Now , Your First Hentai Anime?

La Blue Girl

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.... the first i watched was discipline.....
at first i thought it was great, then life went on an d i eventually got back to it, when i watched it (again) i face-palmed myself and went "oh fk why'd i watch this shit?!" its BDSM and crap..... but it was still alright i guess.... it wasnt as bad as milk money.... nothing can be worse than milk money....
First Hentai I looked up had interest in, was Night Shift Nurses.
Never actually watched it, but I liked brown hair, so yeah.
Closest I`ve ever gotten to a full on hentai was r-15. That was just boobies though. Been thinking about watching Bible Black. From what I`ve seen on various image boards it looks hot.
I think my first one was eroge! H mo game no kaihatsu. The art was good and the story entertaining, too bad they made only 2 ova's :(
Mine was Angel Blade but I didn't knew the name when I watched it that time.
Mine was Tentacles and Witches..... Ahhhh that was when my tentacle fetish started.
if my memory doesn't fail me, it was milk junkies. From then, i love big boobs and i ALWAYS download any hentai that have big boobs
Back before I had heard of Japanimation, before anyone was talking about Anime, and before I saw a 60 minutes Special on Manga and "Rapeman"---a friend gave me a copy of a copy of a copy of Urotskisudoji 1, 2, 3 (raw). Despite the lack of any subtitles, it did not matter, It hit me like Fallout from an Atomic Bomb. I screwed up and recorded over my favorite parts (akemi/swinging legs). Took me buying the crap they sell with the same title, much cursing,and tons of searching for working links over the years, but I finally found a copy as close to what I remember.
I judge all Current Anime, with Urotskisudoji, Ninja Scroll, and Wicked City as the Standards.
If anyone can recommend hentai that has a good story, please do so, I have wasted too much money buying crap. Favorite one I have seen recently is Black-Something-Annerose---it's like Kore Wa Zombie De Suka with the good bits left in.
The first Hentai-anime I've seen was called Inyouchuu. It's actually called Inyouchuu, the Animation, as Inyouchuu is actually a H-rated visual novel. I've seen the other episodes that followed Inyouchuu, called Inyouchuu Shoku and Inyouchuu Etsu. They are all great if you're into Tentacle/Impregnation, that kind of stuff.
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family of debauchery... never really watched it tilll a like 2-3 years ago... thank god it wasn't the dog rape scene.... sheesh... Tthe threesome with the maid was rather steamy~
Words Worth. Well, it was disc with a few different hentai anime, but most memorable was Words Worth.
It was immoral sisters i think. I always figured out that it was based on a eroge, but i never actually researched about it.
I started out with Bible Black and Night Shift Nurses. These seemed really popular for people getting into Hentai.
First ever H clip was Words Worth. Lived off of clips for a good while (dial up days were just too sucky...). First OVA I downloaded was Crimson Climax. Thus began the downward spiral...
Hmm i think the first i ever saw was Sex Friend otherwise i have only download and watch The Hills Have Size & The Roommate end the Sex Friend. Just these... But i didn't like them so... i discontinued them!
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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile. Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
