[NSFW] Hentai Game Poser PICTURE WORKS ☆

Good afternoon everyone! I am quite proud of this photo other than one thing! I was inspired by @sin07 and all of his portraits! I spent more time giving the image some TLC in post production to achieve something that I was happy with! I think it turned out pretty well for what I know how to do so far.

Let me know what you all think.

@Sin07: Dude! So glad to see you posting again!! Those tentacle pics were definitely crazy good. I mean...that means a lot considering I'm not really a HUGE tentacle fan. Couple that with the ridiculously well done belly bulging (which I'm also not a huge fan of) and I'd be lying if I didn't say you did an amazing job on those...in fact I'm not sure how you managed to pull some of them off. But the detail is absolutely mind blowing. I will say however...that the lovely loli you made there is quite cute! That last pic of her curtsying is absolutely gorgeous! You have a way with the camera my man, and you're so good at it that even if a particular pic you post isn't to my "fetish" I still have to appreciate it's beauty!! Awesome work man!

Edit: Sin dude, I'm a little tipsy, so just to clarify, the only reason I was pointing out those particular pics weren't my fetish is because I was sitting there staring at the pics anyway just out of shear appreciation of the detail. My mentioning of them not really being my thing was just mentioned to further solidify the awesomeness of the pics you presented to hold my attention in spite of my usual passiveness to such material. I'm a bit tipsy so I didn't want to sound like a total d-bag.

Hey welcome back man! Things have been quiet here without you. And thank you for the compliments as I do put in a lot of time into these shots especially the tentacle ones... those take forever to set up. Glad you liked Lily! I think you are the only person to comment on her so I'm quite glad you thought she was cute. I spent a good amount of time getting her face right and I am quite happy with the results.

Hey don't worry about it man, I knew what you meant and I don't take any offense or think you are a d-bag of any any kind. I truly appreciate your input and it's always nice to hear what other people have to say about your own work. It lightened up my day when I read your comment so thanks for that!

Good afternoon everyone! I am quite proud of this photo other than one thing! I was inspired by @sin07 and all of his portraits! I spent more time giving the image some TLC in post production to achieve something that I was happy with! I think it turned out pretty well for what I know how to do so far.

Let me know what you all think.


Hey good job man! You did a terrific job capturing the lighting in this scene. Great post work too with the God ray's and background blur! :thumbup:
Hey guys! Just wanted to let everyone know the new episode of The Star Princesses has been released! It's pushing 50 pages!! I can't post them all here so I'm only going to post a few highlights!! If you're planning on reading it these highlights WILL SPOIL some things. If you haven't read The Star Princesses before hopefully this little snippet of shots will get you interested!!

Warning: The Star Princesses includes RAPE. If you're not into that sort of thing you definitely do not want to hit the spoiler!





Here's a random pinup I posted on my tumblr a while back of Miki getting put in her place.

If you want to keep up with my updates as I do them feel free to visit my tumblr here:


Or click my signature! Hope you guys enjoy! And as always, feedback is currency! Would love to hear from you guys if you enjoyed it even if it's critical feedback! Ya'll have a goodnight!
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Hey guys, I'm new here. Just want to show you my favourite girl: Lara Croft the badass

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Legend Project is a success and currently waiting for Neo Studio so I can work for two titles.

Few months ago I started working on the TR: Anniversary series.
After numberous trials and errors. Now it is good to go.

Location Peru: Mountain Caves

Short comics related to that map.
Aww come on Ram-O!!! Don't scare away the new guys! Everyone has their own little fetish version of Ms Croft!!! Let him LIVE THE DREAM!!!

Welcome to the club Kobietgica!! Always glad to have more on board!!
Okay, this might be because I'm completely stupid, but how do I do the spoiler thing for attaching pictures?

Also it was the late 90s, truely fappable video game characters wouldn't be a thing til Sin in 1998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR2paiU7ycc and even then, those facial animations.

Thank you for saving us Illusion
Thank for welcoming me guys
Although Ram doesn't like my Lara Croft version, i still love his amazing works
Perhaps next time I should let her get dressed
Aww come on Ram-O!!! Don't scare away the new guys! Everyone has their own little fetish version of Ms Croft!!! Let him LIVE THE DREAM!!!

Welcome to the club Kobietgica!! Always glad to have more on board!!

And I am not stopping him doing what he likes.

Nude Raider was quite a war in 90's between the Developers vs The Publishers & Modders. In end of TR:II, she even breaks the 4th wall when gamers thought they gonna see her shower. The publisher (Eidos) forced the developers (Core Design) to market Lara's sex appeal The creator (Toby Gard) simply refused and team leader (Jeremy Heath-Smith) said and quote:
We will defend her to death....
Sounds crazy right! :eek:But that's what he said. Any fan who grew up with this game knows she is sophisticated and unattainable. There are many who still oppose to this stuff.

I stopped working for XNA in Devaint Art and don't visit there much because of adult version and I probably will stop hanging around here if roy12 releases her head import.
And I am not stopping him doing what he likes.

Nude Raider was quite a war in 90's between the Developers vs The Publishers & Modders. In end of TR:II, she even breaks the 4th wall when gamers thought they gonna see her shower. The publisher (Eidos) forced the developers (Core Design) to market Lara's sex appeal The creator (Toby Gard) simply refused and team leader (Jeremy Heath-Smith) said and quote:

Sounds crazy right! :eek:But that's what he said. Any fan who grew up with this game knows she is sophisticated and unattainable. There are many who still oppose to this stuff.

I stopped working for XNA in Devaint Art and don't visit there much because of adult version and I probably will stop hanging around here if roy12 releases her head import.

Yeah I read about that in Wikipedia, even in a game magizine back in the days, much respect to the creator.
@Ramo- Wow, I didn't realize you had that kind of outlook on Lara Croft. I'm not going to lie, I agree about the sophistication part of her character but I honestly felt like the sex appeal was almost just as important aesthetically to her character. It's something they downplayed hard in the new series and I feel like she's lost her "femme fatale" vibe she had in the older series because of it. That's just me though.

So am I getting this right? Are you like... opposed to Lara Croft porn??? That's extra tier waifu levels there buddy!!!

Edit: Hey Ramo here's my version of Ms. Croft!! I hope she doesn't disappoint you!! I guess this is what she'd look like if she hopped clean out of my wet dreams and wanted to do a little more than just raiding tombs! The sex appeal is still strong with this one obviously!!!



Okay, this might be because I'm completely stupid, but how do I do the spoiler thing for attaching pictures?
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Thank you but how do I get pictures to show up >_<

There's a tool in the quick reply "insert image", select that, since you have pics posted in Deviantart, just right click and select copy image location (that is if your using Mozilla firefox, not sure about the other browser) go to URL section and paste the copied image location, just UN-tick the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" because it will save in your attachments, which is not necessary required.


full formula, like this
[SPOILER=insert title] [IMG]place the copied image location here[/IMG*] [/SPOILER*]

Note just remove * and "place the copied image location here" to make it work

I'm not really that good in explanation :ninja:, but I hope this will help.

The Motorhead
You're attaching pictures. We're linking to them from an outside site. Currently most people are using ImgBox. You upload the pictures to your own gallery at ImgBox (or some other image hosting site) then you post the link to the picture in the spoiler. You can insert the picture using the sort of "Window" icon. It's to the left of the filmstrip.
Okay let me try, here's a picture of the 13th president of the United States, Millard Filmore.


Guys, were gonna make Illusion great again! Sitri, she can't be trusted, she's crooked! We're gonna build an expansion and it's gonna be yuge!

I wish I had better hair that matches you know who's more. But alas, this is the best I got.


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