Please note that inaccurate reports won't be handled due to time and bandwidth constraints - just verify with the link checkers in my signature which files are actually dead and come back to me with that.
I check these links with Jdownloader and it tells me the same thing as RG link checker if links are dead or not and this anime has dead links in it and the file with 2 parts for each episode that there is dead wood needs fixing
Episode 11, Part 1 on Rapidgator is dead, the rest of the RG links still work. Can anybody upload this one file somewhere (or that single episode, from the same source release)? Thanks!
Yes, I understand that you have largely retired from this sort of thing so I used the vague phrase "can anybody upload this"--if another user still has the file, would you object to them posting it here? It was the last file I needed to complete the set, and apparently disappeared from RG quite literally just a couple hours before I had jdownloader2 scheduled to retrieve it;--the remainder of the set transferred fine over the last few days.