Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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Dratinis still available? Been looking for the extremespeed versions. Any other egg moves like dragon dance etc?
Like to have a phione too if possible.

Dont have much to offer except some imperfect pairs of either ferroseed, pawniard or litwick(really little left).

I think I added you before, just to confirm? My FC's 2595 1179 7570. Thanks.

Dratinis still available? Been looking for the extremespeed versions. Any other egg moves like dragon dance etc?
Like to have a phione too if possible.

Dont have much to offer except some imperfect pairs of either ferroseed, pawniard or litwick(really little left).

I think I added you before, just to confirm? My FC's 2595 1179 7570. Thanks.

I do have a couple left ^^ They only have Extreme Speed as egg move. They also have Dragon Dance but I don't consider it an egg move as Dragonite learns at it lv 61
I'm out of Phione's though =/
29 Rattatas (courtesy of blurb12) down WT got me a Tynamo and a JPN Ditto.

...and my 5IV Lucario is working real hard to produce eggs...
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My Starf tree's got five buds...I can see that the harvest's going to be good.

...and 30 Tynamo down the drain got me some breeding rejects, random Pokemons, more Eevees, per usual. Only a few things stood out - a Protean Froakie with a purple smiley and a Shellder with Rock Blast...
I got five from my Starf tree, and those five went back to soil...do you use Amaze Mulch with them? The soil drains like every six hours or so...

...and now got a 5IV (31/31/31/31/x/31, don't really care, though, just for the 5IV) Bulbasaur (via a 5IV Rhyhorn, which was made to reality by a 5IV Lucario, which in turn came from the 5IV Slakoth I snagged off WT, oh the wonder) to pass to Ferroseed and Phantump (for Mineral and Amorphous passing action, respectively)...any surplus will be thrown to WT for more miles to waste in balloon popping (Strange how two FEMALE 'Saur got 5IV in the process of breeding that 'Saur...I must be real lucky). Balloon popping give me the chance not to bother with battling and chance to get those rare stones...got two Dusk Stones, one Dawn Stones, and assorted trade-evo items here and there thus far.

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I breed my 5IVs without power items...but I just get a batch of 30 eggs and hatch them all at once around the Eiffel Tower, check IV, and sort the boxes...

Is it even possible to get 6IV without power items, anyway?
One box of breeding rejects got me the following...

A Pineco, a Cyndaquil, a Magician Fennekin, two Pickers, a 'veteran' Gengar complete with Black Sludge (not sure if mistake or intentional), an Omanyte, and a 4IV Slowpoke.

...and I only hear requests from friends to prevent challenges...
Wait, so are you guys saying for example:

parent 1 - 5iv, missing atk
parent 2 - 6iv

If i allowed parent 2 to hold a power band to guarantee pass down of atk stat, and parent 1 to hold destiny knot, i am guaranteed to have a 6iv offspring?
Wait, so are you guys saying for example:

parent 1 - 5iv, missing atk
parent 2 - 6iv

If i allowed parent 2 to hold a power band to guarantee pass down of atk stat, and parent 1 to hold destiny knot, i am guaranteed to have a 6iv offspring?

Unfortunately not. Some IV's will still be decided at random. Too good to be true :3

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