[Misc] "Secret powers" of HS Plugins [Explore and share the functions of HS addons not widely known ]


Elite Member
Feb 13, 2017
1 HSSTUDIOADDON..: "Mimic a male character's animations on a female character."

Create a male and female character in studio .
Settle them on couple poses.
Now create another female and when selected:
Open HSStudioAddon. [Options panel]
Turn MIMIC MALE and select male character from Set.
Now 2nd female character will copy the moves of Male character..

Now only thing you need to do is hiding male character.
Whatever pose you put the male ...2nd female will Copy dat !

[Amazing function lots of thanks to Vrl0ver]

Yes i can imagine he did ..
But many of people not reading those detailed explanations I guess.
Cause There was a big problem about deformations in ShortcutsPlugin AddON which changes male character to female.
And was discussed long time.
And deformations were never fixed fully. And it breaks STUDIO.. Never worked there for me ..
When i saw this I told myself .."wow" I guess i should share this." SHM
is it possible to translate the animation name in "sbpr" "play club" and "Homemate" tab ?
it seems that we have to change the name of animation in textasset of unity3d file in those game. but i don't know which file i have to change
i tried with changing name in textasset of sbph_00_05_00_01.unity3d (in abdata\h folder of Sexy beach premium resort) but it still not work, the animation name is still displayed in japanese
A note ... HsStudio addon does not support MimicMale option yet.. Awaiting for this feature .. I hope Creator updates this ....

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okinawa wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

magg wrote on Shine's profile.
Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
thanks for your uploads
do you by any chance happen to have this?
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

this is the only game i was never able to find free, online