[NSFW] Hentai Game Poser PICTURE WORKS ☆

So with limitations on adding character models to honeyselect I'm moving along with creating my first actual basic hentai style rpg with blender and unity. The only problem is figuring out the plot wondering if anyone had any good ideas to share? So far i'm going with playing as a girl who needs to combat her way around to gather cum from rare species and other civilizations. And selling the cum and using it to craft stuff.
@LovelySurrealDream: That's very impressive. Are you importing the animations from Honey Select into Blender? I've always wanted to make an RPG, one with hentai even better!! I have knowledge of what's necessary but I would have to learn a bunch of stuff. I've never rigged a model before and I've noticed most times you import/export models it breaks the rigging. Not to mention weight painting and shit like that. Have you been doing all that stuff yourself? Even a "simple" rpg can be daunting so try not to put to many ideas into the project.

If I was you I'd stick with a classic turn based battle system. If you don't want to go the route of "game over" style rape you can make certain spells/abilities cause your character to have sex. There's certainly a lot of room for ideas with this sort of thing. Keep us updated on your progress. I'd be very interested to see your work process.
@ Elrodeus, no. There is addons that automatically make human style rigs you can scale up and adjust to fit characters bodies and simply add remove extra bones. And parent with automatic weights automatically weight paints the body to the rig and you can do minor adjustments from there. And the animations are easy to make. Blender can automatically generate keyframes. Like you make a foot forward pose keyframe, foot back keyframe and blender will generate the keyframes between to make a walking animation with only a few manual poses. And its super easy to adjust materials and textures on the spot. Logic also make scripting very easy, but there is some scripting that might be difficult with variables and asset bundles.

I did come up with another cool plot idea. Having the most beautiful women of the realms having abilities to charm creatures, monsters, dragons through "fun" ways and control them in combat as mini armies. And compete against other AI charmers and monsters to achieve there own agendas. Though I'm not planning on perfection being my first full game, otherwise I'll spends hours on the same animations, more of an initial learning experience.
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The Trial of Lust (NSFW. Warning: Violence)
























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/\ ... wtf lol it's funny and weird at the same time, impressive
Here's a simple pic of steamy relaxation from Faeyline. (Thanks for the map, Snooley!)
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! I can't wait to feast it up, ha ha!

Here we go with a new medieval story!
Thanks to Gil, YashiroAmamiya, Belgar17, aastaroth and others for the mods which made this possible.

Southeast of France. A girl is rescued from a dream.


Read Tale of Languedoc - Chapter I

Hope you like!
(For those of you who read the previous version, this one might be worth a shot for it includes almost 30 new pages)
A Crusader...against Several Zombies



There's a reason why an army is just one individual, above them a box with number inside indicating their number...
I'm surprised how close the face looks to the real model considering it's not a mod (other than the hair).


Not my card obviously, I suck at "cloning" characters with this accuracy lol

Btw, GIL, if you see this, I told you I would try it...

Here's a simple pic of steamy relaxation from Faeyline. (Thanks for the map, Snooley!)
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! I can't wait to feast it up, ha ha!

Not sure how I came up with this, but...

If only this was HaremMate...I could've got some real use out of this...




Testing out the pool map mod (found in Hongfire but now Hongfire is down..)

Pretty solid writting as usual Wormy, congrats. The new char was interesting as well, although all of them are in their own way so this is no surprise either.

I'm kinda lost at the lore tho, is the world your own creation or is it based on some existing universe? I mean, they kinda talk as if the reader was supposed to know some elven history. Makes me feel like I'm watching season 2 of a show without having seen the first one :P

Anyway neat job, I like how you join many scenes into one big picture, it feels more like a comic without screwing the visuals.
Now I'm looking forward to seeing those elven sappers in action XD.
So if anyone here has followed me from Hongfire, I'm still working on my comic! I doubt too many people have visited my blog on there, with Hongfire being complete shit I can't blame anyone! Anyway, I'm going to pretend no one here has read the comic, so when I begin releasing episodes here real soon I'm going to probably link the entire comic in it's entirety! The entire comic at this point is pushing 298 pages!!! And it's still counting since I'm going to be releasing more real soon. The entirety of Chapter 2 has been posed/screenshotted and at this point all I'm doing is paneling, photoshopping, cutting and adding text and effects! I was actually planning on waiting to release these two pictures for when I posted the comic, but I'll still have plenty of stuff to post when the time comes so hopefully these will tide some peeps over a few more days!

All my work will be moving to my tumblr soon, I've been updating it and still learning how tumblr posts work and making sure they're linking to the proper HD pictures etc etc. Anyway here's two pinups!!

The first one is serious and is a scene from Chapter 3!


This one is just a hentai picture pinup. I made one with flavor text for fun, the other as usual has no text. This one didn't come out as good as I hoped, but there is very little else I could do with it since the majority of what I was getting frustrated with was in game limitations. I already spent an exorbitant amount of time on it. It was either release it now or it never sees the light of day... so without further ado...

Swiggity swooty [MENTION=127652]ramoram[/MENTION] has summoned the booty!


I'm kinda lost at the lore tho, is the world your own creation or is it based on some existing universe? I mean, they kinda talk as if the reader was supposed to know some elven history. Makes me feel like I'm watching season 2 of a show without having seen the first one :P

I wanted to see if anyone got the reference first, but almost all of the lore in this one comes from Baldur's Gate 2 : Shadows of Amn. Ust Natha is the city where the first elves that became drow descended into the underdark. Adalon is a silver dragon that kind of protects and polices them. In the game, the drow steal her eggs to keep her from interfering with them and the party is quested to get them back for her.

It was all kinda wink-wink-anybody? But I went with it. :)
@Wormy oh that's cool I was a bit too young to fully enjoy Baldurs gate 2 back in the day, but I grew up with neverwinter nights, icewind dale and such. I'm familiar with the drew, the underdark...etc but, honestly, if I ever knew about those cities and tales I've long forgotten them :P

I've also finished what can be considered chapter II of Tale of Languedoc.
The thing won't follow an strict scheme. Some "chapters" will be long and important, while other might be smaller and more focused in details about the characters, the world and such. This one has a bit of both, tho.

Southeast of France, the girl spends her first day on the castle, yet again.


Tale of Languedoc II - Lord and Jester [NSFW]

Previous chapter: Tale of languedoc I - A make-believe girl

I hope you like folks, any criticism will be appreciated!
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We need a picture that proves that they can sit on that lol

They're magical girls! They can take any size!! Lol. They'll probably complain about it...lol. I've been having to spend my posing/creative time working on my Berserk Panel for an anime con this coming weekend but it shouldn't take me long to load up the scene and make a sequel!
Ramoram is hard at work to make Honey Select a better place lol.


[MENTION=127841]BastianT[/MENTION] only meant to spend like an hour on this but wound up spending longer. It was fun to do though...probably the quickest picture I've done in a while since most of the setup was put into the original lol. See I told you they could take it!

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