nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only be ta

Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

:o_O:........T-shirt terrorist
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

I know D: How horrible :runaway:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

hmmm bad people
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

Shall we call the cops? fbi? the army? maybe even the cia? xD
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

hmm....that'd make him an enemy of the states:o_O:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

Hmm should he not be? ;p
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

hmmm...i think he's just a normal guy who loves peace just like me:samuraihero:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

and yet you call me a terrorist T_T?
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

hmm...i think sammy who said that first:goodtea:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

Hmm nah you said t shirt terrorist :goodtea: I was just trying to make it as complicated as i could ;p
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

naruhodo ne..:goodtea:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

confusing matters....
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

age is relative... and I aim to out-live every single one of you :lmao:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

anti aging spray.....
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

pedobear repellant spray ~the best friend of lolis~
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

hmm pedobear who smell that spray explode immediately....
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

how'd you get loli from pedobear? XD
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

Hmm bears usually chase roris?
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

lolis have a hard life
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

roris for life:o_O:
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

roris face many hardships and prejudices wich is why we must stand by their side and make them bentous and have them call us "onii-chan" so that they may feel the love that will help them through dark times....
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

hmmm...sasuga roris protector....
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b


/me walks away from convo *
Re: nonsensical conversations over the theories of meaning of existence and other such stuf that in no way could actually be the case and would only b

pedobears have a hard life too. Just recently open season on pedobears was declared as an annual event every spring. They are hunted for the texture of their rare pelts

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