Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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ah ok.
Im not a smogon hater or something, I just dont care.~
It's like league of legends then. when the good teams start using some tactics, pickm strategies or whatever to create a meta game and eveerybody follows even though there's much more that also works out.
I know that I dont need necessarily someone with rapid spin.
but stuff like stealth rocks rly pisses me off ^^
Even though I don't follow smogon rules, I agree with BlueMage that people in smogon is good at pokemon. They know what they are talking about. They call themselves smogon University and make classes to teach people how to play pokemon because they are just that good.

The way I see it is, playing by smogon rules is like studying in school and doing experiment in a controlled environment. While playing pokemon without their rules is like trying in real world where people will use whatever strategy to win and sometime luck is around to screw up your work despite of your effort
So..I bred this majestic bastard yesterday :3
4IVs Timid, Protean. Unfortunately 21 Speed IV according to my calculations. Not that I care xD


[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=190]BlueMage[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=53698]Yukinero[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION] ;
Gimme and I'll breed you one with 5 IVs. That'll have to wait after I'm done with Zelda, however~ :goodtea:
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; Thanks for the offer but I already have a flawless Greninja :3
I just had to show off my shiny one xD
and here I am still stuck with my shiny durant QQ

Well...gz, and I guess it is not for trade XD?
Hey does anyone have a shelgon safari? If someone does would you please add my FC:2509-2244-6351 as well as reply to this post :D (my safari contains a teddiursa,ditto, and kekleon )
Hey does anyone have a shelgon safari? If someone does would you please add my FC:2509-2244-6351 as well as reply to this post :D (my safari contains a teddiursa,ditto, and kekleon )

add me

and mind if i add you too (though I don't have shelgon safari)

I need a good ditto to breed

my FC: 4639-9060-3455
I jsut wanted to ask:
Does anyone have an excadrill to trade? or knows if his FC offers me to catch an excadrill at contact safari?
Hello, pokemontrainers!

I'll go Mcdonald's a little later.
Please add me, you all. If you are okay.

It's my friend code.
5241 - 3276 - 9389

Hello, I'll give you Ditto today. I make promiss.
Can you trade me later?
And I'm sorry for uncomfortable stuff, but could you e-mail me?
I can't browse this thread (even whole this website) when I'm in Mcdnald's. I can watch this thread only with my PC.
I don't care even if you use free mail address. For example, yahoo, or google. I wrote my laptop one just because I'm lazy.

I can trade Drilbur. I got a excadrill by GTS.

I don't get a e-mail from him yet... I can't leave my house still I got a mail.
It's 22:10 p.m. at my place. Mcdnald's will be closed when it's 0:00 a.m. at my place.
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[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
Good Game! I am sorry I need to challenge you the second time because the 3vs3 caught me off guard since I always play 6vs6.

Anyway, that last turn, when I realized your Talonflame is banded I thought that I maybe can survive your brave bird because my Scizor is still more than half hp and it got good defense but you got a critical... I was like >< www.

Either way, good game.

My FC will not give you shellgon but I have a friend in my friend safari that let me have an access to shellgon. If you want one, I can catch it for you
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
ohhh that would be really nice.
I just dont know when I'm going to have access to wifi the nxt time.
prbly in tomorrow, gotta see whats going on.
do you need anything ? I dont know, maybe I can help you out with something as well.
Thank you for the battles! You are very strong. No need to say sorry. I like 6vs6 too:)
Yeah, I was very lucky about it. And I think how you use pokemon was very good. I guess we thought "Which should I do... which!?" each other many time in the second battle, but you got advantage almost everytime. I considered you maybe change Scizor to Espeon, but I didn't guess Scizor has Roost. I'm surprised and drived into a serious circumstance.
Anyway, I used all my power. 全力で戦いました
I'm very happy now, and I don't hide this emotion because I recognize you strong though there are many people who critize such behavior in my country. You are strong.

I can use wi-fi only on Sunday except especially lucky day.
I don't care about what you give me. I'm glad just you trade pokemons with me.
And Drilbur has normal ability, not hidden one.
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
Criticize what behavior? I don't think you did anything offensive.
@ruyta ; I see~
Then maybe next sunday? I think Ill manage to get wifi access then~
normal ability is also ok
I prefer those anyway, coz I wanna built a sand storm based team,
For example, clenching my fists in triumph. I think it is an expression how much opponent is strong, but they say " You should care about opponent who was lost ".
(I have practiced judo, and I'm a black belt. If I clench my fits in triumph when I win, I'll lose this match though I defeated the opponent.)
Okay, let's trade on next Sunday!
Well it's not the fact that i don't have a shelgon :P i want to try and find one with its hidden ability that's why I wanted a safari with one. You can still add me just send me your Fc
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Is there any other method than masuda method and chaining to get shiny pokemon easier?
I want a shiny black timid Greninja with Protean >.<
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
For example, clenching my fists in triumph. I think it is an expression how much opponent is strong, but they say " You should care about opponent who was lost ".
That is very...Japanese, always thinking about other people first. そいう考え方は嫌いじゃない。

Btw, did you record down our match. I almost never record my match and I unconsciously choose not to record our match.

Well it's not the fact that i don't have a shelgon i want to try and find one with its hidden ability that's why I wanted a safari with one. You can still add me just send me your Fc
Yes, that is also what I understand and having access to Dragon Safari, I can try looking one with hidden ability for you. No guarantee though.

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