please any new link ?
I cant download it , it is not available , also please I need :
1- YashiroAmamiya's Item Resolver NEO v1.1.0
2- YashiroAmamiya's Item Resolver v1.1.1
3- lwlin's More Slot ID v1.2
4- Saw2008's Clothing & Hair Mod Package
5- UI Translation AIO
6- 0630 grt_all (Run the honeyparty_01_plus_0630grt_all.exe and click "Yes" to extract it)
Download link:!wsQDiRIL!wpoZA4tOKxXe8RwFdXWIdEF4YGHLPJ5PXZI46vqgGvU contains the latest translate at all times more or less, just grab it from there.
I'm going through the existing TL and cleaning up all the hilarious machine TLs now, might take a while but when it's done, there (and discord ofc) is where it'll end up ;)
Someone added a new "Bewitching" subtitle file on the Hongfire thread about the Honey Select AIO Translation. Please give him my thanks, as I cannot post on Hongfire. His name is "Hunterrod."
Hi there. Since May (and after seeing what fakku failed to deliver) I kinda got back to fix/rework the translation for HS. After collecting every translation I could find on hongfire and other sources and forums, I added them to a package and added some missing lines and changed others withing the translations. Then released UI Translation AIO 5-18-19. We are at the moment three people working on making the translations better, even revamped the UI graphics to make the game load faster and Battle Arena actually playable due to proper translations. You can find the latest Translation file here:!thJxVYSa!55AhgBBSI3ux_V8ZwLQddvS-AvOFmEUuHEq0BxTRxNI. We are still working on it and keep improving the translation. Just wait for more :-).
Since the last post there was another release of the english translation. We are still (slowly) working on improving the stuff and at least squeeze out another update later this year. Until then, here's the link to the latest AIO translation-file:!dT4glYRb!zbag8ZLDSlSJG3Tgy-J1DuwOoEUMfwSp_TX-09I4LFg
Working this time, until there is another action from you know who for licencing reasons.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying