[Utility] SkinTexMod for Honey Select


New member
Sep 15, 2016
SkinTexMod HS v2.3a
Just press J!!!
by Alexae


Change or Overlay skin textures of each character at runtime.

How to Use
1. While in game doing your thing! Press "J" and select which ever character you want to change texture(s) for..

Adding your own Skins

Copy one of the existing skin folders and edit the config.ini as follows.

  • Inject
    - Direct: replaces skin texture completely ignoring most textures that are compiled before game play ie. Suntan,Mole,Tattoo.
    - Overlay: Up-scales default compiled texture to Injecting texture(s) resolution preserving Suntan,Mole,Tattoo etc and Overlays Injecting Texture(s) on top based on Alpha channel.
  • Info
    - Info about the skin.
  • You do not need to provide all the textures, recommended min Body/Face for Direct injecting so you have matching head/body.
    Supported formats:
    - TGA(24B,32B)
    - PNG
    - DDS
  • BodyTex Body Texture
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • FaceTex Face Texture
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • BodyTexN Body Texture Normal(Bump) Map
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • BodyTexS Body Texture Spec Map
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • FaceTexN Face Texture Normal(Bump) Map
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • FaceTexS Face Texture Spec Map
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • BodyTexOM Face Texture Occlusion Map
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • FaceTexOM Face Texture Occlusion Map
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace
  • IrisTex Eye Iris Texture(s),Right eye is optional
    - Texture format : followed by Left Eye Texture filename:Right Eye Texture Filename.
  • EyeWhiteTex Eye White Texture,Right eye is optional
    - Texture format : followed by Left Eye Texture filename:Right Eye Texture Filename.
  • FemaleEyeHiLightTex Eye High Light Texture,Right eye is optional
    - Texture format : followed by Left Eye Texture filename:Right Eye Texture Filename.
  • FemaleEyeShadowTex Female Eye Shadow Texture
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename.
  • TongueTex Tongue Texture.
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename.
  • TeethTex Teeth Texture.
    - Texture format : followed by Texture filename.
  • Debug IF USED: RESET SKIN to get back default skin.
    - true or false : Will instead of replacing the textures, insert it self in front of the built in compiler and output the results to Output folder in SkinTexMod, output is limited to 1024x1024 png.
  • MaleUncTexMerge Shifts Uncensor UVS to work with body material.
    - true or false : If enabled uncensor UV data will be adjusted to work with body texture from skintexmod
  • Anime
    - true or false : Enables outline shader.
  • AnimeOutline
    - Outline size for anime mode, recommended 0.001

  • 1. Install EusthEnoptEron's Illusion Plugin Architecture for HS and extract into installation directory.
    2. Extract the Plugins folder from the SkinTexMod into your HS installation directory.
    4. All Done.

Features, Changes ,Bugs and limitations
  • v1.0
    -haven't tested VR...
  • v1.1
    -Added "RESET SKIN" option for skin, wont work if Debug was used.
    -Added "Output Default Skin" for testing, it will output all the default compiled skin into OUTPUT folder, similar to DEBUG output but with default textures, output is limited to 1024x1024 png.
    -haven't tested VR...
  • v1.2
    -Added support for Character Editor, you can output live texture data as you adjust them.
    -Added "RESET SKIN" option for skin should work for any game mode regardless of debug was used.
    -haven't tested VR...
  • v1.3
    - Fixed RESET SKIN, should work 100% now.
    - Added more DDS support, no longer limited to 8bpp.
    - You can still use dxt1,dxt5 file type, for future mods just uses dds regardless of compression type.
    -haven't tested VR...
  • v1.4
    - Full Male support
    - Added support for male uncensor from SEMIPRO, will rescale, offset uncensor uvs for body texture/material, since the uncensor is added on the body for SkinTexMod.
    -haven't tested VR...
  • v1.5
    - Added Overlay Uncensor Skin(UNC Color Adjust) for males, should work with any skin color.
    - Added Eye texture options(Eye whites,Iris,HiLights,Shadow)
    - Added Tongue and Teeth options.
    - Output Default skins now also outputs normal maps, surface maps, occlusion maps.
    - Config file more relaxed on where tags can go.
    - Separated prepackaged Skins into Addons for quick fixes to Main mod files.
  • v1.6
    - Added Autoload, auto laods last skin used, Reset removes the Autoload.
    - Autoload not supported for LOAD SCENE/IMPORT SCENE under studio(you can press J to engage the autoload after), Character Maker.
    - Added Anime Mode, supports both female/male.
    - Skin option "Overlay:Anime:UNC Male" male unc overlay+anime.
    - Skin option "Quick:AnimeOnly" for both female/male, but does not touch the uvs for male unc.
    - fixed bump/normal map output, shifts the A channel to R channel, so when saving make sure to reverse it by moving R channel to A channel if you used this feature to grab the normal maps.
  • v1.7
    - something something
  • v1.8
    - Fixed Studio Facial expression resetting issue.
    - Fixed Load times, should only reapply skins to newly added characters or updated ones.
  • v1.9
    - Fixed Overlay issue for the face.
    - Fixed Loading issue for clothes state under studio.
  • v2.0
    - bug fix.
  • v2.1B - v2.1a never happened...
    - added support for latest patch, might be buggy.
  • v2.2
    - new and improved autoload, works everywhere...almost. buggy still removed for later.
    - new texture config options, " Texture format : followed by Texture filename : 0 or 1 for mipmaps : 0 or 1 for gamma or linear colorspace "
  • v2.2b
    - autoload fixed
  • v2.3
    - fixed autoload/replace issue, might have to reset skins on chars that you dont want autoload on.
    - scroll sensitivity increased for menu.
  • v2.3a
    - bug fixes.

DOWNLOAD SkinTexMod v2.3a

DOWNLOAD SkinTexMod v2.0
DOWNLOAD Addons[1]


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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

SkinTexMod updated to v1.2. should work in character editor.

So debug mode actually inject at the place where original skin texture is loaded, and extract the texture at the place where texture is injected in overlay/direct mode. How the texture will be processed after that remains unknown. At least I know how the texture coloring works.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

So debug mode actually inject at the place where original skin texture is loaded, and extract the texture at the place where texture is injected in overlay/direct mode. How the texture will be processed after that remains unknown. At least I know how the texture coloring works.
correct, after that shader takes over, applies lighting, shadows, occlusion maps, normal maps spec maps etc, then post process effects on the camera take over and apply bloom, ssao;
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

correct, after that shader takes over, applies lighting, shadows, occlusion maps, normal maps spec maps etc, then post process effects on the camera take over and apply bloom, ssao;

Thanks, and another question
Is the texture converted to 32bit float before injection, or converted to 8bit.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Thanks, and another question
Is the texture converted to 32bit float before injection, or converted to 8bit.
thanks for bringing this up, i never really gave much thought about it until now since i don't create the skins haha T_T, dxt1 and dxt5 is 8bpp,
i added support for 32bpp on the next update huge difference in quality, so if you have the photoshop plugin you could output it as ARGB 32 bpp | unsigned while working in 8bit/channel or 16bit/channel.

EDIT: just updated it to 1.3 with the fixes.
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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

SkinTexMod now supports males as well, also disables censor scripts and matches body material to uncensor material.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Just updated SkinTexMod to v1.4, now adds support for male. Also supports the current uncensor for male as well. i included 2 skins for male ,tanned and light. both come with matching uncensor texture combined into the body texture.

the male part of skintexmod shifts the uv of the uncensor so that the body material and texture(Normal,Surface..etc) can be used for the uncensor.

i have not added a overlay skin to it yet for male, which i think most people would like, if anyones willing go nuts as it will give people with different skin color to apply matching uncensor textures with one overlay texture.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Just updated SkinTexMod to v1.4, now adds support for male. Also supports the current uncensor for male as well. i included 2 skins for male ,tanned and light. both come with matching uncensor texture combined into the body texture.

the male part of skintexmod shifts the uv of the uncensor so that the body material and texture(Normal,Surface..etc) can be used for the uncensor.

i have not added a overlay skin to it yet for male, which i think most people would like, if anyones willing go nuts as it will give people with different skin color to apply matching uncensor textures with one overlay texture.

Normal map seems not loaded
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Test sample

and another bug, body specular map will be loaded onto the face.
Try saving the body normalmap as DXT5_nm,
from my understanding unity converts normalmaps differently moving the R to A channel.

as for the spec issue, you have face spec on body field. :)


change it to

Edit: seems there is a mix up, will have a fix soon
Edit: i had my config file ordered the wrong way. the above config should work,also try NM as DXT5_NM
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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

updated SkinTexMod to v1.5
- Added Overlay Uncensor Skin(UNC Color Adjust) for males, should work with any skin color.
- Added Eye texture options(Eye whites,Iris,HiLights,Shadow)
- Added Tongue and Teeth options.
- Output Default skins now also outputs normal maps, surface maps, occlusion maps.
- Config file more relaxed on where tags can go.
- Separated prepackaged Skins into Addons for quick fixes to Main mod files.
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Reactions: Dr.Bloodmoney
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Upcoming Anime option for skintexmod




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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

:mini_sigh: I have been avoiding this post for quite some time...

Can someone explain to me how SkinTexMod works and how to use it? I keep re-reading the description, but I just can't grasp it. Nothing against Alexae's description, I am just an idiot.

Just installed, how does it affect base game tans and tattoos and skin color? Looks like some things reset when I do certain things. This is what I have not understood from the beginning.

Also, what is all the direct and output talk, and how does the reset skin work?

Can you save so that you do not have to reply to every character each time?
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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

:mini_sigh: I have been avoiding this post for quite some time...

Can someone explain to me how SkinTexMod works and how to use it? I keep re-reading the description, but I just can't grasp it. Nothing against Alexae's description, I am just an idiot.

Just installed, how does it affect base game tans and tattoos and skin color? Looks like some things reset when I do certain things. This is what I have not understood from the beginning.

Also, what is all the direct and output talk, and how does the reset skin work?

Can you save so that you do not have to reply to every character each time?
If you are the USER, just unpack it download skin mods put them into the texture folder, when in game press J, a menu will pop up, giving you options to load those skins directly into the character. some skins do overlay(adds to existing character customization), others direct(loads complete skin), you can play around with both skin types. you can press reset if you don't like the loaded skins, it will bring it back to how you had it.

//side note
Update on Anime mod, almost done!!! got the shading to work as well as outline so release is soon, until then i get to have all the fun BUHAHAHAHA.
second one from the right is a default shader, rest is all anime/outline


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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask and apologize if it's not, but I was wondering if it is possible to make a completely new skin type? I found a Midna texture to use with TexMod but I would rather have it as its own skin type if possible so I don't have to re-apply it everytime the character loads or I change something in the CM.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask and apologize if it's not, but I was wondering if it is possible to make a completely new skin type? I found a Midna texture to use with TexMod but I would rather have it as its own skin type if possible so I don't have to re-apply it everytime the character loads or I change something in the CM.
Better off making that as a skin tight outfit, like the pantyhose.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

If you are the USER, just unpack it download skin mods put them into the texture folder, when in game press J, a menu will pop up, giving you options to load those skins directly into the character. some skins do overlay(adds to existing character customization), others direct(loads complete skin), you can play around with both skin types. you can press reset if you don't like the loaded skins, it will bring it back to how you had it.

//side note
Update on Anime mod, almost done!!! got the shading to work as well as outline so release is soon, until then i get to have all the fun BUHAHAHAHA.
second one from the right is a default shader, rest is all anime/outline

If you are the USER, just unpack it download skin mods put them into the texture folder, when in game press J, a menu will pop up, giving you options to load those skins directly into the character. some skins do overlay(adds to existing character customization), others direct(loads complete skin), you can play around with both skin types. you can press reset if you don't like the loaded skins, it will bring it back to how you had it.

//side note
Update on Anime mod, almost done!!! got the shading to work as well as outline so release is soon, until then i get to have all the fun BUHAHAHAHA.
second one from the right is a default shader, rest is all anime/outline

Thanks for responding alexae. Any save feature at the moment, or do I hit J at the beginning of each scene? Also, the anime mod looks great.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Updated SkinTexMod to 1.6, now has AUTOLOAD+AnimeMode

- Added Autoload, auto laods last skin used, Reset removes the Autoload.
- Autoload not supported for LOAD SCENE/IMPORT SCENE under studio(you can press J to engage the autoload after), Character Maker.
- Added Anime Mode, supports both female/male.
- Skin option "Overlay:Anime:UNC Male" male unc overlay+anime.
- Skin option "Quick:AnimeOnly" for both female/male, but does not touch the uvs for male unc.
- fixed bump/normal map output, shifts the A channel to R channel, so when saving make sure to reverse it by moving R channel to A channel if you used this feature to grab the normal maps.
Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Updated SkinTexMod to 1.6, now has AUTOLOAD+AnimeMode

- Added Autoload, auto laods last skin used, Reset removes the Autoload.
- Autoload not supported for LOAD SCENE/IMPORT SCENE under studio(you can press J to engage the autoload after), Character Maker.
- Added Anime Mode, supports both female/male.
- Skin option "Overlay:Anime:UNC Male" male unc overlay+anime.
- Skin option "Quick:AnimeOnly" for both female/male, but does not touch the uvs for male unc.
- fixed bump/normal map output, shifts the A channel to R channel, so when saving make sure to reverse it by moving R channel to A channel if you used this feature to grab the normal maps.

Thank you, I know how to fix the normal map.
Add a pure color layer of 127,186,255 at the bottom, and overlay the original blueish normal map onto it
Then save the normal map as DXT5_nm using Nvidia DDS plugin, with flip option checked.


Sorry, I was wrong. The green channel actually needs gamma correction of 0.45454545454545.
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Re: [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Mod Support Thread

Thank you, I know how to fix the normal map.
Add a pure color layer of 127,186,255 at the bottom, and overlay the original blueish normal map onto it
Then save the normal map as DXT5_nm using Nvidia DDS plugin, with flip option checked.

Dxt5nm is only 8bpp, after switching the R channel to A channel and saving as 32bpp unsigned will give better quality

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