[Role Play]2Date! (idea gathering)

『Yes! We are the thread busters!:samuraihero: (we only destroyed the original goal behind it and not thread itself though~)』
『Yes! We are the thread busters!:samuraihero: (we only destroyed the original goal behind it and not thread itself though~)』

i like that motto so much that i rekon we should make a group for it maddie
『And go on a mission of making mods transfer threads from other sections to Spam one? xD』
yep kinda like the little busters where they make everyday a fun day doing random crap but for the Thread Busters every day a new thread joins the spam section :D
『Well, actually I said that half as a joke but now that you say it, it really sounds fun to try ^_^』
you know it sounds fun and i will convince you to be leader of it but i rekon a max member limit so that not many can join it
『We'll also need our members to be free and random enough as well...』
『Well, we need people who can create or become reasons for spam so Samye would be perfect I think ^_^』
ok so thats 3 members so far, hmm who else? also shall i create a group page for us?
『Meh, I'll do that later myself...』

『Not really... Just creating a group of people who will fill threads with spam ^_^』
Hmm... depends on the thread though =w= Unless you plan to make a spam version of stuff... xD
ppl are just spamming on their own :donefor:
btw i'm almost done with the game, i think in 3 or 4 days i'll make the thread.

If you want something a bit more serious and you're not active enough to oversee it, you can count on ASF's more active member to turn it into a Spam thread xD
『I guess its only us who are doing nothing even though we should actually be pretty busy ourselves, huh?』
『Yes, I still need to write 1 program, 1 thingy on Delphi and make 1 website before Tuesday, but here I am watching anime while making plans to go to end-game dungeon in FFXIV few hours later xD』

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