Sitting Little Bull (shota, boydom, babysitter, mF, cuck)


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Mar 2, 2021
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Sitting Little Bull
by DiscipleN

"Hey Mikey, want to see a show? I'll let you watch a superhero movie." I tried my best to convince the six year-old I had been hired to watch. I was horny. My boyfriend, Kanute, had sneaked in and was sitting on Ms. Dulimon's couch with Mikey and I.

Kanute sat next to me when he arrived, but Mikey squeezed himself between us, sending my boyfriend to the opposite end. "Geenie's here for me." The boy told my lover for the last eight months.

Kanute was my first sex partner. We hadn't had full sex yet, but I was hoping, by plugging Mikey into an action movie, Kanute and I could steal away for half an hour to finally find out what fucking was like. My panties had begun to moisten when Kanute agreed to come over to Mikey's apartment. I could hardly wait to give all of me to my lover.

Babysitting was actually my best chance to go all the way. My parents enforced strict rules about dating. I could only go out if I recorded the entire event on my phone. My mom's pretty good with computers. She'd know if I edited the audio recording. Once, she had Dad punished me for "squishy sounds" on a recording of Kanute and I getting excited from mutual masturbation. Dad and his belt had conditioned me, over many years, to heed an authoritative voice.

Since that super embarrassing recording and whipping, I could only risk a date with Kanute when I was sitting for Cheryl Dulimon's son, Mikey. She was out for an involved dental appointment this afternoon and had promised to pay double.

"Nah, super-heroes are dumb." Mikey turned his pout to me. "Are you gonna kiss him?" He had seen Kanute and I kiss during previous sittings with the boy. He was getting wise to us sneaking off for more than a kiss.

I winked at Kanute. "Maybe." I grinned at Mikey.

"I told Mommy about you, and she said I had to be mach-yer about it." He stuck his tongue at my boyfriend. "I'm a grrr-ate kisser. That's what Mommy told me."

Mikey's confession triggered my defenses. He had told his mother about Knute's visits?! I shuddered, afraid of returning home to severe discipline from my father. Yet, Ms. Dulimon had hired me at the last minute. Perhaps she didn't mind me having a boy over...

Kanute chuckled. He was a well muscled sophomore I had met in high school. I was a freshman. Make that a cute freshman, very cute. My girlfriends are always telling me that. Kanute's laugh spurred Mikey.

"I kiss better than you." Mikey contested.

I was surprised when Kanute's chuckle faded. He shot me a look as if he didn't know how to react. Most guys would have given a snappy come-back or gotten a little physical to show dominance. I had to intervene. "Moms always say that to their babies."

"Uh, yeah." Kanute shifted awkwardly on his cushion.

Abruptly, Mikey stood up on his cushion and grabbed my hair. " you!"

It was the first time I had heard the tot growl. As silly as it sounds, I flinched from what was no more intimidating than a whiny baby.

SMACK! The boy's lips spanked mine and then proceeded to mash and smear against them. It felt awful, but I didn't stop him. I mumbled against the six year-old's lips. "Nnnn - mmmgghh!"

After smashing our lips together like lumps of clay for way too long, Mikey released my hair and pouted proudly. "Tell 'Nute. He can't kiss like me!"

My boyfriend looked more surprised than shocked. "You let him?"

"Kanute, he took me unaware!" I objected.

"Yeah, but..." His voice trailed off and he scratched his thick, curled hair. I think he wanted to say, " went on and on and you didn't stop him!" He seemed embarrassed to say it.

My anger increased slightly, and I snorted lightly, turning my head away from both males. Without intending to, I suddenly giggled. "The boy's right, though. You can't kiss like him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"...means you're a poopy kisser!" Mickey delighted.

The situation was getting ridiculous. I tried again, from the top. "How about a scary movie, like "Trapped on Troll Bridge? I won't tell your mom I let you."

"UN-UH!" He almost screamed. Then he giggled. "I wanna watch Mommy's movies!"

Huh? "You want to watch a rom-com- I mean a funny love story?"

"Yeah, they're real funny."

"Okay." I started to feel sexy again, flashing bedroom eyes at Kanute. His eyes finched. What was the matter with him? I would have asked, but I was too busy scrolling through the movie list on screen. "This looks good." I used the remote to highlight the thumbnail image for "His and Her Baggage Claim."

"Nooo, Dummy!" Mikey grabbed the remote from me. He bounced to his feet and began stabbing buttons with his little thumb.

I revealed my embarrassment to Kanute. He shrugged. Then his eyes stared sharply at the screen. I looked too.

Mikey had escaped from the regular movies section and was scrolling through adult films! Why the hell hadn't his mother set the parental controls? "Those aren't for you, Mikey." I chastised and reached for the remote.

His hand whipped around and struck mine with the hard plastic controller!


He glared at me. "I saw Mommy watch them. This is her fave-rit."

While I rubbed my hand, he flipped through several steamy images and stopped the cursor rectangle on "Widow's Submission." The thumbnail was an image of a blonde woman, tits showing out of her black dress as she kneeled in front of a looming but demure shadow.

"Whoa!" Kanute whispered intensely when Mikey hit the play button. be continued...
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Ms. Dulimon must have stopped watching in the middle of the film. The player continued from where she'd left off. A young man, wearing a beanie hat and a cute button up shirt, was plowing his massive cock in and out of the blonde. He asked lamely, "Am I doing it right, Mrs. Cummersnatch?"

"OHHH, yes! You look almost like him. But I NEED you to talk like he does!" She moaned and writhed.

The man raised the pitch of his voice until it squealed. "You're my slut, Mommy! I can do anything I want!"

The voices of two women shrieked at the same time. The woman on screen erupted with a fake orgasm. I howled, "Turn that off!"

Unperturbed, Mikey angled his head at me. "But I wanna wach this, not dumb scary stuff."

"You can't. Now give me that remote." I managed to calm and collect myself. I just needed to exert my authority. I held out a demanding hand.

He stuck out his tongue. "'Nute wants to watch it too."

My aspiration for sternness faltered when my head turned, involuntarily to my boyfriend. He raised his hands in surrender. "I don't!" Then he made another mistake. He told Mikey, "Give it to Gina, or I'll have to take it away from you."

From the speakers, Mrs. Cummersnatch screamed. "OHH-YES, BABY! Fuck Mommy hard! Make me your Mommy bitch!"

Suddenly, Mikey jumped back to the couch and squeezed himself behind me, ducking low. "'Nute's scaring me, Geenie." He didn't sound scared, but his hands wrapped around my upper torso. they gripped my two, bra protected mounds to steady himself.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I automatically cried when the thick cups mashed into my jutting tits.

Kanute jumped over and reached for the boy, trying to save me.

"No, Kanute!" I couldn't risk him hurting the boy I was babysitting.

My boyfriend shied away, "But-"

"She doesn't want your big ol' hands!" Mikey spat. "I tol' you. She's for me!" To emphasize his assertion, the child began to really maul my chest.

"Ow. Stop it, both of you!" I wailed.

"Do it - HARDER! Make me YOURS, Baby!" The woman on the screen wailed!

One small benefit ... to grope me, Mikey had dropped the remote. I managed to focus enough to grab it and stop the video. The actor's last words rang in my head. Suddenly I realized that my panties were strangely wet.

I was so ashamed I froze after freezing the movie. Kanute looked like a kicked dog retreating to his far end of the couch.

"Hee!" Mikey sneered at the teen and then glowered at me. "You gotta let me play with you. You stopped Mommy's favorite show." The boy's busy hands reached under my shirt and began tugging my bra randomly, uncomfortably.

I was supposed to be in charge. I'd certainly made that clear to Knute. The child's logic made no sense, however. I had stopped the movie because it was disgusting! The remote fell to the floor. My hands flailed at his, but I had to be careful not to hurt him. "Stop it, Mikey!" My voice didn't sound like I was in charge."

"Yeah, maybe in a minute." He seemed more intent on confronting my bra than mauling me further. "How does this come off?"

I twisted under his tugging fingers. "You're not supposed to take it off!"

"Uh, you should leave her alone, Mikey." Knute rallied from his end of the couch. He didn't move, though. He seemed almost as keen to watch the little boy's hands as their owner was.

"Show me how, and I'll stop." He offered.

Anything! I first thought, then a plan occured to me. "I can't show you unless you let go of me!"

"Okay!" The little boy slumped next to me and crossed his arms. His nose pushed out in the direction of my bust. His frown reflected his impatience.

I stood up. My hands went to my shirt - only to straighten it and de-mangled my bra. "I've decided it's your bedtime, Mikey. You're acting up because you didn't get a nap today."

The tot screamed, "I DON'T WANNA SLEEP!" He jumped up to stand on the couch and quickly slapped my face! "You lied and cheated!"

"OW!" I was more surprised than hurt.

"Not cool, little dude." Knute started to stand.

"You can't touch me!" Mikey told both of us! "I play how I want." He sneered as if his word was law. His hands unbuttoned his knee length shorts and he unzipped them. Abruptly, his boy penis spilled through his underwear and out of his pants. It was just a couple inches and soft. He waggled it at us like it was a weapon. "Nya, nya!"

Knute fell back to his cushion. He made a face so grossed out, you'd think he'd seen swans swimming in shit.

I admit to looking at the toddler's peen longer than I should have. It was silly looking! I had to fight back a snort of laughter. Still, something inside of me warmed at the sight, a place deep between my hips. I wished I was seeing Knute's dick. My boyfriend had a really big one, and I was eager to finally make the best use of it.

"I said you have to go to bed. Now zip up your pants and get padding to your room!" I pointed down the hall.

"NO!" The boy actually shrieked it at me. Then he launched another attack, slapping my face, my boobs, wherever he could reach!

His small hands only stung, but they confused me. I didn't know what to do with such a rebellion! Instinctively, I grabbed his arms and used my strength, immobilizing them. "Stop it!" I shouted back.

Basically, I was holding him up, stretching his arms out. It was an awkward grasp, but a rush of adrenalin strengthened me, and he wasn't too heavy. I just needed him to calm down before I tired.

The boy surprised me again, growling. He jumped off of the couch right at me. His legs wrapped around my neck, smashing his groin into my face.

I had zero balance in that awkward position, and I fell. My back and head slammed into the carpet. His legs splayed out reflexively landing on his feet, but he fell against me. Something semi-hard pressed between my gaping lips and crammed into my mouth! I was too dazed to figure out what. I lost awareness for a moment.

"Gina!" Knute dashed up from the couch. "Let her go, Mikey."

I did see tears in the little boy's eyes. He worried that either he or I were hurt. My heart wanted to believe that he was filled with remorse.

"Nuh-uh!" Mikey told Knute and wiped his eyes. His hands gripped my scalp, and he hugged himself to my face like some alien implantation lifeform. The back of my throat gagged on whatever was pressing into it. His small belly button cupped my nose airtight. Mikey whined at my boyfriend. "She's here for me!" He abruptly yelled. "You sit down!"

Knute froze, clearly worried about me. "She's gasping!" He warned.

"Oh." It dawned on the boy that my chokes and gasps indicated that I was in some trouble. He sat up, clearing my nose for a raspberry inhale!


"Huh." Mikey's eyes looked halfway between concern for me and concern against my boyfriend. "Go back! Sit!" He commanded.

Knute took a couple steps back, his eyes searching mine for a clue. They were incredulous!

I focused on heaving oxygen into my lungs. My eyes glazed over. I still didn't know what was clogging my mouth, but air hissed in and out of my nose, saving me.

Mikey's dual concerns eased but didn't vanish. "Don' move." He told me. He waved at Knute to move back further.

Without instruction from me, I guess the big guy did sit back on the couch, ready to spring to my help if needed. Or so I imagined.

The mass in my mouth kept feeling stronger against my tongue. I kept coughing from the thing tickling the back of my throat.

"I don' wan' hurt you, Geenie." The boy pouted. "But you started it. Don' move." He repeated.

I kept still, and his hands released their grip on my scalp. He arched up. That's when I realized my mouth was full of his boy dick, and it was getting harder from the strange, sexy sensations it was feeling.

"NO!" I choked loudly and tried to push him off my face. My cry was unintelligible.

Mikey grimaced and started slapping me. "BAD!"

"Mikey, stop that, a-and let her go!" Knute prompted, but his voice faltered as if shocked at a little boy's cock crammed into his girlfriend's gob.

"Hee!!" He stopped hitting me. "Feels good!" My assailant stuck out his tongue at Knute. "Fits good!" Wiggling his hips, he increased the sensations my mouth was giving to his young, nearly hard prick. I kept choking, but I could breathe somewhat through my nose.

"Please, Mikey. She's gagging! Take it out, please?" My boyfriend's reticence to manhandle the child was probably my fault for telling him to keep to himself, but the dude was acting as if he couldn't stand up to Mikey. My admiration for Knute's strength drained like dishwater.

Not that I was in any better, mental state. Still dazed, my self-respect circled the drain as well. I just wanted Mikey to get away from me! I had tried physical restraint, but he had bested me - out of stupid luck. Pain in my head prevented cogent planning. I could only relent and focus on breathing, despite the small but hard cock gagging me.

"You stay." Mikey told me. He gave a quick glance and smirk at Knute who sat in his corner of the couch, hands crossed on his lap. Mikey stood up, his dick plopping out of my face. I coughed and tried to sit up on the carpet. He slapped me! "Stay!" His palm strike didn't hurt half as much as my head. I eased back to the floor.

Standing, Mikey took a moment to wag his three inches around the room as a victory celebration. Calming, he mulled what to do next. I cowered on the carpet. Knute looked pained.

"You stopped my show!" Mikey's lower lip ballooned at me. "Now you have to be my show."

I didn't understand, but his intentions felt more threatening than the scolding I would get from his mother if I let him watch a damn porno. "Okay, you can watch the show." I strained to reach the remote now lying on the floor.

"No!" Mikey kicked the remote away. "Too late. You gotta show me. You tricked me, so you gotta show me."

He meant I had lied about taking off my bra. My whirling head figured that much out. My next thought was for my boyfriend. "Knute, you should just leave. I don't have time to deal with Mikey and do what I promised you.

"'Nute stays!" Mikey surprised me again. "He sit there and lookie. You are for me."

"Hells, Gina, he might hurt you worse. You should go to the ER. You sound funny. I'll take you."

"NO!" Red with intense anger, Mikey threw a couch pillow at Knute! "You sit!"

I expected the high school athlete to knock the soft missile out of the air, but Knute let it hit him. He even cringed. "Sorry."

Mikey aimed his red face at me. "You have to show me."

I wanted to cry and keep fighting. I had plenty of tears in me but I'd lost my will to struggle further. Please let this crazy afternoon end! "Okay, okay." I huffed, finally catching my breath. My hands went to my shirt, and I unbuttoned it.

"Wow..." Mikey's eyes bulged.

I didn't dare look at my boyfriend, but I heard his gasp. I reached awkwardly behind my back and unhooked my bra. Lingering pain shot through my head. I winced and landed back against the carpet. The ceiling swirled above me.

Mikey's face grew concerned. "Go on." He prompted.

When the room stilled, I lifted my bra away from my breasts and their firm mounds shifted to opposite sides of my exposed torso.

"WHOAA!" Mikey's breath shot out.

"Dang, Gina..." Knute had seen them before but never in the presence of another boy. I took small comfort from his admiration.

"You gonna be a great mommy!" Mikey fell upon my body, sucking the right tit's nipple into his greedy lips.

"No, Mikey. Don't suck them!"

He ignored me but interrupted his sucking to glare at Knute. "These are for me!"

"Gina," My boyfriend fretted. "You're not thinking right. Why aren't you pushing him away?"

"Why aren't you pulling him away?" I got a little mad - mostly at myself, because he was right. I wasn't myself. That knock on my noggin had fogged over my thoughts. The only thing I could focus on was making sure that I was being a good babysitter and doing what Mikey needed. My dimmed thinking capacity accepted that Mikey needed to suck on my breasts. I took strange comfort in meeting his needs. "It's okay, Mikey. I won't let Knute stop you." I patted his rocking head.

"See? See what I'm talking about?" Knute sounded more intimidated than angry. "I should call 911." He pulled out his phone, but he cringed deeper into the far, couch cushion. His face scrunched up, contemplating the phone. be continued...
Readers! how is the story coming along so far, for you? PM me with your comments.
Switching from one nipple to the other, Mikey grinned at me. "My dicky is feeling big." He latched his mouth to my left nipple and started to nibble it.

"Hey, that hurts." I warned, but my threat was empty unless he drew blood- What distracted me from his teething was the firm bump in the middle of his hips. It was rubbing against the upper half of my left thigh. The little brat was getting an erection against me! It prompted me to complain. "Are you finished? Can I put my top back on?" I reached for my bra.

"NO!" He bolted up and sat on the lower half of my thighs. "Our show's not done!" His hands fumbled at his short pants pushing them and his underwear away from his growing penis.

"You need to stop him, Gina." Knute's finger hovered over his phone.

"Hah!" Mikey laughed. "'Nute's gonna take pick-chers or movie!" He gave my boyfriend a wide open smile. "Do it, 'Nute! That way you'll remember forever - Geenie's for me!"

My boyfriend's eyes glazed over, as if the idea of recording the toddler rape of his girlfriend struck a deep chord in him. His finger stroked the phone's screen. He wasn't dialing 911.

Mikey was ecstatic at the thought of being filmed! He bounded to his feet and pulled down his pants completely. Suddenly the young boy was dancing astride my body, wagging his hard three inches in the air, while I, half-naked, lay confused on the carpet.

Was Knute really taking pictures? Or a movie!? "Hey! You better not be doing that!" I yelled!

He turned the phone away. "Well, you better start thinking straight, Gina!" Knute slightly growled. "If this is what it takes to wake you up..." He justified the use of his camera, hoping that would scare me into right thinking Why didn't he just jump to my rescue? I had once heard that his mother had trained him not to be overly aggressive around women, especially in strange circumstances.

"This show is getting better and better!" Mikey bounced. "Now take off your pants, Geenie." He literally jumped out of his, and he fell back to our side of the couch. His eyes taunted downward at me. "Do it!"

I prayed that Knute wasn't really filming us. How idiotic would that be? I unbuttoned my pants and unzipped them. I didn't dare look at him, feeling unsure if he should be my boyfriend anymore. I felt so exposed! Even if I wasn't being filmed, Mikey's big eyes burned terrible shame into my heart. My hands simply obeyed the tot, while I shivered from embarrassment.

"Tee hee! You're turning red, Geenie!" Mikey giggled. He grabbed his little stiffy and played with it. He wasn't jerking it up and down, just rubbing his hands all around it and his young ball sack. I'm not sure he knew how to masturbate the common way. Enjoyment was plain on his face. "Wow, your underwear is pink too!" He got up from the couch and marched confidently up to me. Looking down at my nearly naked figure, his hand waved his penis at me. "This is for you."

"Your mom is going to be home soon. Let me put you to bed. I promise I won't do anything with Knute. You can even send him home."

"NO!" Mikey spat. He pouted at the much older boy. "Don't miss any this!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Knute aiming his phone at us. I wanted to fly out of the apartment! I wouldn't have cared that I was only wearing panties. Anything would be better than a video of me and a little boy's penis.

Knute even encouraged me. "Gina, you gotta get a grip and get out of there!" Did he really think that filming me would clear my head of the crazy thoughts swirling through it? The injury I sustained would heal in it's own time. What I wanted had nothing to do with what I had to do. My responsibility to care for Mikey had become almost all that I could think about.

The toddler bent down and grabbed my right hand. He tugged it up to him, straightening. "I want you to suck me. I sucked you. So it's only fair."

"No, Mikey. Please, not that. I didn't ask you to suck my breasts."

"They're TITTIES, Geenie. Don't you know anything?" He laughed. He must have learned the word from adult movies. His weak arms tugged harder. "Get up!"

I felt myself rising to a sitting position on the carpet, my firm boobs settling a tad lower on my chest. Abruptly, Mikey mashed his dick into my lips. They rejected him as quickly, with support from my teeth. I turned my head away. "I'm not supposed to do that! Just let me go."

"Un-Uhn. Every show has the lady suck boy cock. You stopped Mommy's show!" He accused me and grabbed my head. Turning it back to his crotch, he began beating my lips with his erection! "Suck it! Suck it!"

I remained firm in my refusal. Very quickly Mikey got frustrated and ceased his humping, but instead of anger, he tried a different way. "This is your present, Geenie. I'm trying to share, but you're being poopy!"

"I'm sorry, Mikey, but this isn't a show. It's real!"

My blurt of honesty quieted the room. Mikey pouted, lower lip trembling. Knute lowered his phone. His face wondered, "Is it over?"

"I KNOW!" Mikey hopped once. "My cock isn't big like in the shows." He stamped his foot! In a quick attempt to escape his admission, he barked at Knute. "I bet yours is small too! Show her."

I had already seen my boyfriend's prick, but Knute suddenly imagined how to disarm the child. Sensing an important victory, he undid his jeans in record time and hauled out his hard, eight inches. Oh, gods, was he getting aroused by watching me submit to a little boy?!! I suddenly hated him!

Mikey's eyes nearly doubled in size, potentially crushed by Knute's vastly superior manhood.

But before the child could lose his confidence, I suddenly grabbed his hips and pulled his crotch to my face. Opening my mouth, I proclaimed. "This size is just right!" And I gobbled up all of the six year-old's hard penis. "MMMM!!!" I exaggerated, although I didn't hate sucking on the boy. I really like to give head to Knute, but I hadn't lied about enjoying Mikey's. Eight fat inches really were too much to swallow.

Mikey delighted anew! He instantly understood my reference to Goldilocks. My mouth sucked and licked like crazy to prove that what he had was all I needed. The boy stuck his tongue out at Knute and teased. "Nyaa! I told you Geenie's for me. You're too big and too old for her!"

A deep grunt reached my ears, from the far side of the couch. I'd only heard Knute make that sound when he was about to climax! I hated him even more, and I sucked harder."

"OW!" Mikey yipped, unexpectedly. "You're do'n it too much!"

"Sorry." I spoke around the comfortable mass of peen in my mouth. To earn the hurting child's forgiveness. I pulled off of him and began kissing the head of his cock.

"That's nice." When Mikey's hurt faded, he pushed himself back into my mouth. "Do it right this time."

I mewled, feeling like I had defused a potential lifetime of sexual inadequacy for Mikey. I knew I was doing massive wrong. I needed to stop before things got further out of hand.

While I was mulling the best way to extract myself from the horribly inappropriate situation, without traumatizing the boy, Mikey's body suddenly convulsed, and he cried out. "AAAAAAA!!! WOOOWWWW!!!" His pelvis smashed into my nose, unintentionally, forcing my face off of the shuddering prick in my mouth. Mikey was having an incredible orgasm!


"Shee-it!" Knute puffed heavily, almost as if he was climaxing too. His right hand stroked his full prick, while his left continued to aim the phone at Mikey and I.

"What the fuck!" I accosted him with my fury.

Which my ex-boyfriend totally ignored. "Did he nut in your mouth, Gina?"

Of course Mikey couldn't cum. The boy was far too young! I was about to throw something at Knute, when Mikey groaned again and staggered back from me. "Ohhhh, Geenie..." His legs struck the base of the couch, and his ass fell hard on the couch. "I feel funny." He closed his eyes.

"Baby!" I heard myself yell. I got to my feet, but before I could take a step, Mikey's eyelids fluttered. "I'm sleepy." He pawed at the cushion next to him, the cushion farthest from Knute, and gave me a troubled look.

I hurried to the couch and sank down, worry overloading my rationality, except for the part of me that shot daggers out of my eyes at Knute. I drew the boy close. He was hot to the touch, not feverish but overheated from his orgasm.

Mikey's hot lips immediately sought out my closest nipple and he sucked drowsily. I held him and glared at the sophomore creep holding up his phone. "You big piece of shit, you really are taking a video!" I could have leaped at him and tried to smash his phone, but that would have disturbed little Mikey, and Knute was too strong and quick for me.

"And you really blew a little kid until he came. Did you swallow it?" He was just another idiot who learned about sex from porn. But he did lower his phone. His jerking hand slowed. He seemed content to watch a little boy suck on his ex-girlfriend's tit. "It's not like you're gonna give me a better thrill."

"I had plans, but you ruined it." I totally blamed him. "You should just go. Do what you want with that stupid video. I hope you jerk off until you bleed."

"No." Mikey whispered to my tit. "I'm not done. I-I can do more." He was falling asleep. "Got - to - show him." He did manage to move a hand to the waistband of my pink panties, but his fingers were too weak to pull it open.

I kissed the top of his warm forehead. "Silly goose." My head was starting to clear. All the craziness had bound me to its fog. Now that things were winding down, I felt more embarrassed but less ashamed. Sure, I had blown a kid, but it wasn't like I had forced him.

"I'm going to finish." Knute announced. He masturbated faster, probably remembering how I sucked on Mikey's little dick. To fuck with his fantasy, I simply stared at him like a damp mop. be concluded...
The hand at my waistband slipped under it, surprising me. "Mikey?"

"Gotta fuck you." He blinked and turned his head to see what his hand was doing.

"You're tired. Let me take you to bed."

"No. 'Nute has to watch." He pouted. He must have thought I was going to have sex with him. My mind was clearing, but I was too tired to dispel his illusion. My rush of adrenalin was fading, sapping my heart and muscles.

Weary but determined, Mikey took advantage of my weakness. He helped me slip down to the carpet between the couch and the coffee table. I lay like an exhausted salmon after a long fight against rod and reel. Fingers peeled down my panties, and I felt a couple touching my sex.

"You're wet."

Tell it to the fish, I wanted to say but found myself in a new, helpless mental state. I was so tired!

Mikey worked hard then, growing excited. It took him almost two minutes to pull my panties off of my legs, rendering me fully naked but lifeless. Knute remained aloof, during Mikey's effort. Slapping sounds from the far end of the couch sped up.

"No, Mikey. Please, no." I whined, gazing down at my lith form. My tits obstructed most of my view of the boy, but through my ample cleavage, I saw his cock growing firm again. "Don't. I'm supposed to be keeping you out of trouble."

"I want you, Geenie!" The boy said selfishly as he stood up and spread my legs with his face. "You gotta let me. It's what you're here for - to be mine!" He threw yet another sticking-out-of-tongue at Knute. I couldn't see my ex-lover' face, but I noticed a big hand holding up his phone again.

"Please don't fuck me, Mikey." I whimpered, squirming my hips. I couldn't draw my legs together. They wouldn't obey my will. In the next few seconds, Mikey was going to get on top of me and put his revived cock in my wet pussy! I realized then, nothing I said would make him think twice or even wait.

"Keep quiet!" Mikey frowned. He kneeled between my spread knees and fondled his half hard peter. He was less quick, either because he was still recovering from his incredible orgasm or because he was actually nervous about fucking for the first time. Mikey trembled like an aspen as he leaned over me and rested on his elbows and placed his growing cock at my fur-rimmed twat. I was so entranced, I might have raised my legs to wrap them around his narrow hips, to draw him in, but I was too tired, and once again too ashamed. The knob of his organ found my dewy trough and slid down, parting the moist length of my trembling slit. His features twisted with trepidation and conquest as he began humping his little tool along my slimy groove. I felt his hot dick spread my furry sheath a couple times as he tried to stick it in me. He didn't know that within my vulva, there was an inner hole.

"Your pussy is wonderful!" He smiled a smile that couldn't hide his increasing frustration. "But you're too small for me."

"Hah, little dude doesn't know where to put it!" Knute chortled.

I grimaced, remembering how I used to love Knute pushing his fingers deep into me.

"I know enough. I'm in Geenie's pussy, and you're playing with yourself!" Mikey countered, but he was actually close to tears. He humped his dick harder into my nested pairs of lips, without the success he strove for.

Knute's slapping hand didn't slow. In fact we heard him jerking faster.

"Shhh, Sweety. Let Gina help." I couldn't believe my voice. Then my hand betrayed me by reaching for his now hard dick. Gods! I never dreamed I'd end up fucking a six year-old instead of my hunky boyfriend. I sucked in my breath and grasped Mikey's rubbing member. He stilled at the unexpected but not unwelcome grip.

"Go slow. Push steady." I guided his hard but small dick into my wet pussy. I fingered the shaft to the proper angle, slipping his cock head into the shallow divot that was the entrance to my cunt. In my hand, his erection felt like a warm hotdog. In my pussy, it felt like a hot iron was burning into me. We both gasped at our separate sensations!

I watched his eyes cloud over as his cock penetrated deeper and deeper. I had expected his thin prick wouldn't stimulate much, but it stretched the walls of my vagina noticeably. I had long ago broken my hymen. I loved how his narrow rod plugged my deeper well, like a wine cork sipping at my nectar. Then his little ball sack struck my taint, and I exhaled a long held breath!

"Mikieee!" I gasped, hugging him close and mashing his face to my tits. "Gggaaahhh! What a beautiful prick! Such a perfect fit! Hhhuuuhhh! Oh, Mikey I don't want to fight you anymore, fuck me! Drill me, in and out all that you can! Feel how hot and wet I am?

"You're pretending, right Gina - for the camera?" Knute suddenly sounded as if he was getting jealous. "I thought you were joking - trying to rile me up by getting strange with Mikey." The phone trembled in one hand, but his other hadn't stopped jerking his big dick.

"I want you, Geenie." Mikey's hard inches started to mimic what he'd seen porn guys do - he began fucking me.

I growled at the stupid lump of a male sophomore. "Does this look like I give a shit about you anymore? Mikey took me away from you, and you're making a fucking video of it!" To emphasize my rejection, I plunged my fingers between Mikey's and my naked bellies. I began masturbating my clit. Mikey sped up, gaining confidence that this was really happening!

"Geeeniieee! I love you!"

Hard and moving quickly in and out of my juicing cunt, his little dick felt really good! My frigging fingers were just sauce on the meat. "You're fucking me, Mikey!" I marveled, finally able to ignore the lame idiot recording us.

Placing my open mouth against my very young lover, I sent my tongue exploring as I worked my pelvic muscles on his impaling rod. This elation, being fucked for the first time, was beyond what I imagined. That seems strange to say, since I was expecting my first time to be with my big dick boyfriend, not a toddler driven to conquer me in front of Knute. His little cock was now battering the slick tunnel that his defeated rival had intended to pillage.
Knute spoke his pain then, but the sound gave only glorious pleasure. "No, Gina. Please stop." He whimpered. "Mikey, get away from my girl!"

Mikey was thinking only of the pleasure that his hard little cock was dredging from his babysitter's leaking hole. My tongue in his mouth found little resistance. The boy was bucking like crazy. I'm surprised that his short length didn't slip out, but maybe that's why he took his time at first, to learn his range of motion. His motion felt wonderful!

He gasped, slurping my tongue before pulling away. "You feel super! I'm gonna fuck you all night! Keep squeezing me!" Mikey buried his face into my big titties. Wagging his head, he kissed them madly.

I felt no shame or regret for what he was doing, only a sense of pride. I was being the best babysitter I could be! I groaned as a little orgasm washed through me, pumped up by my frigging fingers and Mikey's fucking cock! My head turned slightly towards Knute, to ensure that he wasn't going to disrupt my wonderful, yes strange, first time.

I think Knute couldn't handle watching us but couldn't stop watching. His eyeballs were glued to his phone as it recorded the loss of his first fuck. He was jerking off to the video of his girlfriend's submission instead of watching it happen right before him. Knute's unblinking eyes were full of tears.

I hollered then, as a bigger rush of joy, swept up my body! "OOOOHHHH!!! Keep fucking me, Mikey! Show that asshole how you treat your bitch!"

The boy couldn't fuck any faster, and I worried he might collapse from his effort, but never underestimate the energy pent up in a little boy. He kept slobbering on my tits and crying, "You're mine, Geenie. Mine!"

My deranged brain fully accepted the boy as my conqueror, and it sent me over the edge. "AAAAAAAA!!!!" My body bucked and lurched as the most powerful orgasm I'd ever known, shaking ecstasy through me from head to toe. "I'm cumming, Baby! I'm cumminnnnggg!!!"

Something about my final climax must have triggered the boy. He wailed, "Eeeeyaaaaaa!!" His body was consumed by violent throes that clashed with mine. Our bodies flailed against each other, slapping loudly, punctuating our separate cries of joy!

A third howl erupted in the room. Suddenly, hot, thick goo spattered on my face! I had to close my eyes, to protect them. I screamed, knowing full well who was hosing me with nasty cum! "You fucking fuckwad, Knute!"

"There, you damn whore! That's was you deserve for fucking a kid!"

Suddenly, I wrenched myself out from under Mikey. I sprang to my feet and grabbed a small lamp from the couch's end table. Raising it like a weapon, I rushed at the wretched sophomore, my eyes burning with hatred. "Get the fuck OUT!!"

With a terrified shriek, Knute spun around and ran for the door. I didn't see him drop his phone. I just wanted to kill him! He managed to unlock the door before I reached him, but I got in a heavy blow, smashing the lamp on his muscular back as he opened it.

Knute howled with pain and shot outside and sprinted down the hall to the elevator!

I halted in the doorframe, panting, cursing, glaring, naked, cum dripping down my face. He turned into the stairwell and disappeared. Echos of heavy clomping diminished until the faint click of unlocking sounded close from the opposite neighbor's door. I ducked back inside and slammed Mikey's door shut.

Abruptly weary, I tread wobbling back to the couch. Mikey had Kunte's phone. I sat beside the naked, elated child and helped him to change the password.


When his mother returned home from her dental appointment, she found us clean and dressed. "How did everything go, Gina?"

"Mikey and I had a great time."

"Mommy! Mommy! I made a TV show with Geenie!"

"That's wonderful, Sweetie! Let Mommy put her things away, and we'll watch it together." She paid me for my time, and I left their home with an odd sense of missing out on something better than what I had just experienced.


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Bedusz wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Reupload please 🙏
okinawa wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello, Could you please reupload this? Thanks.

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