Pass the bomb.... [FUN] xD


i thought that the rules don't allow such big timer xD

Oh well

P.S WB AS :3 missed you all \(^o^)/

Let just go with both ;)

Darn Rali-kun notice D:

/me run ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘
hmm two bombs then...
28~*kami-onii-chan throw the bomb in the runing ego
88~*kami-onii-chan hugs the bomb
86 okay defy me eh

time for you to die
16 /me throws bomb to kami

76 /me throws bomb to renano

25 /me throws bomb to egozi

lol many bombs:XD:

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