both of them~ XD

As for Rei itself, Its because I like the meaning of "Zero or nothing" because its means that you're still can learn anything you want, and you still can learn many potential~.. something like that~ And Alice? I dunno~ I use it because its going well with Rei and Zero name~ :XD:

And yeah, I really often use name "Rei" for every my OC character~

And one more, I use Rei, because I dunno but when I tell the concept of my OC character, my friends draw the character really similiar to me.. so yeah.. I just use it and its become my favourite nicknames for every forum I belong~ :blushing:

As for my real nickname? I dunno why, but everyone call me "Ciel" even before the Kuroshitsuji exist.. and sometimes I just use the nicknames "Sieru" xD

Well, thats conclude all my nicknames I think~
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Why do i never remember the reasons? o.o Besides that they seem to change slightly every time xD

Of course... you don't remember~ :traitor:

Nicknames at home...

My parents don't give me nicknames. I'm their daughter so they just call me (when translated to English), 'child' or 'little one'. They have not once addressed me by name or a nickname because it is deemed like I am on the same level or status as my parents.

My relatives and friends sometimes use a certain nickname, but I don't really like it. It's just a shortened version of my real name. Just take out 3 letters and you're done~

Still, they tell me it's easier to say... So let them be.
Hm? I still remember your name, renano. I might be able to find out what your relatives and friends call you.
Haha... go right ahead.~

You can even post it here. I wouldn't mind.
You are correct.

I don't really like it because I feel like they just use that name for convenience sake instead of putting much thought or feeling.

I also like my full name more since to me it has a better ring to it.

Another reason is because... if people just called me 'Chinda'... it would mean I'm initially 'good from the heart'.

However, that makes me feel too 'pure' or 'saintly'.

With the full name, it means 'to let me be well in and out and be good from the heart'.
I have not read it.

Although, the title is a tiny bit familiar~
Oh.. Japanese literature... Never like the lesson back then...
I can't remember anything in that class...
Lol but i seem to remember quite a bit of the other random stuff... how odd xD
The nickname Checkmate was rather assigned to me by a group I volunteer for a very long time ago (20 years).

The idea behind it was the letter C, the third letter of the Alphabet since I belong to the third group.

Letter C also stands short for the words "Command" in English, which denotes leadership. I don't think I have that however.
I dont think i block stuff out that often... and its not all that traumatic...
Of course I believe you... Sam~

I haven't considered using the number placement of the English alphabet as a username... However, I did incorporate that idea for a few OCs.

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