PSP's Games Suggestions???

FATE/EXTRA is out for USA, and it's an undub version! I already finished with Saber and Archer, now I'm playing with Caster, which is a lot more harder. The only thing that lack in Fate is the variety: only 3 servant when there are far more variation of servants (I would love to use Arcueid) and the storyline in fact is too linear, so you can't come out with much outcome. Anyway, BRS and P3P is my recommendation for RPG (although QG is good too, is more like strategy RPG than Adventure RPG, and you will be considered a pervert for playing QG, so it's at your own risk)
God of war series
Syphon filter : Dark mirror and Logans shadow grate games ;)
if u like horror try silent hill
Star Ocean its nice too.
New game to recommend and a must!: 7th Dragon 2020. One of the finest RPG that I played in PSP, too bad that is in japanese, and only who know jap will be able to enjoy the story and all. Anyway, is not too complicate and very easy to play. Most of the magazine gave 9/10 and 8.5/10
Well, I could recommend the one I played:

-Project DIVA (DIVA, 2nd and Extend)
-Black Rock Shooter
-Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
-Queen's Gate
-BlazeBlue: Continum Shift II
-Dissidia 012

and disgaea 1 & 2
Persona (2 + 3)
Disgaea 1 + 2
Star Ocean 1 + 2
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Tactics Ogre: Let us cling together

so yeah aside from Tactics Ogre nothing that hasn't been mentioned yet
Grand knights history
Tales Twin heroes
Criminal girls
Macross triangle frontier
To heart 2 dungeon travelers
Dissidia 012
Bleach heat souls 7
Ys series
Sora no kiseki.
Recently I've been addicted to K-on Houkago Live, which is really saying something considering how much I hate moeblob. Maybe I'll give the anime another try
dissidia 012(and lots of dlc), crisis core,corpse party, god of war: ghost of sparta, blazblue CS2, Final fantasy IV complete, and lord of arcana
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If you like RPGs, then Atlus has a bunch of theirs on sale right now on the PSN

Persona 1 @ $19.99
Persona 2 @ $29.99
Persona 3 @ $19.99

And several others that are $14.99 or lower
Persona 3P
Project Diva 1 ,2 , extand
Weiss Schwarz (anime card game)
monster hunter 2g, 3
God Eater burst
Patapon 1,2,3
Metal Gear Peace Walker
FF Disidia 012
FFCrisis core
Kingdom Hearts BBS
Gundam Next PLus
DJ Max
Shining Blade
White Knight Chronicles Origins
The Legends of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Ys Chronicles I&II , Ys Seven, Ys: The Oath in Felghana
FF Dissidia 012, FFI, FFII, FFIV, FFVII: Crisis Core
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Gods Eater Burst
Lord of Arcana
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops/+ , Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker
Gundam VS Gundam NEXT Plus
The 3rd Birthday
GTA: VCS, GTA: LCS, GTA: Chinatown Wars
Warriors Orochi 1 & 2
Kingdom Hearts BBS

... and many others. couldn't think of anything more while brainstorming. :P
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Pachmiito wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello bro cloud you uploaded new updated SHRIFTII for 03.08.2025 is seems already new updated for bug fixed thx.
Agent_Smith wrote on Shine's profile.
hello Shine, thank you so much for your uploads
i searched the entire internet but nobody has this game beside you
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

if you still have it, please reupload it, nobody else has it
Requesting a single artist takes forever...

Hope to witness it someday, if still breathing.
xRoguex wrote on Shine's profile.
Hi, can you re-upload this game? RJ01268655
Thanks and have a nice day.
okinawa wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.
