Action Bastard

NTR Bastard
Elite Member
Jan 27, 2012
This thread is for reviews and story questions for NTR games. You're welcome to post reviews, guides, and any additional help on games you've played, or ask questions if you're stuck somewhere or would just like some clarification on any story point. Have at it, Brothers!
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I saved the best for first!

[ピンポイント / キングピン] 寝取られ熟母夏子(41)~若い男との変態セックスにハマッた本当はドスケベだったお母さん~

I'll start off by addressing the elephant in the room: this is mother/son. Before you run away screaming or question what happened to my awesome Bastardness with some cutting, 'I thought you were cool...' remark, let me explain a bit. The story revolves around Natsuko, supreme Milf of all that is Milfy, and her son, um, kid. >_>

Natsuko's husband died many years ago, so it's just been the two of them for a long time. Now the problem with most mother/son NTR stories is, well, it's mother and son. That's a whole different fetish ballgame, and one that usually doesn't work very well with NTR in my book, y'know besides being kind of fuc--I'm not judging anybody!

Our writer realizes this and doesn't even bother with it. There's no physical/intimate relationship between the two that you wouldn't expect from a normal family. So wherein lies the drama? In the lies and betrayal, of course! /cue mad, Bastardical laughter

And that's what makes this story so good. Even though it's a non-physical relationship, the game does a great job of establishing the love and relationship between the two principals, which makes the fall all the sweeter, of course!

You start the game playing as Akihiro(I went and looked it up. xD) who is, as to be expected, a complete mama's boy. The first part of the game is mystery, with lots of building up tension as he slowly starts to see a change in his mother, and then realizes she's been lying to him lately. Once he finds out why all hell breaks loose.

Here's a run down of some pros and cons:


Pro #1 Natsuko is Tony the Tiger-level Grrreat. Her actress does a great job, and it's easy to see her both as the doting mama and what comes after. xD

Pro #2 Mystery! Though it's only the first part, it works really well, you won't unlock any of Natsuko's scenes until after the big reveal. You'll then go back through and see what she was up to, which is also fun.

Pro #3 The story takes place over a length of time. I don't like games where a woman gets seduced over the span of a week or two. There's about a month and a half between when the other boy makes his move and when the son finally finds out, and that's time put to good use in my book! It then continues over a longer period of time in both final routes, which is also quite nice.

Pro #4 It's mid-grade believable. While that might sound kind of goofy saying it that way, the story is not that huge of a stretch. A widow, who hasn't had any intimate contact in a long time and sees herself only as a mother, is treated like a woman by a strong, forceful male and responds to it. There's no rape or anything like that. She hears about her son's classmate who is kind of a delinquent and ends up thinking she will reform him. She goes to his place to cook him dinner sometimes because he lives alone, and tries to act like he's her son, thinking she can boss and browbeat him into better behavior. He's not having it, and there's a small battle of wills. He puts the moves on and things escalate from there. She ends up leaving, but goes back the next day because, well, yeah... xD Cue the downward spiral. Still, not bad in my book. It speaks to her character. She likes the affection and pleasure, but more than that she likes being told what to do. And when the son finds out he's more upset/horrified at what's going on that saying, "Oh man, this is bad! Guess I outta fap! ^^b" He never wants his mom as his woman/sex icon, he just wants his old mom back! /sad face

Pro #5 All the lying and things she does to try to keep her son from knowing what's taking place is awesome. You get to see it from two different view points and it just works. You see the son wondering just what is going on, and then you get to watch Natsuko wrestle with her decisions in her mind, justifying things and making excuses as things get worse and worse. I love that shit! We need more husband/wife stories like this one!

Pro #6 The bad guy is a bro! Honestly, it's almost hard to even call him a bad guy. He's kind of a punk, but I thought he had a lot of character and found myself laughing or unable to hate him any time it felt like I should. I suck at finding/posting pictures of stuff, but just play the game. Any time he grins, you'll know exactly what I mean. Later, after the son finds out, he basically tells him, "Your mom is happy now, and she's my woman. Don't try to fuck this up, or you'll regret it." In the second route he gets a bit more extreme in his treatment of her, but even then, while I wouldn't generally condone it, she seems to get off on it even more, so... /shrug If a lot of villains had half the character of this guy, their games would be a lot easier to get through.


Con #1 It's mother/son. Even though I think it's great, this could have been beyond amazing if it was something else!

Con #2 There are two routes. There's a point where the son can confront his mother or choose to stay silent. If he stays silent then it proceeds to a route where the mom gets more and more extreme in her play, wearing a slutty outfit to a school visit in front of her son, doing exhibition play, filming an AV outside, etc. If he chooses to confront her you get what I thought was going to be a great scene. She starts off trying to deny it, he presents proof, she says he doesn't understand, he demands to know why she's doing anything with the ass that bullies him, she says she loves him, he cries 'what about me?!', she gets upset and tries to explain and asks him to listen, he runs away like a little girl. -_- When he comes back you're on the second route.

Con #3 I didn't much care for the second route. After the son comes back a few days later, the guy has had time to convince her(probably with his penis) that it doesn't really matter as long as they are together. He's got first class tickets for the Whore Train, population: your mom. The other boy moves in and the son stays as things get worse at worse. The punk's friends also end up moving in, and they start using the place like a clubhouse. The mom quits working and just gets fucked all the time, gets tatted up like a yakuza bitch, and it kind of goes downhill from there in my book, though others might really enjoy it. The mom's still great throughout, I just didn't really like the scenario after everything that had happened.

Con#4 Wanted MOAR!

If you haven't played it already, give this game a shot! I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Thanks for reading!
bastard the game is good and everything, but is there a way to change the resolution of the window? its way to big in my monitor and can't play it well

bastard the game is good and everything, but is there a way to change the resolution of the window? its way to big in my monitor and can't play it well

I'm not sure, man. Maybe one of the more tech-savvy brothers can help you out? I do remember having some problems when I first started, so I just switched over and played it in full-screen mode. Sorry that's not more helpful.

I'll check it out, SA!
Thanks for the review of [ピンポイント / キングピン] 寝取られ熟母夏子(41)~若い男との変態セックスにハマッた本当はドスケベだったお母さん~

I´m playing it now
.....hey! i know it isn't good to saturate the thread to fast but we neet more reviews xD
As I'm not too good at doing in-depth reviews of older games, I felt some people might be interested in the upcoming games so I'm giving previews off demos a shot. I wasn't too sure if this should go in ron34's Upcoming NTR thread or AB's reviews, but I think the Upcoming thread would better serve as a quick-look/news thread and there's some opinion stuff here so hope it works =P.

息子の友達に堕とされて ~あぁ…私、一人の女に戻ります~ PREVIEW
Release Date: 4/26/13

The lead scenario writer is a familiar one (シャア専用◎) whose worked on a number of titles most notibly the Lune/Team Bitters games, several of the NTR ANIM, and the SLG games(xx na Kanojo no Tsukurikata 2) from KISS.

The demo is appropriated named musuko2_trial so if you'd played the first Musuko game from ANIM, you know what to expect. Hitomi Otsuka is your standard loving housewife and mother to Masaki. When her husband, Kazuo, leaves for a month-long business trip, Masaki's friend Akihito takes the opportunity to make her his sow. The demo ends after the first H-scene (it's a recording/blackmail plot device) so you don't get too far in terms of character development, but NTR blackmail is pretty standard stuff. Off Getchu, Akihito seems to be the standard NTR villian who "befriends" Masaki with the sole intent of having sex with Hitomi. Yukako is Hitomi's imouto who doesn't get introduced in the demo, but nothing about her getchu info suggests much in terms of plot advancement.

So all in all, the game looks to be fairly status quo. As a budget title, I don't expect any brilliant plotwist or something all too memorable. Still, I'm looking forward to playing it as I'm a big fan of MILF NTRs. The CGs are gorgeous and the nice thing about ANIM titles is the resizeable screen so it visually rivals the big budget titles. Sound/Music wise it's pretty much recycled stuff -.-.

NTR Theme: Housewife/MILF NTR; Blackmail; possibly Incest
Estimated Game Length: Short
Recommended For: Fans of short games, Nice CGs, MILFs
Similar Titles: 息子の友達に犯されて

Be sure to point out any errors!
Thanks for reading!

Nice, Snow! I remember playing the original and thinking this one looked very similar. I'll definitely check it out once it's released. So the other woman is an aunt, huh? Too bad. I was really hoping it'd be the netori character's mom and the son might get a chance for some reverse-pirating payback. The first game was good, but not anything to write home about, and the route's were basically profag's friend NTRs the mom or the profag himself NTRs the mom, but you can't really say the title didn't let you know what to expect! xD Looking forward to seeing more of these previews from you. They bring things to look foward to, and that's never bad!
Heya, Brothers! Back with a review for a new hit, P☆A会長は好きですか?~傲慢セレブ妻へのセックス指導~

In a nutshell: It's goooood!

Avast, me hearty! Thar be spoilers ahead! (But this is a Reviews thread, so you really ought to expect that. >_> This'll be your only warning.)

It's netori, and kind of what I think of as NTR Lite because the focus isn't really betrayal or hardcore corruption, but just good
old-fashioned knocking boots with a smoking hot MILF! That's really all the game promises, but it definitely delivers!

You'll play as BADASS-sensei throughout the game. He's easily one of the coolest profags ever.

BADASS-sensei has one bad apple in his class, Fuckhead-kun. Fuckhead-kun is your typical self-entitled young Japanese brat. He gets and does whatever he wants and is spoiled-rotten by his mother.

But BADASS-sensei won't be daunted by some punk. He's an educator, damnit, and it's his job to get this kid back on the straight and narrow!

After Fuckhead-kun comes in late for the umpteenth time, BADASS-sensei says he wants a word with him during the lunch break. When the kid doesn't come, BADASS-sensei goes looking for him, but some of the other students say he shouldn't bother. Fuckhead-kun's mom is the PTA president and his dad is friends with the school principal.

BADASS-sensei says that shouldn't put Fuckhead-kun above everyone else and everyone has to obey the rules no matter what. He finds him in an empty classroom with some friends picking on another student. They've got the kid with his pants around his ankles and are doing some sort of gay ritual that is a pretty reasonable metaphor for the inner workings of a bully's mind.

He stops them, and tells them to quit with the homo-erotic hazing rituals and runs the other kids off. When Fuckhead-kun gives him shit, he grabs him by the arm and yells at him. Fuckhead-kun tries to act like it was no big deal and says they were just playing. BADASS-sensei says that if it's just a game he can make the twerp do the same thing. Fuckhead-kun's resolves breaks, and BADASS-sensei tells him to make like a banana and get the fuck out.

BADASS-sensei then goes around and rounds up all the kids that were involved and makes them go apologize to the boy they were bullying because a real teacher calls people out on douchebaggery and shames them into self-reflection.

At the end of the day, Fuckhead-kun comes up to BADASS-sensei and tells him good luck. The teacher is confused and asks for what, and the kids tells him, "Oh, you'll see," like a little slimeball.

BADASS-sensei wonders what's up and figures he out to have a proper talk with Fuckhead-kun soon. As he's heading back to the staff room he gets called to the Principal's office by the freaked-out vice-principal. Since the only people who get character portraits are BADASS-sensei, Fuckhead-kun, and the mom, I like to imagine the vice-principal looks like the vice-principal from GTO, since they act the same, and the principal looks like the judge from the Phoenix Wright games. /shrug

The little bastard called his mom after the incident and she's pissed!

BADASS-sensei tries to explain, and the principal seems to agree he was reasonable, but then the mother demands to know if he's calling her son a liar, so the teacher tells them the bullying incident and the mother refuses to believe him.

"What!? You're calling my son a liar!? I won't forgive you! Mr. Principal, fire this fool!"

So BADASS-sensei doesn't pussy-foot around and lays out dem facts. Her son is a bully and a brat, and it's probably her fault.

She(the mom's name is Sayoko) insists he should be fired and the principal is like, "Dude, this is turning into a nightmare." To which she's all like, "What? There's no problem. Just fire him. kthx."

They end up calling the two boys in and naturally the punk gets the wuss to confirm that he didn't do anything bad. -_-

BADASS-sensei just sighs and is like, "Fine... I'll apologize to the lady..." and the principal is visibly relieved... "But not the brat!"

So Sayoko says, "To prove you're honest, you should get down on your knees." Basically, apologize super-grovelling Japanese-style.

You get a choice as to whether or not you will.

If you do, he does it half-heartedly while she sneers over him. If you don't, the principal attempts to apologize in his place, and BADASS-sensei refuses to allow him, so he gets down and it plays out pretty similar. Extra points for the profag here because a real badass doesn't let other people make excuses or take a punishment for them.

Afterwards, the bullied kid apologizes for lying and is about to cry, but BADASS-sensei just blows it off like it ain't no thing. "Don't worry, kid, she's just a crazy bitch. /thumbs up and teeth sparkle"

The NEXT DAY the teacher gets called to a store 'cause Fuckhead-kun has been caught shoplifting. I know you gotta push the story along, but the next day? Seriously? What a little fucking weasel.

Sayoko shows up and builds up wild stories against everyone even though they have camera proof. @_@

You can choose to talk her down and placate her or rebuke at her.

If BADASS-sensei yells at her, she tries to say someone tempted him into doing it and that he's a good boy, so the teacher is like, "Fine. Then let's call the cops." All of a sudden she's like, "You're his homeroom teacher, you should be protecting him!" xD

A minor complaint: the kid's had his same bastard smile the whole time. Everyone give this company more money so they can afford to give the little shit another expression!

You see the bullied kid later and he gives you proof of Fuckhead-kun doing bad things: bullying, shoplifting, etc, and says he was going to put it all online so the kid would get thrown out of school. Well, BADASS-sensei is like that would cause a lot of trouble for everyone, the school, the principal, etc, and create a news sensation. The kid gives the data to BADASS-sensei since he protected him earlier and says he knows he'll use it to do the right thing. And how!

BADASS-sensei decides to go to Sayoko's house to show her the new evidence. She'll have to believe him now, and maybe he can use that as an in to reach out to her and have help trying to save Fuckhead-kun from a life of rampant toolery.

"Wow this house(that you can't see) is huge!" Everyone give this company more money so they can afford to have someone draw more than five background locations!

So BADASS-sensei show up and Sayoko flies off the handle right away saying how he came to threaten her. He explains and she says he's a liar and her son is good and won't talk about it, so he says he's have to talk to the principal. She begs him not to, THEN steals the papers he's printed and the conversation goes down like this,

Sayoko: "Haha! Now they won't believe you 'cause they'll be no proof! My laugh is loud and villainous! Wahahahaha!"

BADASS-sensei: "Ummmm... I have the data, so I can make as many copies as I want?"

Sayoko: "WHAT!?"

BADASS-sensei: (Thinking) 'WTF? Maybe she's naive about the real world and is ignorant about modern conveniences?'

BADASS-sensei: "Yeah... so, uh, I'll be going now..."

Sayoko: "Wait! It's money, isn't it?! How much do you want?"

BADASS-sensei: "Huh? Money? What are you talking about?"

Sayoko: "Fine! I'll talk to the board of directors and put in a good word for you! How about that?!"

BADASS-sensei: "Lady, you're a freaking weirdo. Peace."

Sayoko calls later that day and sounds like a completely different person. She apologizes and asks BADASS-sensei to meet her at a hotel for dinner and to discuss her son. She shows up dressed like a winner of the MILF of the year award and spends the evening sweet-talking him and then suggests they get a room 'cause she's feeling drunk and would like to talk in peace and privacy without having to worry about other people listening...

BADASS-sensei is a bit drunk himself and agrees to go get a room. He goes to get a key and once inside, she does a personality 180.

Sayoko: "Haha! The woman who works at the front desk is a parent, she saw you! I'm going to tell everyone that you threatened me and made me come here! My laugh is over-the-top and indicative of my conniving nature! Mwahahahaha!"

BADASS-sensei: "lolwut?"

Sayoko: "There there, foolish BADASS-sensei. If you give me the data, I won't say anything!"

BADASS-sensei: "Um, no?"

Sayoko: "But if you don't, your reputation and career will be ruined!"

BADASS-sensei: "Not likely..."

Sayoko: "How can you say that?"

BADASS-sensei: "Because you've got me drunk enough that I don't really give a shit anymore. You're a treacherous bitch and your son is a brat. And now we're all alone together in a hotel room. Welcome to Cumdump Town. Population: you."

Sayoko: "Oh no! Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

So after fucking her silly, he gets dressed and peaces out.

She calls him the next morning super pissed and he's like, "Sorry, ma'am. Gotta go to work. Bye now." She freaks out and calls him all day, then shows up at the school. The brat thinks the teacher is really in for it. They go somewhere private to talk and it's like,

Sayoko: "I'ma tell everyone and now you're boned."

BADASS-sensei: Go right ahead if you want everyone to know what happened."

Sayoko: "I'll say it was rape, and they'll believe me. /dramatic sigh It's awful, but I can bear it to get rid of you!"

BADASS-sensei: "Yeah, I'm sure they're gonna believe you with a face like this. /flashes pics from last night."

Sayoko: "WHAT!?"

BADASS-sensei: "So what will it be?"

Sayoko: "Curses! Foiled again! I'll remember this, BADASS-sensei!"

Then you can pick whether you want her to apologize in front of all the teachers or make you dinner xD

The next day BADASS-sensei wants a word with Fuckhead-kun, but the kid leaves after school. Mom calls and demands to know what he wants to talk to her son about. They meet and BADASS-sensei says he wants her to talk to Fuckhead-kun and set him on the right path. The kid needs to go and apologize to the various places he stole from and show some reflection and understanding of his crimes. She refuses saying she can't go do that 'cause it would be too embarrassing for her
and her family. He says if they don't it he's going to get the cops involved. She says there wouldn't be any problem if he'd just keep his mouth shut, he says he can't, and she begs him.

BADASS-sensei is like, "Man this chick is crazy," and she's like, "Fine, if you'll be quiet, I'll become your lover!"

They make a deal, where she'll let him do what he wants and each time they meet up he'll delete one piece of the data.

BADASS-sensei feels bad afterwards for agreeing to it, since it means Fuckhead-kun probably won't change and he's doing something wrong, but his desire to continue nailing a hot PTA mom wins out over his remorse. I ask any of you to look
inside and say you wouldn't do the same. Actually, this bunch would've probably already done much worse to her... xD

He knows he made a promise to the bullied boy, and swears he'll keep trying to reach both mother and son. Not really sure how banging the kid's mom is gonna do this but there you have it.

As for the deal with Sayako, he moves the data somewhere else for now because he's got a funny feeling about things and doesn't want to regret it.

The next day mom comes again, but he gets a distressed call from the bullied kid and says they'll have to reschedule. She insists they do it, and he's like look, "Hey, I'm busy. STFU." She says she'll stay and wait for him there. BADASS-sensei isn't a fan of this, but doesn't have time to argue. Cue eye-gleam from Sayoko.

Turns out the kid was forced to call for the teacher by Fuckhead-kun and then wait for him to show. The boy doesn't know much, but says Fuckhead-kun mentioned his mother. The plot thickens! BADASS-sensei is like, '/sigh Don't worry kid. It's not your fault. I'll take care of things..."

He comes back and the mom is still trying to find the data on his computer. xD She's a tech retard.

Punishment time!

From here out the sex scenes pick up speed and it plays out how you would typically expect with Sayoko becoming more an more enamored with BADASS-sensei. I imagine everyone won't have too much trouble following along from this point.

There are two possible outcomes both of which are instant win. A more tender pregnant ending(Includes sex on a beach with awesomely tanned, preggo Sayoko and must be expressed in some combination of DAYUM! Hot! Good Lord! OMG! Fine! Goodomgdamnhotfine?) and a more depraved dog bitch ending(Features hair color and sluttier clothing changes, barking--Japanese dogs say 'wan wan' if anyone hasn't figured that out yet, and double peace ahegaos.)

One additional note of strangeness. The music selections in this game are some of the weirdest I've ever heard in an ero game. They'll be times where BADASS-sensei is getting yelled at and yet a relaxing island song is playing in the background, and the main theme during a lot of the sex scenes has these awesome guitar riffs that make me feel like I went to the future where Wyld Stallions have solved all of Earth's problems through the power of rock. Given that it first plays in what is technically a rape scene, despite it being h-game rape where the girl gives up and likes it way too fast, it's like the game itself knows that BADASS-sensei is just too awesome to deserve anything less than a power ballad.

I could make a few minor complaints; for example, the husband is a pratical non-entity, and the interface leaves a bit to be desired, but for a budget title that was made by like a grand total of five people(and that's including the voice actress!)
this is easily one of the best netori games out there.

In conclusion, play it now or I am disappoint!

Thanks for reading!
i officially nominate P☆A会長は好きですか?~傲慢セレブ妻へのセックス指導~ for the "SO MUCH WIN" game of the year award xD
Hah, it would have been nicer to preview for 麻呂の患者はガテン系, but unfortunately the only demos I could find were off the budget ntr titles. Unfortunately, indie companies rarely release demos and others like Altier Sakura/Miel/Monogram are formulaic so everyone pretty much knows what to expect T.T. Keeping an eye out for 義妹だからできること as I've always been a big Mink fan =).

Anyhow, nice review on P☆A会長は好きですか?! I had a quick playthrough and while I didn't quite have your upbeat outlook (lol), I still thought it was generally an amusing game. My biggest gripe would have to be the lack of meaningful choices, but still a great job from such a small studio! At the moment I'm working twice as hard to clear up my workload in time for the 4/26 releases. Feels like it's been forever since we've had stuff to look forward to!
Hello guys.
Well, I downloaded this game: P☆A会長は好きですか?~傲慢セレブ妻へのセックス指導~
but it gives me some weird characters in the dialogues (they go back to normal after I click on the "sys" options).
Just wondering, how did you guys (the ones who already played this) correct this? (my pc setting is already in Japanese).
PS: There is an awesome guitar riff in the scenes.
Hello guys.
Well, I downloaded this game: P☆A会長は好きですか?~傲慢セレブ妻へのセックス指導~
but it gives me some weird characters in the dialogues (they go back to normal after I click on the "sys" options).
Just wondering, how did you guys (the ones who already played this) correct this? (my pc setting is already in Japanese).
PS: There is an awesome guitar riff in the scenes.

Change your display language to Japanese and later you need the h-code /HBC*0@469250 /KS
I still have the problem.
Maybe because I have W7HB. Oh well, I guess I'll have to deal with it.
As mentioned in the main thread I've got an eroge review blog and sometimes review netorare games. Recently reviewed Gakuen NTR. I'll link it here since there isn't much point to having a whole subforum of our own if you just stick to one thread.
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Awesome reviews Bastard!

Thanks SnowPatrol, god the first game was f-ing hot especially thanks to the art, it's ashame Oda Non isn't back for this so it might not be as unbelievably great but I'm still really looking forward to it since the new artist's work still looks impressive.
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As mentioned in the main thread I've got an eroge review blog and sometimes review netorare games. Recently reviewed Gakuen NTR. I'll link it here since there isn't much point to having a whole subforum of our own if you just stick to one thread.
Nice review as always, I like how you mention the ero scenes being just the right length as that is an important point for me in nukige.
I did play the game (lured in by drills ojou) with zero expectations and it managed to keep me entertained in all fronts :whistle:, sanbaka dudes and the phone sex scenes were the best part. Not a complete waste of time like most recent ntr nukige but nothing remarkable, if you like any of the heroine archetypes give it a go.

It's 麻呂の患者はガテン系2 time! Are you a bad enough dude to deliver ramen by bike and help old people with simple chores!?

As this is a straight-through explanation of the game, heavy spoilers will abound. You've been warned!

The game starts in the clinic where the previous game ended. The new girl has entered and FM(Short for Fucking Maro, the doctor profag) is about to get up to his usual antics of booby-touching and silly noises. He's stopped by Sakimi, who appears in her nurse outfit and warns the girl that FM is a sick bastard. The girl panics and leaves, then Sakimi proceeds to knock out FM. He wakes up tied to the examining table and Sakimi informs him she's here for revenge. She proceeds to give him multiple(painful?) hand jobs. PROTIP: In the real world, sneaking in to a married woman's house and raping her will probably result in jail, NOT hand jobs. Also, you must have to really have to try to be a loser, weirdo when you have a cock the size of a woman's forearm. @_@

After FM's punishment, Sakimi tells him that she and her husband are returning to the clinic to continue the examination. FM is confused, but isn't really in any position to argue since he's tied down by rubber hoses and has a woman trying to squeeze his cock off.

The day of the exam, the husband tells Sakimi he wants her to dress like she did before when they went to the clinic: no-bra and a mini skirt. She gets confused and is a bit hesitant, but he persists and she does so. This is the start of the husband starting to act strange. They go to the clinic where FM is on his best, non-creepy gynecologist behavior. The husband(who from here on will be called RH, short for Retard Husband) seems disappointed FM isn't trying to feel up his wife or say lewd things. FM doesn't rise to any of the bait and finishes by saying both Sakimi and RH check out and should be able to have a healthy baby without any trouble. Sakimi thanks him and is ready to go, but RH isn't budging. He then tries to say that his wife is sick and FM should examine her. Sakimi protests and the doctor says there probably isn't any need, so then RH says she has a bug bite on her thigh that he's worried about and FM should check out. He hikes up one of her legs resulting in massive panty flashing which embarrasses Sakimi and she runs out.

Cut to later, Sakimi comes by to visit FM like she used to, coming in through the window. They talk and she says RH has been acting strange lately and they talk about whether or not he knows FM snuck in a fucked her, other shit, etc. She says she loves her husband and hopes everything will be okay and doesn't want to get divorced. FM thinks that's too bad, though, because if she got divorced she could marry him. Cue headlock and punching. Hilarity ensues. -_- The subject changes to finding a girl for FM. He says that the girl who had come into the clinic previously seemed nice and had big tits, so would probably be great, but she hasn't come back ever since Sakimi said FM was going to molest her(Probably a good idea on her part. >_>). 'Oh yeah. My bad...'

Sakimi returns another day with more info on the girl. Her name is Yukina, she's 22 and works with her brother, who's 29, in a ramen shop nearby. She went to the shop and talked to Yukina, apologizing for what she said about FM and saying it wasn't true. FM goes to the ramen shop, but after eating realizes he forgot his wallet. Hilarity ensues. -_- After the big brother almost kicks the shit out of him for being a no-money having, suspicious weirdo, they manage to work it out. Later, when Sakimi comes by and they're talking, Yukina shows up to apologize for what happened, the three talk for a bit. Exposition, exposition, wrap this up, I'm fucking boooored!

Also, at some point, could be around now, could be a bit later, Sakimi says that her husband wants to go back to the clinic and for FM to do another full examination what with the groping and poking and all. The doctor is hesitant, since the last time he did that he got his hands crushed, but Sakimi says it is important and hopefully it will help fix her recently-strange marraige.

After that, FM visits Yukina's ramen shop every day for the next three or four days. Each time you can choose whether the food was good or not and this plays into things later.

EXAMINATION SUNDAY comes round again, though while she's back in the mini skirt, Sakimi did put a bra on this time, though probably just to have more variations on booby-touching cgs. You can play this out two ways. It's clear by this point that RH is a weirdo. All of his insecurities and issues have come to a head and he's stressed out/angry over not being able to satisfy his wife.

If you stay serious/don't act like a pervert in the face of the husband trying to get you to do more and more to his wife, you go down the reverse NTR route. After groping and other stuff with FM not reacting to the RH's increasingly pointed questions about his wife and her fidelity, Sakimi ends up on all fours on the examining table, with the doctor probing/fingering her. The whole time Sakimi is saying she doesn't care about other men and loves RH while RH accuses her of flirting with other guys at works, probably wanting to bang them, etc. This leads to Sakimi blowing her husband while FM is still examining her, then RH going Hulk Smash mode, flipping her around and fucking her in the middle of the clinic, while ranting stuff. Sakimi uses this as a chance to restore their relationship and the doctor helps her. So the profag doctor gets NTRed by the husband of the woman he's fallen in love with. @_@ Cut to a year later where Sakimi is nursing her baby and is happy, with things having gone back to normal-ish and FM being sad and lonely again.

If you go along with RH's perverted questions, halfway through RH gets super horny and jumps on Sakimi like Lupin going after Fujiko. Sakimi knocks him out though, apologizes, and drags him off, leaving FM going, 'What the fuck?'

If you said the ramen was tasty every time at this point, you get a sad ending where the shop has closed, Yukina has disappeared, and Sakimi has worked things out with her husband, resulting in RM not getting any and the game ending.

If you said the ramen sucked big sumo balls every time, then Sakimi visits again and talks more about how weird her husband is being. She also says she saw a girl that looks like Yukina handing out tissues in the shopping district. (This is a common way people advertise things in Japan. People will stand around a busy area passing out tissues along with a flyer for their business, restaurant, etc. You get the tissues as an apology/thank you for accepting the flyer.) FM goes to check it out and finds Yukina in a mini skirt and low-cut top handing out tissues and being slightly harassed by older men. When he goes to the shop later, he finds the place about half-full, where previously it had only ever been him. Most of the guys are there to perv on the sister, making her bend over to refill water glasses or stoop down to pick up things they conveniently drop. Each day the places fills up more and more and FM finds out that this was the brother's idea to drum up some business.

This comes to a head when the place is jam-packed with perverts, and when one starts to grope Yukina, FM flips out and starts using his Crazy Maro Kung Fu Doctor skills resulting in a huge brawl. A bunch of shit gets broke and the brother gets pissed, but Yukina steps in to defend FM. The brother demands to know what they're going to do now that FM has scared off all the perverts that were populating the place, and his sister suggests they could try to start doing home delivery. The brother dismisses this idea 'cause it would mean having to hire a delivery person and not having the money, etc., but then decides he'll try it if FM agrees to do it to pay off the debt he's incurred because of the fight. FM steps in at this point and correctly points out that this is fucking stupid, because he's a doctor for crying out loud and could easily just pay off the damages, which aren't really that extensive. The brother says no dice, and he can either agree to work for him or he'll call the police. He gives in and we're all set for more hilarious hijinks... with our new ramen delivery boy doctor who paints his face like a court official from ancient Japan... Sorry, guys, what the fuck game am I playing again?

There's another branching path here. Each day, FM goes out and does deliveries. The people he goes to are usually elderly, and he's frequently asked to assist them in some way. Hilarity ensues. -_- If you help them, each day the store will get more and more popular, with more and more orders coming in and the store being praised for there awesome, if weird, delivery man. If he doesn't help, orders trickle in, but not really enough to be good business.

Sakimi comes by sometimes before or after work, and talks about how her relationship with RH is getting worse and how weird he's acting. He's doing all sorts of things outside of actual sex and it's leaving her really frustrated. At one point her and FM have a knee-pillow ear cleaning session that turns into a tit-sucking session, that turns into a paizuri session, which seemed kind of weird to me, but I think was supposed to be an indicator of how the two are growing closer. Later, she says that RH has invited them to their home for dinner, and while FM is intially wary he agrees.

When dinner night rolls around, RH is acting his usual strange self. He gets FM really drunk then insists he stay the night, and even conspires to lock Sakimi out of the bathroom in her underwear. FM has the option to go for it or not. If he decides to nail her, he takes her from behind in front of the bathroom and they end up getting found out by the husband, who jacks off from the other side of the door. This leads to probably the happiest of the endings where Sakimi and FM are happily married and have a baby together. I could be wrong about this part because I saw this scene after I was generally fed-up with the game, but it also seems like this is what the husband wanted as well, with FM and Sakimi taking pictures to send to RH saying it will make him happy.

If FM doesn't take advantage of the situation, he and Sakimi go to bed in the same room and RH sleeps on the couch. They chat for a bit and then go to bed. If you helped the old people during deliveries, the game continues, if you didn't, the shop fails and you get an ending where FM finds Yukina working in a soapland for reasons that will be explained later.

The game continues and the ramen shop becomes super popular, but one day the brother steps outside with FM and tells him to fuck off and not come back because he's fired. He doesn't see Yukina any more and is a sad Maro. After a while, Yukina comes into the clinic as a patient and apologizes for not seeing him and says he deserves an explanation. The brother fired him in order to hire his cousin. Their uncle is the one who's given them the money for the shop and supported them, and since his son wanted a job, he had to fire FM. Sakimi shows up and the three spend more time together. Sakimi suggests that the three have a cherry blossom viewing party one evening and Yukina agrees after some hesitation.

When the time comes, the three go to the party with Sakimi having to leave due to some 'urgent business' to let the two be alone. They spend some time together and Yukina confesses that the shop has been doing really poorly lately. The nephew is lazy and they've lost a lot of the business that FM had created for them by being so nice and good with the older people. She asks if he'll consider coming back and helping them again. He says he will if Yukina will sleep with him. She thinks about it and is flustered, but says she doesn't want her brother's shop to fail and is probably going to agree when FM plays it off and says of course he'll come back and help them. When they drive home that night, FM kisses her before leaving, and Yukina is surprised.

Sakimi hears everything and is all like, 'You da man now dog!' She helps him prepare to ask Yukina out, and FM goes one evening to talk to her. He confesses and she gets sad and tells him no way. He's sad and confused and wants to know who she's dating. She tells him she can't go out with him because she's already married. To *drumroll* HER BROTHER! It turns out they're not actually brother and sister, but have been pretending to be siblings for business. She tries to apologize, but FM is stunned and just leaves. Once again the unmarried guy has been NTRed.

He goes home despondent, where Sakimi is waiting with confetti to congratulate him. He tells her to turn out the light and then Fucking Maro starts to cry like Nancy Kerrigan. He bawls for a while, then tells her to go home 'cause he's going to kill himself. She makes him explain and then lets him suck her tits like a baby while consoling him. This leads to a pity fuck, which is touching but this bastard wasn't exactly thrilled.

Some time later FM gets an e-mail from Sakimi that reads 'Help m-'; right after, he gets a call from Yukina, where she apologizes and says she wants him to come to the ramen shop to talk, but if he doesn't come now it won't matter because she'll never see him again.


We'll continue by going down the Yukina route first, since the other route leads to the true end. FM rushes over to the ramen shop, to find it closed and no one around. He goes inside, where the lights are off, and is surprised by naked Yukina who apologizes a bunch a starts blowing him. This is too weird even for a guy who looks like a clown most of the time, so he stops her and you get a scene sort of like in the old game with Misaki where you can ask her a bunch of questions, those these are more about Yukina's life and getting the truth out of her.

She explains that she'd been neighbors with her husband since childhood, they grew up together and when she turned 18 they got married. Because of the big age gap and having been together for so long, it was easy for them to play brother and sister for the business.
You can also ask questions about her sex experience and while she's only ever been with her husband, he's trained her pretty thoroughly and it becomes clear she'd gotten a pretty big hidden pervert side.

When asked about why it had to be tonight, Yukina explains that it's because her husband is out tonight visited the relative that gave them the money for the store, and apologizing for an incident. Not only was his son a terrible employee, he also would molest Yukina. Both husband and wife tried to bear it but finally he tried to put it in and she refused him. Because of this the uncle is mad now and refuses to help them anymore. Yukina is going to be his new live-in maid until the husband can pay off their debt, but she still thanks FM because thanks to his earlier efforts they managed to do well for a little while and the uncle isn't going to make her work in a soapland(which is where that previous ending came from).

So to thank him and express the feelings she also felt for FM, they do it. This is a pretty hot scene because Yukina, who had been somewhat boring before compared to Sakimi really transforms into a different character. Then, you can choose to watch Yukina's epilogue or find out what happened to Sakimi. If you watch the epilogue, it's Yukina and her husband visiting
the uncle. The husband has to sit there miserable while his relative explains that he owns his wife now until their debt is paid off. Yukina is agreeing to everything the uncle says and doesn't even flinch from anything he says since she's trying to protect her husband from her refusing the nephew. Pretty good NTR value(probably the best in the game, though that's not saying a ton, really...) because it ends with the uncle bending her over right in front of the husband.

On the other route, FM calls Sakimi but can't get through, he finally hears from her a few days later and she assures him that she's okay and things are fine now, even though you can hear something strange is going on over the line. A while goes by without hearing any more and she doesn't respond to phone calls or e-mails. Then one evening a huge trunk shows up at FM's door. It comes with a laptop, and when FM turns it on, there's a note to the effect of 'This is the wife's private property. She's knows the combination. If you can't figure it out watch the video on this laptop. The doctor is the only one that can rescue her. Boy, this game keeps taking weird-ass turns, huh? Maybe the writer does lots of drugs and can only come up with interesting ideas 3/4ths of the time?' >_>

If someone wants to fill in the details here, others might appreciate it more. As for me, as soon as I saw where things were going I completely stopped caring and started skipping ahead to finish this and go back to see the true route. The video starts the night Sakimi sent the 'help m-' e-mail. It's two guys, one of which works at their same company, and an older guy, who might as well but SUPER DON'T CARE. They start bossing around Sakimi, who doesn't take a lot of their shit, but doesn't fight back either. They produce a paper written and signed by her husband that says he agrees to loan his wife to them to do whatever they want.

Why did he do this? No straight idea and no desire to wade through a bunch of un-voiced kanji to figure it out. Let's just choose a reason at random, instead!

A. He's a loser, wack-job that helped make the game fail to live up to any potential by being pathetic, unlikable, and getting almost no POV time. Also, in this game he's developed some netorase tendencies and keeps trying to get people to fuck his wife.

B. He's being blackmailed/otherwise coerced into letting the guys fuck his wife. Maybe he screwed up on a business deal, or borrowed money, or something? I think this is mostly it, then with a little bit of A involved, but can't be assed to be sure.

C. He's been visited by himself from the future who has learned that the only way to keep Skynet from becoming self-aware and annihilating all humans is to let some older guys fuck his wife a bunch while he cries about it.

D. A wizard did it.

This leads to various scenes over multiple days where they're bossing her around and making her do stuff. They have her go buy condoms and do other embarrassing things before sexing her up. She doesn't enjoy it, but doesn't fight back, sometimes while the husband sits beside her blubbering. The perspective in these scenes are weird. Sometimes it's just open, sometimes it's from the husband's viewpoint so you have to listen to all the crap going through his head, which I guess is supposed to create NTR feelings, but seriously, fuck the husband. Other times you get options to attack the two guys, but that's what the doctor is thinking as he watches the video and when you select one, you get the husband replying to the doctor saying he can't and the husband is too much of a pussy to stop them. MIND BLOWN. People are having conversations in their head with other people who aren't present. Da fuck?

The animation, as always, is good, but Sakimi doesn't really do or say much in these scenes after initial resistance and her husband's insistence other than the generic background voice moans. One of them she's not even conscious, the guy just fucks her while the husband wallows in angst and remembers when they first met or something like that. When the guy blows his load, Sakimi grabs onto him and calls out for the doctor. It turns out the combination for the trunk is the day Sakimi and FM first met, and when FM opens the trunk Sakimi is lying inside surrounded by roses. FM is the one she really cares for and the husband is crazy and a loser and essentially gives her to him. The end.

If you go back and watch the true ending, when FM gets the first e-mail from Sakimi he rushes over to her house, finds the guys messing with her and beats the ever loving hell of them. Somehow, this resolves whatever was letting the two guys do this, or doesn't? Don't know, if it doesn't maybe they're just too afraid to try anything to her with crazy clown kung-fu doctor around. Sakimi and the husband thank him and ask him to stay over after putting him through all the trouble. No sex, no nothing. Sakimi and he husband are still together and as far as I can tell FM isn't getting any. Cut to a few months later, where Sakimi drops buy and says FM has a guest, it's Yukina! Da fuck? -_-

She's divorced her husband and moved back to the neighborhood. There's no explanation or anything given. Since you never met up with her the last time, you don't know about any of the stuff she revealed, so I don't even know if any of it holds true in this route. If so, that's a shame, 'cause she was much more interesting as a secret pervert than cute and boring. She's going to be around now and would like to visit again. After she leaves Sakimi talks about a festival she wants to go to and tells FM he should take her. FM says she should get her husband to take her, but she says her husband said the same thing: go with FM instead. He agrees, they go, she looks cute in a yukata, then as their leaving what appears to be a ghost comes up behind them and they freak out. Hilarity ensues. -_- Game over. ...You know, I'm really kind of starting to fucking hate this series... /sigh

If you can enjoy the story, the game is great because it's got so great production values and strong characterization for Sakimi. She's wonderful. I really think the writer more just set out to make the player fall in love with her, and then it won't matter who else is doing her, you'll be sad because it's not you. Reckon that works better on the Japanese audience. When she's cute, you go 'd'aaaw', when she's sad, you get sad, when she's getting fucked by two randos that are introduced very late in the story... you get bored and go make a sandwich, but the idea is there!

Let's not forget the 'to be continued' slapped onto the end. Why? I have no idea. It seems to me they've more or less run out of things to do with these characters, which means I expect lots of ass-pulls and weird situations. At this point, though, I'm invested enough to want to see if something finally fucking happens, though, so I'll be giving ELF more or my money down the road like all the other chumps. I'm going to hold out hope that Fucking Maro's lifelong rival and nemesis Bastard Maro makes an appearance, discovers FM's recent good fortune and steals away both girls, turning them into complete sluts. I'd give that about a snowball's chance in hell, but I can dream, right? xD So that's Maro 2. I hope other can enjoy it, or at least got something useful out of this. ^_^ Sorry for any typos!

Thanks for reading!
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I fast forwarded through most of the game, and my AGTH skills are bad, so this has been eye opening, god the story is just.... wtf? Can't wait for part 2 :)
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Reviewed Chuukoi, which isn't much of an NTR game in terms of having many netorare scenes to fap to, since it isn't a nukige, but it's got some strong NTR-related themes. And a few NTR scenes to fap to. Good game with a unique premise.
Nice review AB!! Curious to hear your impressions.

While I ended up rushing the 2nd half (Yukina is so damn boring), I can't help but feel Maro 2 was lacking in some regards. In terms of dialogue/writing, the humor in Maro 1 really made the game for me. Maro is so retarded to the point of endearment =P and Sakimi gets nicely developed over the course of the game. For whatever reason, I couldn't find myself as engaged with Maro 2 as the game felt a little directionless at points.

At least this one was NTR I suppose. Oh and a giant plus for the sex scenes (love Sakimi).
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Just edited the original post to have the full review, and glad to be done! Now I can wash my hands of it.

@TheKenoshaKid , nice review! I really enjoy your writing. Keep up the good work.
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A short review for 僕だけが知らない恋人と姉妹がビッチギャルになった理由... and once more a trashy game done by the not so great Miel :(

- No progression in the story: you begin the game, you have each character presented, then the scenario throw you 3 false choices (doesn't matter what you choose) and you literally see a bunch of ntr cgs for each girl... Heck! I could do something like that with random cgs imported from various games. Even my little sister could do that! :alopro:
And what a short game...

- Weird art: character design was ok, but seriously, are these weird poses supposed to be ahegao? I'll confess I'm not a fan at all of ahegao, but at least when they are done they should be done well, like in Black Lilith games for example.

- Average voices: nothing to say here, but it's not that convincing.

Conclusion: another disappointment...
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