Pass the bomb.... [FUN] xD

14... like give me five! (clap on hand together with another person)
13 [MENTION=26209]kami-onii-chan[/MENTION] hug? hi 5? bomb??
12.... mmm... i havent yawned even once... in this 42 hours ive been up
11. Ohh... you might beat my record of staying up 4 days and 4 nights!
0 Does that mean youre giving it to him~ xD
21 of course >.<
i should show my appreciation for bombing me all the time~
...shoudlnt forget about rena here :traitor:
Lol so off for revenge~ 20 Of course i never bomb anyone unless they give me the bomb first~
me neither, i dont really want to bomb anyone. i just return everything hundredfold :traitor:
...or maybe not~

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