Title: [MBS TRUTH] 灰被り姫の憂鬱
Romaji: Hai Kamuri Hime no Yuuutsu
Release date: 2001/09/14
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=6760
VNDB link https://vndb.org/v4498#main
The only version that I found in this site is dead if anyone has another link. Please share it. Thank you.
Romaji: Hai Kamuri Hime no Yuuutsu
Release date: 2001/09/14
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=6760
VNDB link https://vndb.org/v4498#main
The only version that I found in this site is dead if anyone has another link. Please share it. Thank you.