[MENTION=56775]paK0[/MENTION]; Please note that inaccurate reports won't be handled due to time and bandwidth constraints - just verify with the link checkers in my signature which files are actually dead (note: "offline" in FileFactory terms means temporarily unavailable and is not going to be replaced) and come back to me with that.
Err.. corocoro, could you please upload the first file 001-002 also to FileFactory? I'm curious about this anime, but RG (free) is too slow for anything above 300Mb.
Apologies in advance... this is going to be a bigger one. The creditless OPs, EDs and widescreen intros are all dead on FileFactory (deleted, expired and so on). Basically everything in the extras section except the episode 98 special and the two parts from the Jump Tour.
This is the last time I'm going to need to bug you about this (at least for a long time...). My OCD about having complete downloads is almost cured ( ;) ). My big DL binge has given me a lot to watch and my nephews are going to lose their mind with what I have for them!
Thanks in advance for the re-up here and keeping up with the regular day to day uploads.
[MENTION=87445]beel-sama[/MENTION]; Please note that inaccurate reports won't be handled due to time and bandwidth constraints - just verify with the link checkers in my signature which files are actually dead (note: "offline" in FileFactory terms means temporarily unavailable and is not going to be replaced) and come back to me with that.
May I ask something? Where could I post a message asking for help with an error in a game? Apparently, the Otome Games, Artbooks & CDs section is exclusively for uploading games, according to what I read in the rules. :c