Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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New Mega Evo's are revealed!


Mega Swampert has Swift Swim Ability
Mega Sceptile gets Lightning Rod and gains Dragon Type
Mega Diancie's Ability is not revealed yet.

[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=21095]pingtoryan[/MENTION]; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION];
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HUuuuuuuuuuuuuu................ that MEGA SCEPTILEE i was looking For.... my favv starter.... HUuuuuuuuu ( crying happily )

[MENTION=21095]pingtoryan[/MENTION]; yes.. it become dragon grass type...

Anywayyy..... THANK YOUUU for everyoneee contributionnn that this thread have viewss 70000++ and replys more than 1000++
im very happy with that.. 1st making this thread i dont think it will become big like thiss.... xixixi
time to move to pokemon ruby and sapphire thread dont we ?
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Mega Diancie is Fabulous :runhappy xD

Haha, yeah! I want it because it's cute though :3 Gotta play some more Y soon, I just ended up being too lazy to breed new pokemon to use in the Battle Maison. I keep using my Mawile, Azumarill and my Steelix. Only Mawile got 5 max IVs xD
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Haha, yeah! I want it because it's cute though :3 Gotta play some more Y soon, I just ended up being too lazy to breed new pokemon to use in the Battle Maison. I keep using my Mawile, Azumarill and my Steelix. Only Mawile got 5 max IVs xD

I do battle Maison a lot lately. But..SO MUCH BULLSH!T Custap Berry, HornDrills and Quick Claws EVERYWHERE >_< And add my crappy luck with it comes to low accuracy moves like Focus Blast and you can see me rage >_>

I used Meg Kangaskhan, Greninja and Garchomp last time. Kanga doesn pretty much all the work. Leftovers are for Greninja and Garch :3
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I do battle Maison a lot lately. But..SO MUCH BULLSH!T Custap Berry, HornDrills and Quick Claws EVERYWHERE >_< And add my crappy luck with it comes to low accuracy moves like Focus Blast and you can see me rage >_>

I used Meg Kangaskhan, Greninja and Garchomp last time. Kanga doesn pretty much all the work. Leftovers are for Greninja and Garch :3

I hasn't encountered any crap yet... except the Swalot who was basically immortal, spammed Toxic and ate me alive. I can't wait to get rekt xD You're not alone with the bad luck thing. Thinking about changing Mawile's Stone Edge for something else :sigh: 80% apparently isn't enough to hit...

Meg Kanga with the Attack increasing punch? :3

I'm currently trying to breed a Ponyta, but this community is so damn greedy that I got sh*t in return for a 5 max IV Mawile (she had max in Sp.A. instead of Speed so they did at least have to do SOME work). They gave me a lvl 30 Ponyta they caught in the safari... 2 max IVs which is obvious and crap nature :/
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Today I almost lost against a Double team/toxic Zapos >_>

I use Power Up Punch/Play Rough/Iron Head/Sucker Punch on Mawile :0 It alread OHKOs/2HKOs pretty much everything with Iron Head/PlayRough alone.

I can borrow you the 6IV Ditto I mentioned before if you can trade now :3
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Toxic is pretty damn dangerous :/ I think it was one of the games when I tried out some of the useless chars who isn't bulky at all... Had Mawile who's acceptable but I also had Ninjask and Cinccino. Ninjask was flat out support without any damage at all and Cinccino didn't have any good moves against a Swalot who spammed Stockpile which now also increases Def by 1 stage *dead*

I got the same except that I didn't see the usefulness in Power Up Punch on Mawile because of her low speed xD Might be a good combo with Sucker Punch now that I think about it. And yeah, Iron Head/Play Rough seems pretty broken in damage :/

Ah sure, I can trade :3 Just tell me when you want it back! Might be able to breed more than just Ponyta if that's alright with you.
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Registeel...CAN'T EXPRESS ITS FEELING...'cause it has NO FACE...!!

Legendary Pokemons are very hard to please...even before Amie came to be (it took me quite some time before Ho-oh can answer me with a smiling face in HG).
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Today I almost lost against a Double team/toxic Zapos >_>

I use Power Up Punch/Play Rough/Iron Head/Sucker Punch on Mawile :0 It alread OHKOs/2HKOs pretty much everything with Iron Head/PlayRough alone.

I can borrow you the 6IV Ditto I mentioned before if you can trade now :3

mayy i borrowww... ???? :deadsad:

/me use TOXIC on [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; :runhappy:
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Toxic is pretty damn dangerous :/ I think it was one of the games when I tried out some of the useless chars who isn't bulky at all... Had Mawile who's acceptable but I also had Ninjask and Cinccino. Ninjask was flat out support without any damage at all and Cinccino didn't have any good moves against a Swalot who spammed Stockpile which now also increases Def by 1 stage *dead*

I got the same except that I didn't see the usefulness in Power Up Punch on Mawile because of her low speed xD Might be a good combo with Sucker Punch now that I think about it. And yeah, Iron Head/Play Rough seems pretty broken in damage :/

Ah sure, I can trade :3 Just tell me when you want it back! Might be able to breed more than just Ponyta if that's alright with you.

Breed all you need :3
Well, if the poke survives play rough/Iron head, then you can finish it off with PuPunch for more powah~! >:3
Ready to trade when you are ^^
[MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; I only have one extra. I'll try to get another for you ok? ^^
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[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; Omg, I missed you again *dead*

Well, I guess that makes sense then xD Might switch it out! I like the infinite uses of TMs. I hope they have that in the gen 3 remakes as well.
I'm ready anytime I'm online :3
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[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; good morning (at least for me).

Sorry for our trade which seems to keep failing because of time zone differences, anytime possible from now and additional 4 hours?
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Good morning! That's same for me :D
No problem. I'm not so serious for trading. Take it easy. I can trade pokemon about after an hours later from now.
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I'm going to Mcd now. I suggest you prepare some pokemon you don't need. I have pokemon for you, not only Eevee.
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Thank you so much too! I wanted them you gave me:)
Btw, what is your vivillon's pattern?
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Wow, that's nice!
If you don't mind, could you do me a favor? It is just "ask" to you, so you don't need to mind if you reject my offer. I arleady received very nice return from you.
I want a 5IVs jungle pattern's timid vivillon. Could you make such scatterbug?
If you accept my ask, I'll lend you parents for it to make work easy. It that case, the both parent's IVs are 31-0-31-31-31-31, and one of them have three egg moves. ( I prefer attack IV is 0, but I don't persist in it. As for Attack IV, it's okay if it takes another value. )
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