11. instead I show up out of no where....innocent and cute, then gets a handbomb !
[MENTION=10870]Vietx2k[/MENTION] Amazing story I read some pages back, I was thinking the whole time, it wasn't really to make him jealous ! Her plan worked....she totally bagged you. But not that I would really have any clue about any of it, just what my imagination painted.
Well since this was for Deca....*still a hand bomb* not for me
[MENTION=10870]Vietx2k[/MENTION] Oh I'm doing fine thank you, well sorta, ah yeah its my birthday today lol, I almost forgot^^ So I guess I'm doing one year older right now:D
Also you know I was hinting to that it was her plan to have an excuse in order to get close too you from the very start ?
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] Read what it says below [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION] and above his avatar ;P Busted! It must be easy to hide around here. Is that what is called "hiding in plain site" ?