Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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And it's my friend code.
リュータ 5241 - 3276 - 9389

Do you mean you want to breed your pokemon by yourself?
What you need to breed pokemon is not LOVE, but a rubber band. (Just saying. I love my pokemon very much lol )
I can now raise something like 3 Mons at once rather than two maximum with the new EXP share mechanics...also, I don't like to leave my game unattended because who knows if someone will snatch it away. But alas, we all got our ways to go about doing things...
Snatching away !? You can't relax even in your home...?
Anyways, it seems that you became able to breed your pokemon more efficiently than before. Congratulations.

I added you ^^
But says you don't me in your friend list. So you should add me too :3
I have to go to Mcdonalds' when I use wi-fi because I can't use it in my home. I'll add you when I go Mcd next time.
When is okay for you to trade? It's 16:45 in my region. I can use wi-fi in Mcd still 24:00 today. Another day is also no problem for me.
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; That's Fine ^^
I'll be online for pretty much the rest of the day. It's 15.30 here. I'll be online. If you see me, invite me for trade =)
I see. Then I'm going to Mcd now.
When I'm not in home, I can not watch this web-site. So I tell you my e-mail address by using PM. If you need to talk to me after now, please mail me. I tell you my laptop address, but I don't care if you tell me free address(yahoo, or google etc).
Why don't you ride on bicycle in Lumi0ose City? You can breed pokemon easily. As for moves, only you have to do is getting Heart Scale.

I got many Eevees because I hatched many eggs to get good Eevee for Sylveon. If there is someone who can trade with them, please let me know.
They all's IVs are 31-even number-31-30-31-30, so they all can use Fire Type Hidden Power. Nature is Modest. Plus, they all have four egg moves. Wish, Yawn, Fake tears, and Stored Power.
You can choose any ability(including Anticipation) if you don't care about gender. Almost them are male. My 1 box is filled with such Eevees.
Thank you.

Can I have 1 too? Would love a HP Fire Sylveon. I dont mind male, but female would be very pretty! With anticipation please!
Dont have anything much to give back though, is that fine?
I believe I added you before, you're still in my friend list though. Just to add : 2595 1179 7570 Shirona
Do tell me when you can trade then! I cant readily access my bro's laptop too (mine's a goner). Thanks!
Can I have 1 too? Would love a HP Fire Sylveon. I dont mind male, but female would be very pretty! With anticipation please!
Dont have anything much to give back though, is that fine?
I believe I added you before, you're still in my friend list though. Just to add : 2595 1179 7570 Shirona
Do tell me when you can trade then! I cant readily access my bro's laptop too (mine's a goner). Thanks!

Of course! You can have 1 too :3 And Anticipation-female is okay. I have two Such Eevees. (Because I wanted to get Eevee whose Attack IV is 0. )
I don't know when we can trade. I'll be busy next week. But I'll talk to you if I can see you. My charactor's name is Alicetale.
I send you a PM to tell you my e-mail address. Thank you^^
So I found enough light that the 3DS camera will recognize my face in the Amie...how big do you have to smile for the "big smile", anyway? Alas, not all were made to smile...
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; could you directly pm me a timing you can trade instead? Or maybe you can keep a look out if I ever get to initiate trade to you. Just note my IGN! :P

So fastest way to level/grind is actually to battle in Chateu? Havent been there, so I really dunno. I kept rinsing triples at the most $$$ restuarant.

And just another quick question:
I currently only have 1 6iv Modest Ditto (gen'ed from someone else i believe, got it off a random trader). Its hampering and helping both at the same time.
I wanna breed specific stats onto specific mons (like 30IVs for HP breeding; and 0 speed for trick roomers), but however I cant do them well.
At the same time, I am limited to certain natures of pokemon only. Having only 1 access to the modest nature, I can only hope the other partner has the right nature. But sometimes eg. I might want jolly instead of adamant, but i only got adamant partner.

Anyone has any smart tips? Too lazy and cant be bothered with capturing dittos of safari and hoping for the best anymore.

In order to breed said specific IVs, the parents need to have them. Or on your case, the parent that is not Ditto.
As far as I know there is no other way besides catching them wild pokes with Synchronizers for the nature you want.
You could also hope for the best and get some parents of Wonder Trade but..It's too random =/

I hoped for the best and went on a catching spree in Ditto Safari to get random natures. Took some time for, it was well spent as I've got a ditto for pretty much every nature.

You could try dropping by this chat on serebii.net (Which I frequently use as well)

I'm sure you can find your stuff here regarding parents with 30IVs/0 speed IV or the natures.

The same apply to me with regard to restaurants; I had been spamming Chateau for a long time and had not bothered much with restaurants.

While you do have to go get healed outside...there's low amount of stalling in the Chateau as far as I know so you can keep stomping left and right. You do need the Black Writ (available only at highest rank) for the maximum level battles, though.
A combination of the Black Write of Challenge and Silver Writ of Challenge adds of to endless amount of battles.
Lots of cash as bonus if you add Amulet Coin.
A combination of the Black Write of Challenge and Silver Writ of Challenge adds of to endless amount of battles.
Lots of cash as bonus if you add Amulet Coin.

Even more $$$ with Gold Writ and rank 3 Money Power (Silver writ, Gold writ, and Black writ can be deployed all at once).

Deploy them at midnight for maximum effect throughout the day...
Even more $$$ with Gold Writ and rank 3 Money Power (Silver writ, Gold writ, and Black writ can be deployed all at once).

Deploy them at midnight for maximum effect throughout the day...

Kinda money overkill if you ask me :3
I'd rather use Exp O-power than Money O-power. Amulet Coin gives you more than enough money ^^
I want to do so too if I can. Sorry, but I can not browse any PC web-site by using my laptop. I can browse(use) this web-site only by using my PC. Plus I need to go to Mcdnalds when I use wi-fi, and I don't bring my PC to Mcd. So I can't communicate with you by PM when we trade pokemon.
If you don't want to tell me your e-mail address, it's okay. I'll talk to you when I see you in the game next time. To make sure, could you tell me your charactor's name?
btw, what is IGN?
Okay, I keep your IGN in mind!

Thank you for telling me about it! I was going to have asked Terumi two diffferent question, but they were same things! lol

Thank you! You mean IGN have some meaning other than "In Game Name". Right?
I was thinking that IGN means that big gaming entity of the same name...

I've got myself a 5IV male Mudkip and a 5IV Marvel Scale female Dratini and a Power Bracer. 400 Starf Berries are in my stock...not sure why would I stockpile that many... Got myself another Power item...it must've played a part in letting me have my 5IV Marvel Scale Dratini within like 15 eggs or so...
Perhaps, "Imagine Games Network"?

I got them by UFO catcher today! Chimecho is so cute!

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Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
thanks for your uploads
do you by any chance happen to have this?
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

this is the only game i was never able to find free, online
Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?