Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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I have the following that are mine:
- Geodude xD
- Relicanth
- Luvdisc x2
- Greninja
- Eevee (hatched but now it's Sylveon)
- Azurill (Got this as a gift from my Lady Renano <3)
- Meditite (4IV Competitive, traded)
Hello, pokemon trainers:)

Did you see my message?

Is there someone who has ID46707?
It's my masterball's ID. I guess there is not such person, but if there is, I want to trade.
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[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
What is masterball id?
btw, speaking of masterball, I won a masterball from lottery several days ago...not exactly sure what to use it on though...Maybe for event pokemon or sumthing ~.~
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Congratz! I mean that ID. I didn't try lottery yet, thus that ID don't change. If I get ID46707, I can get masterball.
I want to get all legend pokemon by masterball:D

Today I got a this Eevee(in preciousball). How should I breed him?
Jolly H24 A24 B28 C24 D30 S31
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
HABCDS...is this some kind of short form that the Japanese used? I see a lot of this in Japanese GTS but dont really get what it really mean in the beginning lol.
H= Hit Points (HP)
A= Attack
B= Defense
C= Special Attack (Sp.Atk)
D= Special Defense (Sp.Def)
S= Speed
I don't know why they are called like that. But they are often used in Japanese web-site.
H=HP, ABCD is the order of alphabet, and S=Speed? It's weird lol.

I decided to make him evolve to Leafeon after I copied him:)
YAY! a 5 IV goomy :3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's hydration again....
[MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION] ;
I have one with sap-slipper, but it is not lv 1 anymore, because it is the one I left in the day care~ it is male/modest with 31/x/31/31/31/31
@ lv 35 or something
[MENTION=16858]AkiraUmi[/MENTION] ;
I am fine because mine is not a Goomy anymore, to be more precise, I am offering you:

Goodra(M) lvl50 @healball
ability: Gooey
nature: Modest
iv: 31/x/31/31/31/31
ev: cant remember exactly but it is along the line of 252HP/120SpAttack/Remaining Sp.D but I have a reset bag ready so I can always reset if you ask for it
egg move: none

If possible, I would like to ask for your Sap Sipper goomy to be evolved into Goodra...coz evolving Goodra can be pain in the @ss. I will leave the EV distribution up to you, I will just reset if I dont like it. Also please nicknamed the goodra into 'Gummy' XD

[MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION] ;
is your Goodra male or female? coz I just got a 5 IV modest goomy with gooey :3 but it is male it would also be nice to have a female one for passing the HA if I might have to breed again a 5 IV gooey goomy or somthing. youll never know :D

Anyways, if yours is female I really would like to trade :) if not we can also trade and it doesnt have to be a 5 IV pokemon but a 4 or 3 IV one would also be nice ^^"
can you offer something?
I goomy was my first IV bred pokemon...so it would help me so much if I do not have to breed that 4 IV female HA pokemon again ~
just took me 6 hours to get one with gooey :D
well, if you don't have anything, I will give it to you anyway, since I dont really need it ^^
but would be very helpful if you got something for me which would make my breeding a bit easier :3
dont you possibly have HA gligar/gliscor?

The goodra is @ premierball btw
the gooey dosnt have any EV yet, but eventually will if I train it for the evolution
dont have a reset bag though~
[MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION] ;
hmm, well. I already have many 4 IV gooey goomys~
so I just reminded that if I would get your 5 IV goodra I can use the masuda method on goomy and any other pokemon in dragon egg group :D
so let's trade your goodra for mine sap slipper one :)

ayaya, today i wont have time to evolve it to goodra~
let's trade tomorrow or the day after tomorrow^^
[MENTION=16858]AkiraUmi[/MENTION] ;

I have Ditto safari. FC is 0189-9526-2808 What is your FC?

[MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION];

Since it was asked how can you get perfect 5 IV Pokemon in Black and White I will provide some information just in case you don't know about RNG.
From gen 3 to gen 5 one way of getting perfect IV and shiny Pokemon is RNG.
Here are some links on how to.


Also on a side note, have you guys heard that you can clone in X and Y?

No it wasn't. Not cloning since that is done offline. What was patched was the Pokemon data checker (for SV and SID checking) and the (cheating) move predictor (when you were online battling other people it would tell you what move they chose) from online use.

Have you tried RNGing before?

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