Post Your PSN ID's


New member
Jun 29, 2012
Quite suprised you guys dont have a thread in which people can trade their psn id's.
Just list your PSN ID and the multiplayer games that you are willing to play with your AS bretherin.

PSN ID - Jamzz14
Uncharted 2
Super Street Fighter 4 AE 2012
Street Fighter X Tekken
BlazBlue Contiuum Shift 2

Happy gaming...
PSN - TheOdiousCurrent

Games I am willing to play:
  • Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2012
  • BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2
  • Dead or Alive 5
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Tekken Tag Tournament 2
I do not play PS3 often, so do not expect me to accept your friend request right away.
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psn : crusang
its the only name i could find

sure why not although not much of an online fan
playing max payne 3 online just reached legend lost all my gear nooo !
was playing uncharted 3 like crazy same story lost gear at legend and frankly got bored
i think it was DLZandorfRamash, has been a long time since i don't play there, playing/played some games im lazy to write them all, but i indeed like online playing games like Fat Princess or Awesomenauts.
PSN ID - AhGwee

Games I'm willing to play if you're in the same region:

-Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition 2012
-BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend

Lag is a huge factor to me so I may or may not play you again after the first battle.

I'll be sure to accept you if you tell me which user you are from A-S =]

PSN ID: KaisuiX

I believe

Mostly I only just play RPGS 1-player games on it, but feel free to add.
I like looking at trophies hahah
PSN ID: ShOrTy_NL-1991-
(Yup..exactly like that..I soo regret making it that way -_-)

- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
- Call of Duty Black Ops
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
- Dead Or Alive 5

I can play against you but depening on the lag I might or might not play you again.. :deadsad:
PSN: Looming_Darkness
I also have a jp account under Kionea but I only use it for the shop.

As for games, I don`t have very many multi-player games on ps3. All I can think of at the moment is Gta4, Gran Turismo 5, Medal of Honor (2010), and Resident Evil 5. All my Multiplayer games are on Xbox.
Psn: AriaXholmes

God of war ascension
Borderlands 2
Need for speed most wanted
Naruto shippuden Ninja storm 3
『Same as name here... Although I have no multiplayer games yet... If you wanna add me, mention that you are from ASF though...』
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PSN: Sly_Cooper56

Games I play Atm:

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, Gen, 3.
Resident Evil 6 (I'm taking a bit of a break right now)
Call of Duty Black Ops 1-2 (Rarely)

You can add me if you want. I don't add first.
PSN ID: UnknownOne84

I don't play a lot of multiplayer games but feel free to add me hopefully we can play together sometime

Multiplayer Games I have:
NBA 2K13
White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2
Gundam Extreme Vs
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
GTA IV Episodes from Liberty City and The Ballad of Gay Tony
PSN ID: Dreamer197

games i play that are multi:

Blazblue Calamity trigger
Blazblue Continuum shift EXTEND
Naruto ultimate ninja strom 3 and generations
and tekken
PSN:Sulfaen PS3,PSVita

Multiplayer games i have and play are:

Naruto shippuden:ultimate ninja storm 3
Tekken tag tournament 2
Need for speed:most wanted(2012)
Dragons dogma:Dark arisen(for Pawns)
Soul sacrifice(Vita)

and soon One piece:pirate warrior 2
Myako0o but the only multiplayer games I own is the BlazBlue Series.
Aka games I own:
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger
BlazBlue Continuum Shift
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Kuroshiro7 is the name. list of games:

mmh.. BBCSEX i guess~
have others, though..
Psn: Kyuoshi_Kasugano, Keonii

I have two accounts, so add either one or add both, I play them both just about equally.

Battlefield 3
White Knight Chronicles 1&2
Dark Souls
Dungeon Hunter Alliance
Assassins Creed
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Resident Evil 5
Dark Void (if even online)
F.E.A.R. 3
mrneph2 = IMPROPER IMPROPER2 when watching videos
havent been playing much lately, but looking forward to Killer is Dead,
Lollipop Chainsaw Forever!
PSN: moua_kong_90

PS3 Online GAMES I Have:
Sait Row 3(ganna get 4 pretty soon)
COD MW2, BO, MW3, And BO2 (BO2 play zombies most of the time)
Resident Evil 5, 6 and revelations
UMVC3 (I suck bad at this game)
Dynasty Warrior 7 Empire
And some other more

Vita GAMES: (i know no one has a vita)
Soul Sacrifice
Ragnarok Odyssey

If you're going to add me just make sure to tell me its cause of AS
also surprise how many one here dont play COD (I know people say it suck i do too but you can't say that it doesn't sell well cause it did)
PSN: dangarriga

The Last of Us
Uncharted 1-3
Mass Effect 1-3
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
KillZone 2
Red Dead Redemption
Resident Evil 6
Tales of Xillia

PS Vita
Persona 4 Golden
Street Fighter x Tekken
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
Gravity Rush
Dead or Alive 5 Plus
Atelier Totori Plus
Dragons Crown

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tintin0821 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
zekusu wrote on Ryzen111's profile.