29! Aaaaaaaaaaand... The list of victims has come!!!! I've been looking for quite a long time for my new victims! But now I have finally hid the bomb! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Here are the places I could have hid it in:
1. I may have sneaked it in [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION]'s clothes when the rift was closing!
2. It could be now be hidden in [MENTION=9628]Arylin[/MENTION]'s book shelf!!!
3. I had an opportunity to place it in [MENTION=26533]Kionea[/MENTION]'s piano when I listened to him playing not long ago...
4. I could have hid it in [MENTION=10115]Kacta[/MENTION]'s dakimakura's yet again. ;p
5. It may now be somewhere [MENTION=10646]Unown[/MENTION]'s imouto's underwear drawers...
6. I may have placed it in [MENTION=29193]Nanashii[/MENTION]'s kitchen.
7. What if I threw it in [MENTION=87]Franky[/MENTION]'s closet now?!
8. I finally found the place where [MENTION=26]Ou-sama[/MENTION] stays now. Not a bad place... bomb may or may not be placed there. Even if research on how to blow himself is still being conducted right now, I can blow up his belongings and make quite a few problems for him...
9. I visited [MENTION=30467]Villain[/MENTION]'s secret laboratory this day. What could there be now..?
10. I lurked through the shadows and was finally able to get to [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION]'s room when he went to toilet. The bomb could be placed there somewhere...
11. I went ahead and showed myself a way to [MENTION=36910]pannya[/MENTION]'s bag...
12. I broke to [MENTION=33968]Monjster[/MENTION]'s alcohol collection again, and I may have replaced yet another bottle with a bomb...
13. [MENTION=39716]choonagi[/MENTION] is a really poor one. I just saw him posting one time and decided that I can plant a bomb in his martial arts belts collection... No hard feeling pal, you are simply an extra victim. Better go check that belt collection fast, eh?
Have fun searching for the bomb again...