
Found out that I've shiratamako in my 'drawer' idk what to do with it.
*sweet rice flour
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Spying Metatron, that's my favorite medieval nerd. ''Not Speaking off one Czech phenomenon'' Drinks slowly scotch single malt, not really my most favorite beverage.
If nitroglycerin was sufficient fishing bait, I'd be millionaire. -Best things are never said out in public
Translator broke on 'brain-derived neurotrophic factor' perhaps it's me or the current synapses which isn't working.
That's fun to watch, when you already know the result without it. Deep feelings perhaps, but hey it might become terminator robot in next generation.
Statistically I listen music more than most people, I'm in the 1%! *almost lost eardrums*
Could see it from a mile away, just had to confirm it close by. :fag:
Taking a peach drink and searching through wildlife bird book. Good day as the servers wasn't up.
Did worthless analysis on one philosopher's book (not entirely, narrowed that to few main topics to be accurate).
Reference sheet I did on library, is like a new tattoo -- too bad the quality looks dull. *Sits like the Thinker statue*
Mother of all joke books, Philogelos. Roman's had their fair share of fun.

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