Rate the Avatar above You

Cute^^, but the eyes of her kind of creeps me out :S I hope that doesn't offend you! Sooo mhhh despite the eyes 7,5/10 because its a really sweet Avatar : )
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Yotsuba XD hmm what to give idk 8/10 not exactly bad but not much happening either
not a fan of tony art
all his girls have the same face whats up with that ?
7/10 heh... i like the eyes of tony taka... so what's your favorite [MENTION=6202]Ruyzan[/MENTION] ..?? XD
It's kind of mystic and cute, but the background. I'm giving 7 out of 10.
7/10 Because I can't tell if that's a guy or a girl :O

But it looks pretty cool though~
6 out of 10. No transparency and the focus is just costume. Not that cute, I think.

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