Need help with translating 3 names from mmd models.
I really wanna write those names properly for my collection but google translation sucks.
Thank you very much.
But i used stuff like that, and that is the reason i am asking here for real Japanese person with english knowledge to try translate me this.
I just need those names in Japanese Romaji.
By this, I'm assuming you're looking for the kanji's Nanori reading(名のり)which are usually only reserved for names. Now, I'm not a native, but lemme give a shot, since it's unlikely for you to cross upon a native Japanese lurking here. Are these your OC (original characters)?
The last one's a bit tricky: Nanori for 天:かみ、そら、たか、たかし
Nanori for 蕾:ら
Amongst these, the one which will make the most sense would be 天=たか and 蕾 = ら。Combine them together you'll get たから、which is homophone with 宝(たから、treasure)。Takara is an understandable name you'd give to a baby, albeit a bit unusual in Japan (it's like naming your baby "precious" or something like that) 。
If one wants to amp up the "uniqueness" even further (and give Japanese teachers a headache, trying to figure out how to pronounce them), you'd use unusual nanora combinations like this one. Therefore:
鬼沢 天蕾:Onizawa Takara
Quite the unconventional names(キラキラネーム)you've got there.
By this, I'm assuming you're looking for the kanji's Nanori reading(名のり)which are usually only reserved for names. Now, I'm not a native, but lemme give a shot, since it's unlikely for you to cross upon a native Japanese lurking here. Are these your OC (original characters)?
The last one's a bit tricky:
Nanori for 天:かみ、そら、たか、たかし
Nanori for 蕾:ら
Amongst these, the one which will make the most sense would be 天=たか and 蕾 = ら。Combine them together you'll get たから、which is homophone with 宝(たから、treasure)。Takara is an understandable name you'd give to a baby, albeit a bit unusual in Japan (it's like naming your baby "precious" or something like that) 。
If one wants to amp up the "uniqueness" even further (and give Japanese teachers a headache, trying to figure out how to pronounce them), you'd use unusual nanora combinations like this one. Therefore:
鬼沢 天蕾:Onizawa Takara
Quite the unconventional names(キラキラネーム)you've got there.
Model Kurane 倉根娑羅子
Is it Kurane Sharako or Kurane Sarako correct? Some say its Sharako and some say its Sarako.
Model Onisawa 鬼沢天蕾
Onisawa Tenrei is the closest sounding name i got. Does that make any sense?
倉根 娑羅子 = Kurane Sarako
There are virtually no difference between them. You can say that Sarako is the diminutive form of Sharako. However, "Sharako" is a bit of an outdated pronunciation. Hence, I recommend using "Sarako" instead.
The name 娑羅子 (Sarako)came from compounding the shortened form of 沙羅双樹(さらそうじゅ、しゃらそうじゅ、sal tree)with 子(こ、child)
The name Sara / Shara(沙羅)itself, botanically refers to the plant Shorea robusta (Sal tree)。However, most of the trees the Japanese call by that name, are in fact the plant Stewartia pseudocamellia(Japanese stewartia)。Japanese stewartia(夏椿、なつつばき)carries significant meaning in Japanese culture, as sacred trees that are planted in Japanese temples.
Therefore, an average Japanese would refer to the sacred Japanese Stewartia as "Sara", much to the Japanese botanist's chagrin.
鬼沢 天蕾 = Onizawa Takara
I'm using the Hepburn romanization, which is the more faithful vocalization, compared to the other romanization attempt. Because of Rendaku(連濁)pronunciation change in Japanese compound words, the 鬼(Oni)+沢(Sawa)= 鬼沢(Onizawa)。Onizawa is a somewhat common Japanese surname.
天蕾 is not even a proper noun in any Japanese dictionary. Seeing these types of compound Kanji in a name (especially an obscure one like this), would usually mean that it's meant to be pronounced in the Nanori reading (in which even most Japanese are in the dark of, except for the more common ones). I'm pretty sure that it's meant to be 天蕾 = Takara (nanori), instead of Tenrai (on'yomi). Unless, if the creator(s) are feeling "extra-doolally" when they devised that name.
When it comes to Japanese reading of Kanji, there are waaay more than just On'yomi and Kun'yomi, which makes trying to read them an absolute pain in the ass. I've heard multiple gripes from many Japanese teachers, having to deal with figuring out how to pronounce some students' "overly embellished" names.
If you try this in real life, your kids will be bullied in school. It has the same energy as that idiot Kanye West, who named his son "North West". I had a feeling that kids won't find their parents toying with their legal name, to be very funny.
Holdup! I've just read the developer's original page through the link you've sent, and I can only say:
"WTF are these names!?"
Are these even human names? These are ultra-doolally bonkerhead names, even by anime standards.
Oh boy, I might've made a grave error. I assumed that the developer in question is someone with a functioning sanity, grounded in reality. To simply put: the developer is a motherfucking chuuni, of the most deranged order. Trying to read the names he came up with, just might give me stroke. That "天蕾 = Tenrai or literally anything" might not sound so farfetched now. This goes beyond the capabilities of any natural-born Japanese. You gotta ask the man himself directly, to know exactly what kind of delusional Kanji reading he came up with.
Sorry, man. I give up. Here's your current options:
Accept the "normal" nanori reading of 天蕾 = Takara (which is already pretty outlandish to begin with).
You gotta ask the cringeworthy developer himself.
Make up whatever name you wish. At this level of delusion, it doesn't really matter.
If you gotta ask the man himself, maybe send this to him on Twitter:
Btw, have you read through his user guidelines? You might not wanna get tangled with any copyright legal disputes, especially for one this silly.
倉根 娑羅子 = Kurane Sarako
There are virtually no difference between them. You can say that Sarako is the diminutive form of Sharako. However, "Sharako" is a bit of an outdated pronunciation. Hence, I recommend using "Sarako" instead.
The name 娑羅子 (Sarako)came from compounding the shortened form of 沙羅双樹(さらそうじゅ、しゃらそうじゅ、sal tree)with 子(こ、child)
The name Sara / Shara(沙羅)itself, botanically refers to the plant Shorea robusta (Sal tree)。However, most of the trees the Japanese call by that name, are in fact the plant Stewartia pseudocamellia(Japanese stewartia)。Japanese stewartia(夏椿、なつつばき)carries significant meaning in Japanese culture, as sacred trees that are planted in Japanese temples.
Therefore, an average Japanese would refer to the sacred Japanese Stewartia as "Sara", much to the Japanese botanist's chagrin.
鬼沢 天蕾 = Onizawa Takara
I'm using the Hepburn romanization, which is the more faithful vocalization, compared to the other romanization attempt. Because of Rendaku(連濁)pronunciation change in Japanese compound words, the 鬼(Oni)+沢(Sawa)= 鬼沢(Onizawa)。Onizawa is a somewhat common Japanese surname.
天蕾 is not even a proper noun in any Japanese dictionary. Seeing these types of compound Kanji in a name (especially an obscure one like this), would usually mean that it's meant to be pronounced in the Nanori reading (in which even most Japanese are in the dark of, except for the more common ones). I'm pretty sure that it's meant to be 天蕾 = Takara (nanori), instead of Tenrai (on'yomi). Unless, if the creator(s) are feeling "extra-doolally" when they devised that name.
When it comes to Japanese reading of Kanji, there are waaay more than just On'yomi and Kun'yomi, which makes trying to read them an absolute pain in the ass. I've heard multiple gripes from many Japanese teachers, having to deal with figuring out how to pronounce some students' "overly embellished" names.
If you try this in real life, your kids will be bullied in school. It has the same energy as that idiot Kanye West, who named his son "North West". I had a feeling that kids won't find their parents toying with their legal name, to be very funny.
Holdup! I've just read the developer's original page through the link you've sent, and I can only say:
"WTF are these names!?"
Are these even human names? These are ultra-doolally bonkerhead names, even by anime standards.
Oh boy, I might've made a grave error. I assumed that the developer in question is someone with a functioning sanity, grounded in reality. To simply put: the developer is a motherfucking chuuni, of the most deranged order. Trying to read the names he came up with, just might give me stroke. That "天蕾 = Tenrai or literally anything" might not sound so farfetched now. This goes beyond the capabilities of any natural-born Japanese. You gotta ask the man himself directly, to know exactly what kind of delusional Kanji reading he came up with.
Sorry, man. I give up. Here's your current options:
Accept the "normal" nanori reading of 天蕾 = Takara (which is already pretty outlandish to begin with).
You gotta ask the cringeworthy developer himself.
Make up whatever name you wish. At this level of delusion, it doesn't really matter.
If you gotta ask the man himself, maybe send this to him on Twitter:
Btw, have you read through his user guidelines? You might not wanna get tangled with any copyright legal disputes, especially for one this silly.
Glad you find it funny. Alas, I can reassure you that his naming sense is indeed nothing short of flabbergasting. And I'm not referring to his archetypal characters (e.g. the twintails girl, the messy head, the lady in suits, etc.), but his actual OCs (original characters) that he bestowed individual names upon.
Frankly put, his "attempt" at formulating "cool" foreign or Japanese-sounding names are equally abysmal. I dunno what planet he hails from, but those names are not even remotely "foreign" nor "Japanese". I get secondhand embarrassment, just by trying to comprehend them. The gobbledygook names listed on the page, are exactly someone whose stuck in their teenage mind would've came up with. Even in fiction, you gotta tone down the "fantasy" a bit, lest someone will think you're cuckoo.
This right here, is the prime material of what the Japanese would refer to as 黒歴史(くろれきし)、which basically means "a personal history you wanna sweep under the rug" because its illegal, plain wrong, or extremely embarrassing (in this case, maybe all of the above?). Oh boy, this guy's gonna regret ever coming up with these silly names, down in his adult years (unless he's got Peter Pan syndrome).
If someone thinks I'm being overly sarcastic against the guy, just wait till you try giving it a read and understand it yourselves. It's a heaping pile of facepalm, cringe, and secondhand embarrassment. Especially when you sorta caught on to what "meaning" he's shooting for, with each of these names.
What Mr. Quappa-el came up with, are some of the most insanely idiotic names I have ever read. At no point in his misguided, incoherent attempt were he even close to imparting anything that could be considered intelligible. Everyone who read it, is now dumber for having to try comprehending them. I award it no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.
I have no comment on his modeling skills, because its not my area of expertise.