PS2 Game Suggestions

I don't know if it was mentioned but if you guys love fighting games you should get Samurai Shodown Anthology
All the games (from 1993 to 2005) from this great and innovative series in one disc ;)
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ever been playing project alchemist series by gust ?

its genre is RPG + Visual Novel/Simulation,
the point in this game is to create an item by alchemist, and had a massive in-depth story,
mostly its dialogue contain comedy genre, and the other you will get some drama (and romance),, :D

there is currently 10 tittles for PS2 (A01-A10), 3 for DS (DSA 01-03),
2 for ps3 (A11-A12), 1 in progress for ps3 (A13) atm,,

here is the list for ps2:

(A01) Atelier Ellie
(A02) Atelier Marie
(A03) Atelier Lilie
(A04) Atelier Judie
(A05) Atelier Violet
(A06) Atelier Iris 1
(A07) Atelier Iris 2
(A08) Atelier Iris 3
(A09) Mana Khemia 1
(A10) Mana Khemia 2

as for A01-A05 it has a simple turn based RPG battle,
starting A06-A10 it step more towards RPG as it have more advanced RPG like turn based battle,,

(extra information, for DSA 01-03 it follow the former, and A11-A12 at PS3 follow the latter)


Oh yeah, forgot about those atelier games (mana khemia were my favs :) ), I'd recommend those as well lol.

GUST makes some great stuff, soooo many PS2 titles ;)
Fairly sure someone in here mentioned Disgaea, but I may as well do it again.

It's an SRPG, but not a very complex one, depending on how you define the term.
I would recommend do play Venus & Braves and Seven Molmorth no Kiheitai, both japanese PS2 games only, but worth to play.
I am just copy pasting my ps2 game library and making suggestions.
i am in no way trying to flex a E-penis, this is just a comprised list i had handy so i don't lose any of them to theft or moving.
if you have any questions about a specific game ask me or Google it.

Ace Combat – The Belken War
Ace Combat - Shattered Skys
Atlier Iris
Atlier Iris 2
Atlier Iris 3
Ar-Tonelico 2
Arc the Lad – Twilight of the Spirits
Arc the Lad – End of Darkness
Armored Core 2
Breath of Fire 5
Champions of Norrath
Dark Alliance (D&D)
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud 2
Dawn of Mana
Devil May Cry 3
Dirge of Cerberus ( Final Fantasy )
Disgaea 2
Dot Hack Infection
Dot Hack Mutation
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3
Dragon Quest 8 -------- This game really impressed me
Dynasty Warriors 2
Dynasty Warriors 3
Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires
Dynasty Warriors 5
Dynasty Warriors 5 Extreme Legends
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 11
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy X-2
Front Mission 4
Grand Trismo 3
Grandia 2
Grandia 3
Growlancer Generations
Jack and Daxter
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
La Puchelle Tactics
Legaia 2 Duel Saga
Mana Khemia
Mana Khemia 2
Makai Kingdom
Mega Man X Collection
Monster Rancher 3
Monster Rancher EVO
Nightmare of Druaga
Odin Sphere
Phantasy Star Universe
Phantom Brave
Radiata Stories
RPG Maker 2
RPG Maker 3
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms VII
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms XI
Romancing Saga
Rouge Galaxy ------- This game is obscure and really good as well
Samurai Warriors
Samurai Warriors Extreme Legends
Shadow Hearts – From the New World
Shinning Force EXA
Shinning Tears
Soul Nomad and the World Eaters
Star Ocean Till the End of Time
Star Trek Conquest
Suikoden 3
Suikoden 4
Suikoden 5
Suikoden Tactics (Rhapsodia)
Tales of Legendia
Unlimited Saga
Valkyrie Profile 2
Way of the Samurai
Wild Arms 3
Ys – Arc of the Napishtim
Xenosaga 2
Xenosaga 3

i enjoyed most of those games and only commented on a few of them. they are pretty much all worth checking out, except for the saga games, they really kinda sucked. i hope this helps even though the thread is a little old.
If you're mostly an RPG gamer then you should never miss Persona 3/Persona 3 FES, Persona 4, .hack//G.U. Trilogy, Shining Force EXA, Odin Sphere, FFVII: Dirge OF Cerberus, Kingdom Hearts and FFXXII.

For Horror/Survival games I recommend the Clock Tower series, Silent Hill 4 and Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

For fighting/2p battle, Fate/Unlimited Codes, Guilty Gear, Melty Blood series and Blazblue are my faves XD

And yeah, I also played most of the list given above so that's probably one good checklist ^^
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yeah.. specially if u playing jap vers.... great seiyuu in there.... well the best fatal frame series is in 2 i thinik.... have played [MENTION=13241]Ein[/MENTION].?? :XD:
I only played Fatal Frame 2. But I wasn't able to finish it =_="

There was this puzzle that I got stuck and since then, I lost the motivation to continue playing. But its really a great game. I just didn't want to look in to FAQs and walkthroughs when I play those sort of games..
whew... i always looking for through when play fatal frame.. since somehow that ghost scared me... T__T
I need to get my hands on the Persona games, i always hear about them, but never once saw them played, nor do i know anyone locally who has it, hmmmmm.
Telsa[/URL said:
236767]I need to get my hands on the Persona games, i always hear about them, but never once saw them played, nor do i know anyone locally who has it, hmmmmm.


The story is great, the illustration, design and graphics are cool, it also has a dating system aside from its turn-based RPG nature and well, its just an essential for anime fans. XD

I liked the storyline and characters of Persona 3/Persona 3:FES more than Persona 4 though but of course, since Persona 4 was one of the last RPGs to be released for the PS2, its graphics is better, smoother and "sleeker" than P3/P3:F
I personally never found Persona games enjoyable. To be fair though I never finished any of them because I find getting past the early part such a drag. They might have gotten better later but generally speaking I indefinitely postpone games which fail to drag me in during first few minutes (hence why I have so many PS2 games that I've only played few minutes of).
I personally never found Persona games enjoyable. To be fair though I never finished any of them because I find getting past the early part such a drag. They might have gotten better later but generally speaking I indefinitely postpone games which fail to drag me in during first few minutes (hence why I have so many PS2 games that I've only played few minutes of).

I guess you're the type of gamer who prefers Hack-and-slash games or the one that looks more in to graphics than the rest of the package. XD
I guess you're the type of gamer who prefers Hack-and-slash games or the one that looks more in to graphics than the rest of the package. XD

Nope, in fact I hate hack and slash, like DMC series which I suck terribly at. Almost all of my games are RPG/Strategy games.
Persona series just doesn't hit the right spot for me.

The story is great, the illustration, design and graphics are cool, it also has a dating system aside from its turn-based RPG nature and well, its just an essential for anime fans. XD

I liked the storyline and characters of Persona 3/Persona 3:FES more than Persona 4 though but of course, since Persona 4 was one of the last RPGs to be released for the PS2, its graphics is better, smoother and "sleeker" than P3/P3:F[/COLOR]
yeah another thing that is better in 4: chars can be controlled individually and not just given some general direction the actions should go
still overall i like 3/FES better ^^
I personally never found Persona games enjoyable. To be fair though I never finished any of them because I find getting past the early part such a drag. They might have gotten better later but generally speaking I indefinitely postpone games which fail to drag me in during first few minutes (hence why I have so many PS2 games that I've only played few minutes of).

Is that so? Well, DMC was crazy and hard to begin with.

What I look to when I decide to play a game is a good story. Next, the illustration, design and graphics. The genre comes next and the least that I would consider would probably the popularity of the game. Games with unique mechanics and features is also nice.

Speaking of startegy games, Phantom Brave, Stella Deus, and the Disgaea series are one of my favorites XD

yeah another thing that is better in 4: chars can be controlled individually and not just given some general direction the actions should go
still overall i like 3/FES better ^^

Well, they kinda implemented that direct control system on the portable version though...
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Well, they kinda implemented that direct control system on the portable version though...

yeah as well as the female lead option
but come on a female MC that does not talk ?
thats just not possible ^^
Ar Tonelico 1 and 2 are my favorite JRPGs!!!! Good start!
I recommend:
Persona 3 and Persona 4
Dark Cloud 2 (the first ones good too, second better and does not really have to do with the first)
Wild Arms games (4-5 are my favs)
Okami (game play like Zelda...but really fun!!!)
Odin Sphere (great side scroller/RPG)
Shadow of the Colossus (Just...EPIC game!!!!)
Star Ocean Till the End of Time
We <3 Katamari!!!!!
I got tons more, those are a few suggestions!!!

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