Nyaa situation

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Re: Problems with nyaa.se

I think it is just a matter of patience...the jerks who are doing the attacks will get bored and move on ..they always do...and we can return to normal and the main subbers are keeing at their work as is good so i am sure we will be ok in time.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

The best thing to do is to ignore attacks and pretend this is normal. Meh~
There are many places to get releases. People are just too lazy to google.
Also, this should encourage a couple of people to make torrent trackers. The more sources and alternatives the better.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

The best thing to do is to ignore attacks and pretend this is normal. Meh~
There are many places to get releases. People are just too lazy to google.
Also, this should encourage a couple of people to make torrent trackers. The more sources and alternatives the better.

Anime aside, there are other things available on nyaa that are much more difficult to obtain elsewhere. Visual Novels, for instance.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Anime aside, there are other things available on nyaa that are much more difficult to obtain elsewhere. Visual Novels, for instance.
But this is already a haven for VN's =w=/
Girlcelly rocks that place and he's here.
And if you think Nyaa is the sole place to get PSP VNS and VNs , you're wrong.
There are private trackers that posts them a week or day earlier than Nyaa.
Plus IRC bots at a certain channel.. *wink*
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

But this is already a haven for VN's =w=/
Girlcelly rocks that place and he's here.
And if you think Nyaa is the sole place to get PSP VNS and VNs , you're wrong.
There are private trackers that posts them a week or day earlier than Nyaa.
Plus IRC bots at a certain channel.. *wink*

I'm not sure about private trackers because they're... well, private, and as I've said before DDLs really suck for me so I've gotta rely on torrents. I know that nyaa isn't the only tracker out there but it's certainly a lot more convenient.

In any case, as long as I can still get my daily dose of anime I'm not too flustered, but I do hope that nyaa goes back up... and stays that way, soon.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

I think it is just a matter of patience...the jerks who are doing the attacks will get bored and move on ..they always do...and we can return to normal and the main subbers are keeing at their work as is good so i am sure we will be ok in time.

agreed ... things will go back to normal in time

I'm not so sure the attacks will stop because they get bored and they move on ... because I DO suspect that the Japanese govt is behind the attacks ... they are just not publicly saying so

I think in time the attacks will stop when they see that the attacks are not doing what they hope they will

The best thing to do is to ignore attacks and pretend this is normal. Meh~
There are many places to get releases. People are just too lazy to google.
Also, this should encourage a couple of people to make torrent trackers. The more sources and alternatives the better.

yep :D ... this attack didnt even slow down my getting the new ep's for the series I am watching ... the alternate sites dont seem to be getting targetted at all

Anime aside, there are other things available on nyaa that are much more difficult to obtain elsewhere. Visual Novels, for instance.

yeah there are ... Nyaa IS a great site for music ... and that does make this attack annoying ... I have tried getting music from other sources like ASL ... and the biggest problem with them as a source is they dont have much of a selection, and the file download sites they use are so abysmally slow it can take hours just to get one single album :yawn:

as of yet PirateBay is not a good source for J-Pop music

so I'll just wait for Nyaa to come back up ... then I can keep building my music collection :D

@ pichu655889 ... nice that you seem to like Mizore too :nekopara_staaare: ... she was my favorite character from that series too :puniko_happy:
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Re: Problems with nyaa.se

I'm not sure about private trackers because they're... well, private, and as I've said before DDLs really suck for me so I've gotta rely on torrents. I know that nyaa isn't the only tracker out there but it's certainly a lot more convenient.

In any case, as long as I can still get my daily dose of anime I'm not too flustered, but I do hope that nyaa goes back up... and stays that way, soon.

Then the more public torrent trackers that caters on JP culture, the better.
That way, there wont be any centralized attacks.Someone once mentioned, killing piracy is like killing Hydra.
Unfortunately, we just need those heads to show up.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Seems that not just in the RL the war is, but also in the virtual world... Well, indeed, Girlcelly has torrent-applications, what nice is, but self this torrent-links are to Nyaa linked, what then meaningless is they to use - and DDLs really not the best... :sigh: Megaupload was so what of great...

...But so far the subbers (Subdesu and like) still active are, is me then so far okay...>_y
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Agreed Nanashi1-san, sub desu is fine as are the other main subbers we will be ok.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Actually this is what karma is in my opinion. What goes around, comes around. Over the last few years that I have been around nyaa my impression of their admin team has been nothing but tasteless. They are like a group of closed up society that believes they are better than everyone else. Before someone gets angry over my statement allow me to explain via an example. Like Sakamichi suggested that more trackers are needed apart from nyaa, but believe it or not they have been for years now. On the top of my head I can give you Anirena or Doki. Both run by a capable team and when they started up their trackers they invited subbing groups to add their stuff to their sites but the response was lukewarm at best. And then nyaa admins decided they wanted to add insult to injury and restricted their tracker to not work with any other. The timing for such a move was impeccable. So those handful of people that actually considered adding their work retracted as well and who would blame them? Nyaa is the most popular and without issues, hence people would rather remain loyal to them. But as I said, karma is pretty powerful and so here we are.

I am not sure what their stance is now days since I haven't been around the anime circuit for a while now but at the time it was a pretty dick move. Hell even a hugely popular torrent tracker like piratebay never pulled a bullshit move like that and even played nice with their counterparts like demonoid back in the day. Not to mention popularity wise, nyaa doesn't even hold a candle to PB.

The way I see it, these attacks might not last long but will significantly cut down on users who access nyaa solely and that's a huge chunk of users. What is nyaa's loss will become a gain for other lesser known websites. Coldly speaking, an optimum time for other websites to get exposure at the expense of nyaa's downtime. Ironically though if I am not mistaken, even nyaa shot to fame on the corpse of a nyaa-like website that predated it but was taken down for piracy or something like that. The facts are a bit blurry but, this could be history trying to repeat itself.
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Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Like Sakamichi suggested that more trackers are needed apart from nyaa, but believe it or not they have been for years now..

Why are people calling mi Sakamichi...?! wwww..well wth :gakuran_haha:
You seem to know the history well LonerPrime. Can you cite more alternatives than Nyaa?
I think many readers need to know about this, rather than creying it all out on IRC like its the end of the world
Someone should also inform them that Nyaa is just a torrent tracker..not the subbers themselves.
The amount of misinformation circulating is ridiculous.
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Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Why are people calling mi Sakamichi...?! wwww..well wth :gakuran_haha:
You seem to know the history well LonerPrime. Can you cite more alternatives than Nyaa?
I think many readers need to know about this, rather than creying it all out on IRC like its the end of the world
Someone should also inform them that Nyaa is just a torrent tracker..not the subbers themselves.
The amount of misinformation circulating is ridiculous.

YOU WEREN'T SAKAMICHI :nyanmusu_what:

I instantly assumed when I saw your name that it was the Japanese word for slope :/

Yes! Share alternatives! I've been using XDCC for anime for quite a long time now but it would be nice to have alternative trackers for other media such as music (well, mainly music since I don't have the time for games/VNs)
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

YOU WEREN'T SAKAMICHI :nyanmusu_what:

I instantly assumed when I saw your name that it was the Japanese word for slope :/

Yes! Share alternatives! I've been using XDCC for anime for quite a long time now but it would be nice to have alternative trackers for other media such as music (well, mainly music since I don't have the time for games/VNs)
*slaps pichu655889 with a large trout*
It's a combination of Sake and Kimchi. Here's alternatives to Nyaa. If someone can add more, the better~


T/L'ed Visual Novel

Eroge and Anime
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Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Why are people calling mi Sakamichi...?! wwww..well wth :gakuran_haha:
You seem to know the history well LonerPrime. Can you cite more alternatives than Nyaa?
I think many readers need to know about this, rather than creying it all out on IRC like its the end of the world
Someone should also inform them that Nyaa is just a torrent tracker..not the subbers themselves.
The amount of misinformation circulating is ridiculous.

OH SNAP! Totally my bad there Sakimichi-kun :sowwy: That's my brain filling up blanks when I read faster. Gotta slow down.

As far as different trackers go there aren't many since the idiotic move of nyaa crippled a lot of enthusiasm but I am gonna list some websites that are useful:

1) Piratebay or its proxies: Believe it or not a lot of visual novels/anime/hentai content are actively available on PB. I found a lot of older stuff there and if anyone is looking for rare titles, make sure to have a look there as well. Here is a proxy list that effectively leads to their database.

2) http://tracker.anime-index.org/ [Mentioned Above] : A tracker by Doki. Even though the content mostly contains Doki's works but recently I have seen other people adding works there as well. A good place to look as well.

3) http://www.anirena.com/ [Mentioned Above] : A dedicated Japanese content torrent tracker, it's creator ran the website that predated nyaa. Needleless to say, a look there won't be a bad idea at all. Heck it's a great idea.

4) https://tokyotosho.info/search.php [Mentioned Above] : Master torrent tracker in a sense, it carries almost everything that is uploaded to various torrent trackers. UI is a bit clunky to use but when desperate, beggars can't be choosers. :rolleyes:

5) www.bakabt.me [Mentioned Above] : Ultimate place for torrents. This site is a hybrid of private and public tracker though they claim different. You need to maintain share ratio but best part is, you will nearly never have poorly seeded torrents. Icing of the cake is that they avoid copyrighted content like the plague so you would rarely find bakabt getting targeted by anti-piracy groups. But that is also the bad thing since a lot of stuff is also unavailable there. Still remains a preferred bastion for Japanese content due to longevity.

6) http://pornolab.net/forum/index.php : A Russian tracker dedicated mostly to the XXX content but plays host to all types of it. Hentai, VN, flash games etc. all make their homes there. Follows the concept of ratio maintenance just like bakabt. The issue of Russian language can be easily negated by the use of translator extension for browsers.


7) https://nipponsei.minglong.org/ : Of all the content that dies faster than anything else on nyaa, nothing beats music in that regard especially OSTz. If you are not fast enough, you might find your favorite music torrent dying soon after it's upload. Or in the case of bakabt, if a piece of music gets copyrighted you can be sure that it will be evicted from bakabt's lineup. It happened to me when I was trying to find the OST of Full Metal Alchemist[Original]. What saved me then was the XDCC of Nipponsei. It was amazing that how they ripped that OST years ago and even though most torrent sites didn't carry it anymore, Nipponsei still had it hosted on IRC.

Trust me when I say this, don't just stick to torrents or direct download, learn IRC XDCC protocol as well. It isn't a dragon to slay as people think it might be. It's easy and a lot of good guides are out there. Once you get the hang of it, you might prefer it over torrents as well. Not to mention it might be your last chance to find old copyrighted content.

Finally make it a habit to frequent the website of subbers themselves. When sites like nyaa go down, they are the most affected ones so they make alternate arrangements to cater the needs of the viewers. It's always a good idea to access their websites for the next best thing.

I'll continue this post if something else comes to mind and I invite other folks to add in as well.

Re: Problems with nyaa.se

*slaps pichu655889 with a large trout*
It's a combination of Sake and Kimchi.

So sorry! :nyanmusu_despair:

Thanks! Like LonerPrime said, this is a good opportunity for alternative trackers to be found. Hope they don't become targets themselves too, though.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Thanks! Like LonerPrime said, this is a good opportunity for alternative trackers to be found. Hope they don't become targets themselves too, though.

I assure you, even if they do get targeted, it won't be a fiasco as bad as nyaa. As someone else mentioned before in this thread, taking down one target is easy with constant barrage of attacks but when faced with multiple foes, you just can't attack all of them at the same time with the same tenacity.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

I can't help but wondering - could us be next?

Nevertheless, I have contracts with Staminus and Arbor for anti-ddos solution.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

I can't help but wondering - could us be next?

Nevertheless, I have contracts with Staminus and Arbor for anti-ddos solution.
Would a backup be nice too..? I'm worried about the malicious files mentioned by:

yes ... Nyaa is back up ! ! ! ! !

BUT BE CAREFUL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ... Be careful of the torrent files you download ! ! ! ! ! ... I went to download a torrent file from one of the scanlation groups I know, for a manga I have been collecting ... and after clicking on the link, the file name that my browser showed was NOTHING like what I has expected the filename to look like ... it looked like a computer generated file name that might have been stuck in the Nyaa database as a virus or some other type of malware ... so BEWARE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOWNLOADING ... THERE MAY BE VIRUSES OR OTHER NASTIES THAT GOT PUT INTO Nyaa's FILE LIST
I hope this place won't be targeted though. Imoutos should be loved..not hated.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

I do hope you folks backup your database regularly as well. I remember a prominent website that got it's database shredded after a hack left it crippled. A ddos wouldn't matter much if content gets poisoned.
Re: Problems with nyaa.se

Why are people calling mi Sakamichi...?! wwww..well wth :gakuran_haha:
You seem to know the history well LonerPrime. Can you cite more alternatives than Nyaa?
I think many readers need to know about this, rather than creying it all out on IRC like its the end of the world
Someone should also inform them that Nyaa is just a torrent tracker..not the subbers themselves.
The amount of misinformation circulating is ridiculous.
[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; i read her nick sakamichi too, until recently. LOL
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Re: Problems with nyaa.se

... Here's alternatives to Nyaa. If someone can add more, the better~

I have been using one of the ones you mentioned ... and it has worked great :D

Would a backup be nice too..? ...
I do hope you folks backup your database regularly as well. I remember a prominent website that got it's database shredded after a hack left it crippled. A ddos wouldn't matter much if content gets poisoned.

yes :) ... frequent backups are always a good idea ... I have seen some groups (especially more radical political groups) have their site completely trashed by assholes who flooded their site with garbage posts ... and other groups who could laugh at attacks on their site because they did frequent backups and all they lost was maybe a few valid posts made prior to the attack

You guys are hurting my feels

hmmmm ... maybe I should be glad I didnt use the translation of my name into Japanese ... hehehehehe not sure what I might be getting called :eek:
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