[REQUEST][Authoring Heaven] Say Yah!

Oh, god - just found this request - still actual? i have almost all old complet's and authoring heaven games. But on my separate archive drives.
im love authoring heaven and complet's games too, but never have the chance to find the first say yah it will be great if you could help me with that.
Already posted in another thread but repost here for everyone to know...

Good news for the community!
Just purchased the only copy I could found on the net of Say Yah! (1999, Authoring Heaven), along with three other old games on my wanted checklist.
So its gonna be some time before they arrive to my home but at least I got that one.
Next month if possible have to find out about Okiraku Heaven (1998, May-be Soft).

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Reactions: Plagii and noce
Now it's time to wait for the game to arrive to my country(just shipped from my middleman there with some other games) and will dump it, so a little more of patience here.
Until next time, then.

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Reactions: Plagii and noce
Finally got the game home, after customs retained the package for almost a month... But soon will be uploaded once tested and everything else.

So Say Yah will be coming soon!

Just wanted to inform [MENTION=29822]Bulopu[/MENTION]; that he has his private message inbox full, wanted to send a message to him but can't do it because of that.
Thanks a lot.

Got it. Did you just hijack a thread just to send me a notice? What a punk.

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Cloud wrote on Shine's profile.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello. Could you please reupload those 2 asmr works?
Thank you.
TasogareHentai wrote on Esan's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for disturb, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
TioHerman wrote on UFO's profile.
heyo, do you have the lilith set from mizumizuni? I've saw you uploaded the others works from him and wondered if you had this one