Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; will trade you later i guess. Was running else where just now when you traded the 2 birds. really sorry.

I don't do random trades and I only WT with my breeding results...but if you say so...

...I'm returning that Darkrai though. I feel bad just by holding it.
I'm arleady home, so is it fine that we trade the rest on another day?
No need to say sorry, I'm not in trouble at all.

You are a very sincere person.
If you want that Darkrai, of course I send it to you.
I don't mind you use it at all. But you feel bad because I confine your trading freedom...?

Let's just say that I was feeling paranoid at that time...

Still, I only trade with myself outside of the internet anyway.
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; Ah Ok, No problem then ^^
Maybe we can trade on Sunday. If that doesn't work out, we'll have to trade after 6 weeks because I'm going on holiday next Monday.
Awright~ I claimed my Oval Charm after hunting down an Arbok horde, a good bit of trading with myself, a lot of time walking around in Chateau to evolve quite a few Pokemon...and shifting Pokemon in daycare around to get their pre-evolutions...

Gonna need to prep those Gen 4 legendaries for transfer when I can...I wonder what Hoenn is holding for us all...
At least I think we are friends. Don't worry.
I guess there is a few people who play pokemon in your region. It's almost same to me.

I will not be able to connect the Internet this Sunday. I use every Sunday to meet my girlfriend. She had a wi-fi connector, but I think the day we can trade will be 6 weeks later. Have a good vacation!
On this Saturday, I'll be online. I promissed to battle with aquaspirit!
Ah Ok, I'll try to be online Saturday. I'll let you know ^^


Ability for Mega Metagross confirmed to be Tough Claws. Very scary STAB Meteor Mashes coming our way o.o
It will also get a major speed increase as well as substantial boosts to it's other stats (excluding Hp). This thing is gonna be so OP

Stat distribution for Mega Diancie as follows: Major increase to it's Speed and a boost to it's Attack and Sp. Attack while Defense and Sp Defense are lowered.
[MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; [MENTION=21095]pingtoryan[/MENTION];
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I can see someone sneak 'Gross with Iron Head or other punching moves from the previous gen...while we're on that topic, I wonder if GF had executed every single move tutor that teaches moves other than Ultimate techs, Pledges, Draco Meteor, and special moves for special Pokemon...will we see them in ORAS...?

...will Rock Smash go back to HM and boulders get shrunk as those played a rather big role in the olden days...bloody Seafloor Cave...
Well seeing as they are remakes, I expect them to bring back the Move Tutors as well.
Come to think of it, it was not until B2/W2 that the move tutors were reintroduced...

...and Hoenn is where the colored shards originated...there may yet be hope...
IF they add the Battle Frontier to these games then we can expect quite a few move tutors that will tutor moves in return for BPs.
I sure as heck hope I can still get BP from Pokebank Miles into ORAS if that comes to pass...

I've got quite a lot of BP and NOT bother with the Maison apart from triggering last rival's battle...
Don't worry. I can clone 5gen pokemon easily. Thank you for trading!

Thank you for trading, and writing instead of me!
I take care of all pokemon you sent me, of course:)
When you try to get many IVs maxed, just use Ditto I sent. I think it makes breeding easier.
Trading Lv.1 pokemon each other seems interesting. Why don't you do it next time?

I took different person for Second_Flight... Who is Lucia... I sent him(her?) a Darkrai that I prepared for Second_Flight... [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION];
Hello, do you browse AS these days?
I became disable to use yahoo mail by my laptop, so I can communicate with you only in my home.

yea.. still browseing.. looking any news just a little and gone again like winds.... hope you guys have good condition too.. since in my places its preety windy and cold here..... XD
( i still want my darkraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii )
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; thank youu for reminding mee.... i will grab itt.... XD *poke pokeee
I missed you! Hello!
I'll go Mcd on this Saturday to battle with aquaspirit, and trade with unown.
If you'll be online on this Saturday, I can send Darkrai to you.

Edit: [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION];
Hi, pokemontrainer!
I'll go Mcd as I said, it'll be around 10:00 in my region so 2:00 in your region. It's the middle of the night.
When can you be online?
I don't careful about time. Take it easy.
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Just found out that Platinum and Pearl saves were left not complete (as in entering Hall of Fame) for FOUR years...

...why is this related you ask? I need a couple Pokemons from all the way back there...hopefully ORAS may offer more than just Hoenn legends...
Thank you for trading!:)
To tell the truth, I already prepared all shiny pokemon that you said before. (There is no pain. No need to worry at all. )
Now what pokemon do you want?
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; Not sure, maybe I will come out with a small list later. You sure its fine?

Anyone gotten their hands on the KB tanabata shiny jirachi yet? Been seeing fierce trades on other sides, dont even want to participate.
More Megas announced: Altaria (Dragon/Fairy, Pixiliate), Salamence (Same typing, Aeriliate) and Lopunny (Normal/Fighting, Scrappy)...

And contest's confirmed to be back, too...seems to me that dressing up will only be for contest for some reason...
Okay, when you want some pokemon, please let me know:)

I got a Modest 6IVs maxed tanabata shiny jirachi. If there is someone who want it, I can give it.

Plus I got some good Diancie.
Modest 31-×-31-31-31-31
Bold 31-×-31-31-31-31
I'll trade other nature Diancie on this Sunday!
When there is someone who want, let me know too.
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; yes me!
I want tanabata jirachi, 6iv modest sounds too perfect. Can i have modest 5iv diancie too? How do you people get those when its already virtually impossible to soft reset for most. My local community continually cheats using the power save though. Would still love to have them if possible.

About the legends, for most cases I am only after shiny data. But i had a lil good luck over random GTS trades to get perfect nature and IV shiny ones. What I am missing now (for shiny and perfect etc) :

1. Mew
2. Mewtwo
3. Lugia
4. Ho-oh + Suicune
5. Regi - trio + Gigas
6. Weather trio
7. Palkia
8. Darkrai
9. Jirachi (tanabata will solve this)
10. Deoxys
11. Manaphy + phione
12. Heatran
13. Swords of Justice
14. Genesect
15. Celebi (i believe there was a KB shiny one from pokebank)

I believe the remaining ones like zekrom and reshiram, victini, meloetta, keldeo, shaymin (i am not sure about this one) are deemed unreleased in their forms although their colours have been revealed through cheats already. I wont even ask of any from what I listed above, its a little too much even my standards of asking favours. Looking forward to the diancie and jirachi though, i should be available over the weekend to trade. :D
Okay! I'll clone Jirachi and modest Diancie! I clone them by using only two 3DS and two game cartridges.
I got them in pokemon-trading web-site. I just gave some pokemons to many people, and I asked them to get good Diancie. Even if they couldn't get good Diancie, I gave pokemons they want. I don't want to reboot game many times. It's a pain.
Regards to the power save, there is a cheating machine named プロアクセーブ in Japan. It can make pokemon shiny, but it cant rewrite IVs yet. So I was in hurry to get good Diancie and Jirachi.

I 'll try to prepare them in your list though it seems that there are some pokemon I can not prepare.
I guess we can not trade on this Sunday. There are some pokemon I should clone.
But I'll prepare. When we both have time, let's trade!
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; I dont need all as stated, maybe just the cloned pokemons will be good.

I think we are talking about the same item, i have tons of perfect normal ones, but they dont sell it locally. Need to import, and i heard there are complications of using the device as well.
So, apparently I WAS right about Altaria. haha
MegaMence was obvious. Just waiting for the inevitable MegaGon now. (Please GF don't leave Flygon out when you clearly make him and Salamence "rivals". >.>)

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