- Aug 17, 2016
- 237
- 156
SLR Translator is a tool I've been developing over the past few years to translate RPGM games at a high enough standard to be able to finish them without getting stuck, and without being dependent on online services or needing a high end rig to run something like DeepSeek.
(This will actually work on a fairly old laptop as long as it doesn't overheat.)
If you've ever used Translator++ before, then the tool will immediately feel familiar, because I am using it's UI licensed under GPLv3.
But the actual translation process is very different from Dreamsavior's stuff.
Most outside credit there actually goes to Reddo9999, his code helped me a lot.
(We don't know each other, but his code is also licensed under GPLv3.)
Important Notes:
Press F1 with the tool open for tutorials on how to use this.
This tool will only function if you have a working SugoiV4 server running locally on port 14366.
(The standard setting.)
If you want to use the SugoiLevi model as backup option it needs to run on port 14370.
You can visit https://sugoitoolkit.com/ to find out more about Sugoi.
The V9-V9.4 Toolkits are not compatible with SLR, but 9.5 works again.
Developer: Shisaye
Version: 1.126
System Requirements: Windows (64bit), At least 8GB of RAM, Decent cooling.
Extract the tool and launch it using the SLR Translator executable.
If you have problems extracting, please update your 7zip to the latest version.
After launching the tool, please press F1 to get to the help page explaining all basic stuff.
If you have problems extracting, please update your 7zip to the latest version.
After launching the tool, please press F1 to get to the help page explaining all basic stuff.
It will no longer send IDSP characters between Japanese to Sugoi.
It will now properly escape non Japanese at the start or end of lines if they are split from the rest using "/".
Changed a dictionary entry.
Fixed \ escaped " and ' sometimes being eaten.
Added {word|word} pattern to the splitting patterns.
Fixed system for detecting and fixing wrongly placed " or '.
Improved detection and added missing documentation for error codes regarding " and ' boundaries.
Added a new button for quickly running code that is disabled by default. (Can be enabled by uncommenting 3 code bits in the "transredbatch.js".
"stint" and "pstint" now wrap a bit tighter to work for more box types.
Fixed an achievement plugin getting crashed by word wrapping.
Some random minor fixes.
Fixed commands not being escaped under very specific circumstances.
Added tagging and escaping for a new generic MV script.
Fixed some errors in escaper patterns.
Pattern based wrapping now overwrites normal wrapping if it can achieve a "more perfect" result.
Non-dialogue cell can now be wrapped normally if pattern based wrapping fails, but the system sees no indication that normal wrapping could destroy something.
Added 2 new commands to the wrap button. "clear" and "nuke".
"clear" removes all content from the "Wrapped Translations[3]" row.
"nuke" removes all content from all rows, except "Original Texts[0]".
Added some dictionary entries.
Fixed a wrong one.
Added loading screens with working progress bars for the prep, fix, and wrap buttons.
Added LOSTPLACEHOLDERMIDDLE error code, that briefly exists after batch translation for cells in which a placeholder was lost and could not be placed at the exact original position.
The new code will be removed during the "Fix cells and check for errors" button and the cells will instead be tagged purple.
Added new dictionary entries.
Fixed the batch translation loading screen only appearing after cached translations have been processed.
Changed some log messages.
Updated the help menu to reflect the changes.
Added dictionary entries for MZ States entries.
Fixed a bug eating spaces in Skills and States.
Fixed some typos.
Changed operation sequence to "Break, Split, Isolate, Escape, Cut".
Fixed Split interfering with Isolate.
Changed command escaping.
Added new indigo tag.
If a cell was not wrapped during the Automatic Word Wrapping process, but has less lines than the original cell it will be tagged indigo.
If the Prepare for batch translation or the Fix cells and check for errors buttons are used existing indigo tags will be removed.
Added popups to explain this.
Updated the help menu to include the new tag.
Replaced some of the word wrapping changes in 1.116 with something that covers a lot more.
It will no longer attempt to wrap a column if the overwrite cell is filled.
Automatic word wrapping will now consider standard non breaking spaces if everything else fails.
It will now try to wrap very specific non dialogue cells, but only accept the result if the cell has the same amount of lines as the original Japanese cell.
It will no longer attempt to wrap a line if there is no punctuation or spacing.
Removed a context again that was added to the wrap list in 1.115.
The escaper will now "Break, Split, Isolate, Cut, Escape" instead of Break, Isolate, Split, Cut Escape".
The options menu for adding new contexts to the automatic word wrapping now works properly.
Added new catchall pattern to the escaper.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed \> sometimes not being escaped properly.
Added dictionary entries for all standard MV/MZ system messages.
Added exceptions to _ escaping for known placeholders.
Fixed . sometimes disappearing in scripts.
Fixed ' sometimes not being removed from translated scripts even when it should.
Fixed ' sometimes being removed from translated scripts even when it shouldn't.
Fixed numbers sometimes having unnecessary spaces.
Added automation for battlemanager log messages.
Added popup and tagging for the battle manager skilltree plugin.
Added a bunch new entries for red tagging of file names.
Fixed some typos.
Removed the "POTENTIALFILENAME" error code.
Text beside _ will now always be escaped.
Made a big list of red tags based on context to tag file names.
When the MOG Battle Commands plugin is detected System terms commands will be tagged yellow.
Made a popup alerting the user of the existence of the the plugin.
Cells with lines with no Japanese before text escaped with // will be tagged red in plugins.
Lines with no Japanese before text escaped with // will be escaped.
I've removed the popup notifying you when the "Prepare cells for batch translation" button failed to remove a file, so it no longer spams the message on repeat presses.
Updated the error list in the help menu.
Fixed a typo causing a bunch of "ca not" to appear.
Added some new dictionary entries.
LL Galge choice entries will now be tagged yellow instead of green to reflect the manual attention they need.
Added 2 new error codes counting the "," in those cells and notifying the user if the translation has an incorrect amount.
Changed Name CatchAll for isolating patterns to not interfer with splitting patterns.
Added tagging and escaping for LL Galge plugin choice and message entries.
Made catchall patterns for custom name plate box commands.
Changed POTENTIALFILENAME, MISSINGPLACEHOLDER, and WRONGCOMMAND error detection to be more accurate.
Added some dictionary entries.
Added support for _n<> _s<> \o_S<> type scripts.
Fixed _CT automation.
Fixed some bugs regarding punctuation in scripts.
Fixed a missing doc entry.
Fixed a bad translation in the dictionary.
Added 2 new entries to the dictionary.
Changed how %s %d %1 %2 %3 etc. stuff is escaped so Sugoi actually tries to translate those cells.
Improved error detection for those placeholders.
Added _n<Name> entries to the wrapper.
Added a few new dictionary entries.
Fixed a bug causing \! pause commands to sometimes break.
Improved error detection for rogue "\".
Changed stint wrap amount to 56/50 monospace characters instead of 48/44 and pstint to 50/50 instead of 44/44 to better use "normal" dialogue boxes.
Fixed a description.
Fixed purple cells potentially getting processed wrong, and purple tags will now be removed if you press the prepare for batch translation button.
Instead of the UNUSUALLYSHORT error, cells with bad translations will now be tagged purple.
If the translation changes and they are no longer bad when you press the fix cells button the tag will be removed again.
Fixed a bad description.
Added 2 new translations options SLRGoogle and SLRLevi. They use the same escaper/wrapper/divider like SLR. Levi uses port 14370.
Updated the documentation to reflect the changes.
Fixed very specific "if" statements not being escaped properly.
Fixed a wrong description.
The Unusually Short error now includes the translated text in front so that if it is not removed at least whatever was translated is still there.
Instead of a fixed ratio on the minimum character count it will now determine it based on the difference between the original line and the user input. To prevent it from making unnecessary lines while still trying to always consider punctuation.
Wrapping now has a minimum character count depending on what the user put in.
Added automation for a _EventSetting custom script.
Made it consider original whitespace in front of lines and evaluate whether to keep or remove it for the translation during wrapping.
Made wrapping always check if it can break on punctuation instead of a space.
Removed unnecessary code.
Fixed a bug that was duplicating the title.
It will now attempt to place linebreaks in front of \< so those cells look less bad.
Removed some obsolete text.
Fixed bugs adding unwanted spaces, $1$2, and duplicated version numbers.
Added better entries for the scripts to remove apostrophes.
Fixed a wrong vocab entry.
Changed placeholders again this time to @@1@ because that works better for whatever reason.
Added a much more extensive script for recovering placeholders.
It will now attempt to remove all ' from translations of red and yellow cells, if the fix cells and check for errors button is pressed.
Cleaned obsolete entries from the cache.
Changed how some RPGM commands are escaped to prevent Sugoi from being fed empty input.
Changed placeholders again this time to @@@1 @@@2 etc.
Changed how placeholders are recovered, again.
Added a warning to the batch translator whenever it's recovering in a not ideal way and may have fucked up.
Fixed a bunch of patterns in the escaper.
Changed placeholders to @1@ @2@ etc.
Changed how placeholders are recovered.
Added a lot of new dictionary entries.
Fixed a bunch of patterns in the escaper.
Started building infrastructure to allow multiple models to be used with individual wrappers in SLR.
Revamped the system to reduce excessive repeating in the translation and made the output more varied.
Significantly improved the accuracy of the UNUSUALLYSHORT (Sugoi has crashed) error code.
Added some more entries to the dictionary.
The Fix Cells and Check for Errors process will no longer touch a cell if another cell would overwrite it anyway.
Fixed some punctuation patterns still putting wrong spaces.
Fixed patterns meant to fix punctuation and spacing.
Changed almost every escaper pattern.
Changed placeholders to #1 #2 #3 etc.
Added a bunch of new predefined translations.
Fixed unnecessary spaces around names.
Added patterns to better try to detect font and other files in the plugins and tag them red.
It will now always escape lines that include a filename, or common font name.
Protected file endings are: png, jpg, txt, ini, otf, woff, ttf, rvdata, rvdata2, rgssad, rgssa1, rgssa2, mp3, mp4, wav, ogg, json, js.
Added some more pre-defined translations.
Fixed an issue preventing the pre-defined translations of vocab entries to work.
Fixed names that are just question marks.
Fixed the "modified with SLR Translator" entry being duplicated if you press the fix cells button.
Added version identifiers to exported "plugins.js" and "Game.ini" files.
Fixed a "yawn" type sound not being translated in very specific contexts.
Fixed a bunch of typos and descriptions in the UI.
Changed general placeholders to #?1, #?2, #?3, etc.
Made new escaping and error reporting for general RPGM placeholders. (#%@)
Added new errors to the error documentation.
I've reset the cache and filled it with 30MB of fresh data.
Changed general placeholders to @#1, @#2, etc.
When reading that placeholder type it now allows an additional character between@# and the number.
Made pattern to fix RPGM placeholders.
Made several new errors to detect wrong or missing placeholders.
Added a a pre-defined translation for something requiring money.
Fixed the command catchall pattern not grabbing double escaped commands.
Excluded a certain Quest plugin from automatic word wrapping.
Added a new red tag for an untranslatable cell in plugins.
Introduced a failsafe script that looks for wrong formatting in cells enclosed in '' or "".
Introduced a new cell error as a failsafe to the failsafe.
Made the game title script more accurate so it really only touches those entries.
Added 2 new errors to the errorlist explanation.
Added popup for detection of the "Sideview" plugin.
"Name" cells in the "Weapons" object will be tagged yellow if the "enc_lv2d" is detected.
Added a popup for detection of the "enc_lv2d" plugin.
Fixed a typo in the MV/MZ parser.
Fixed regex checkbox not showing up in the replace tab of the find menu and added regex101 links to it.
Fixed \FW escaping.
Changed the catchall command escaper to also consider special symbols.
Fixed a cell in plugins being wrongly translated as game title text.
Improved the section for getting rid of leftover <unk> placeholders so it does not delete anything else.
Removed some unnecessary leftover bits in the find menu.
Fixed the main.js using a wrong name.
Added some more pre-defined translations.
Made some errors more accurate.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed colors of the tag menu in the find menu being inverted.
When wrapping, if Initial Corrections are not empty, they will be wrapped instead of Initial Translations, and I've made the code more efficient.
Fixed a bug destroying \. commands.
It will no longer always view a sentence as ended if it sees a \.
Made ESCAPEDBACKSLASH error more accurate.
Fixed a bug that caused D_Text entries with defined font size to have duplicate numbers or unnecessary spacing.
Added a few more pre-defined translations.
Removed escaping of wavedash punctuation again.
Changed the \$ error to say ODDUSAGE.DOLLAR instead because apparently you can actually use it on its own in very specific cases.
Added a missing character in the pattern for escaping brackets.
Added new patterns to fix punctuation.
Symbols and Japanese wavedash punctuation will now be escaped when followed by different punctuation.
Added patterns to the sentence ending block to safely remove unnecessary spaces at the end of dialogue.
Added more entries to the dictionary system.
The patterns mentioned in 1.074 will not be applied to non dialogue if there's special and normal character pairs in the original text.
Fixed font size entries for D_Text and info: entries getting lost.
Improved pattern for fixing sentence endings.
The patterns for improving translation special character consistency now also apply to non dialogue.
Added more pre-defined translations.
Added red tags for templatelLst and mapTemplateList plugin contexts.
I've added new pre-defined translation entries to the escaper and dictionary.
Improved Potential File Name error detection.
Introduced new error reporting for eaten lines. (When Sugoi just ignored parts of the input).
Added a check whether or not speech bubble characters have been eaten during batch translation.
They will now automatically be recovered from the original text.
The potential filename error check will now only mark _ cells if it doesn't touch a Japanese character.
Changed order of operation so Splitting happens before Cutting. (Much better.)
Added new error codes and expanded old ones to be more accurate.
Added tons of new patterns and pre-defined stuff.
Changed command error reporting so that it only reports unknown commands, that actually matter to a normal user.
Added some new MV plugins to green tags and escaped them.
Improved escaping of commands. It will now escape everything that even vaguely smells like a command as long as it doesn't have any Japanese in it. But unknown commands will still be tagged as errors in post, so you are aware that the system has no idea what they're doing.
Fixed \nw[] stuff not being escaped properly especially when it had other commands in front of it.
Added a new error check that tries to detect when the escaper fucked up and sent whitespace to Sugoi crashing it.
Apparently I introduced the possibility of 2 different kinds of red tags at some point one of which is not recognized as red by the batch translator. It will now replace certain contexts with the correct red to make sure it works as intended.
Fixed a problem that caused %1 MV Placeholders to be detected as error.
Found niche cases in which cells with duplicated isolated sections crashed the escaper. They will now be tagged yellow until I find out what's going on there.
Fixed the function that determines the error popup. It will now only show once, and not once for every error.
Changed the error codes in the tutorial menu to fit the new ones. (There's still some missing though.)
Changed escaper patterns to be more specific and added some "catchall" ones for lonely commands.
Changed the way error detection works and how they are displayed. Affected cells will now have their contents with the error messages put in "Initial Corrections" cells instead of overwriting them in the "Initial translations" cells.
Changed Error names to be more compact and have non breaking spaces around them. (Not reflected in the help menu, yet.)
Changed the way the popup works so it causes less unnecessary load.
Changed a check in the register string function of parserbase to a try catch operation so it crashing no longer kills all parsing.
Lines including \n<.> 2 times will now be flagged yellow. (Breaks the escaper, and is most likely a dev fuckup.)
Fixed tagging of _ lines in plugins.
Tag colors in the Find menu will now be displayed correctly.
Added more pre-defined stuff for Ace Scripts.
Fixed some typos.
Added more variations for vocab entries.
Made some regex patterns more efficient.
Added some more pre-defined translations.
Improved escaping of \n and\nw stuff.
Changed placeholders to %1 %2 %3[...] instead of %A %B %C[...].
Placeholders now get padded with spaces.
Improved patterns to remove excessive character repeats.
Added to a bunch of pre-defined translations to work better in some niche cases.
Removed a large amount of unnecessary regex patterns from the escaper.
Fixed some broken patterns and added a few more.
Removed the "Remove linebreaks" option from the options menu because in tests it didn't actually do anything.
Changed the extraction notice for packed games to be more clear.
Doubled up escaping of scripts so hopefully nothing slips through anymore.
Made new automation for \AA[] keys.
Properly escaped \# .
Disabled the development copy option. It just caused problems for little benefit.
Extracting VX/Ace containers is no longer optional, it will now detect in case you forgot and remind you.
Beautifying jsons is now turned on by default.
Fixed some typos.
Significantly changed the way text is being fed to Sugoi to provide better translation quality for multi-line plugins and dialogue boxes with multiple people talking.
Changed the way spaces are placed to make the translation more tidy.
Added several new pre-defined translations.
Added a new green tag and automation for a RMMV achievement plugin.
Changed the way scripts are escaped, making them much less likely to break.
Removed 2 broken option menu buttons.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed some typos.
Removed a lot of overlapping regex patterns that didn't do anything except take time to process.
Added some new pre-defined translations.
_ABL plugin stuff will no longer be flagged as an error.
Single cells that have more than 5000 characters will no longer be sent to Sugoi. (Just crashes.)
Made regex patterns for around 100 pre-defined translations more specific so they don't loose the original meaning.
Fixed \ac \MCD and \WSR eating the first character of a sentence.
Fixed [FFFF] and similar things being reported as Sugoi error.
Fixed some wrongly placed heart emoji in some pre-defined translations.
Plugins lines with sPictures or sbActionPictures entries will now be tagged red.
Made automation several very old VX plugins.
Improved the error detection system.
Changed default Sugoi server settings to use more resources for the sake of speed to fit an average PC.
If you still have an old "Appdata/Local/SLR Translator" profile folder you need to either delete it, or adjust the settings yourself.
Fixed a pattern block meant to keep Latin characters safe.
It was causing some pretty awful translations when translating Japanese that has Latin characters inside it.
Spaces in "info:" plugin entries will now be replaced with _ because that plugin is so bad it doesn't accept non breaking spaces either.
Added a failsafe that will restore lost font size numbers at the end of D_TEXT entries.
Significantly improved detection of empty objects, it will now work and remove them, regardless if you just made a new project, have already edited cells, loaded an old project, or changed row count.
If it fails to remove something it will now actually tell you what it was in a popup.
I had a typo in an elseif statement saying "!=" instead of "==", as a result doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do.
Cells with the script context will now be tagged green if they include standard text effects like \C[n], \N[n], etc., but only if they pass the _ checks.
Improved the regex pattern for detecting unapproved _ cells.
Fixed some checks using || instead of &&, which were potentially tagging stuff wrong.
Loads of small changes to the tagging in general that make no sense to list because my code is so bad they make no sense out of context.
Fixed a bug of the D_TEXT addon using numbers at the end as font size even when part of a text effect.
Numbers at the end that are in () [] {} "" or '' will now trigger the entire line to get non breaking spaces except the space directly after D_TEXT.
Fixed green tagged cells including the word "file" in context being falsely tagged red.
Added another manual translation for a string crashing Sugoi.
The core parser will no longer fetch Commonevents, State, and Map "name" entries.
Fixed some typos.
Cells with the "commonevents names" context will no longer be removed by default, but are tagged red instead.
Cells with the "Show Choices" context will now be tagged green to overwrite potential red tags.
Fixed a long "Nnnghh!"" sound crashing Sugoi by replacing it with a manual translation.
Cells in the "plugins.js" object with the "/File" context will now be tagged red.
First Public Release. (I didn't keep a proper changelog, and who cares if nobody has an earlier version anyway.)
It will no longer send IDSP characters between Japanese to Sugoi.
It will now properly escape non Japanese at the start or end of lines if they are split from the rest using "/".
Changed a dictionary entry.
Fixed \ escaped " and ' sometimes being eaten.
Added {word|word} pattern to the splitting patterns.
Fixed system for detecting and fixing wrongly placed " or '.
Improved detection and added missing documentation for error codes regarding " and ' boundaries.
Added a new button for quickly running code that is disabled by default. (Can be enabled by uncommenting 3 code bits in the "transredbatch.js".
"stint" and "pstint" now wrap a bit tighter to work for more box types.
Fixed an achievement plugin getting crashed by word wrapping.
Some random minor fixes.
Fixed commands not being escaped under very specific circumstances.
Added tagging and escaping for a new generic MV script.
Fixed some errors in escaper patterns.
Pattern based wrapping now overwrites normal wrapping if it can achieve a "more perfect" result.
Non-dialogue cell can now be wrapped normally if pattern based wrapping fails, but the system sees no indication that normal wrapping could destroy something.
Added 2 new commands to the wrap button. "clear" and "nuke".
"clear" removes all content from the "Wrapped Translations[3]" row.
"nuke" removes all content from all rows, except "Original Texts[0]".
Added some dictionary entries.
Fixed a wrong one.
Added loading screens with working progress bars for the prep, fix, and wrap buttons.
Added LOSTPLACEHOLDERMIDDLE error code, that briefly exists after batch translation for cells in which a placeholder was lost and could not be placed at the exact original position.
The new code will be removed during the "Fix cells and check for errors" button and the cells will instead be tagged purple.
Added new dictionary entries.
Fixed the batch translation loading screen only appearing after cached translations have been processed.
Changed some log messages.
Updated the help menu to reflect the changes.
Added dictionary entries for MZ States entries.
Fixed a bug eating spaces in Skills and States.
Fixed some typos.
Changed operation sequence to "Break, Split, Isolate, Escape, Cut".
Fixed Split interfering with Isolate.
Changed command escaping.
Added new indigo tag.
If a cell was not wrapped during the Automatic Word Wrapping process, but has less lines than the original cell it will be tagged indigo.
If the Prepare for batch translation or the Fix cells and check for errors buttons are used existing indigo tags will be removed.
Added popups to explain this.
Updated the help menu to include the new tag.
Replaced some of the word wrapping changes in 1.116 with something that covers a lot more.
It will no longer attempt to wrap a column if the overwrite cell is filled.
Automatic word wrapping will now consider standard non breaking spaces if everything else fails.
It will now try to wrap very specific non dialogue cells, but only accept the result if the cell has the same amount of lines as the original Japanese cell.
It will no longer attempt to wrap a line if there is no punctuation or spacing.
Removed a context again that was added to the wrap list in 1.115.
The escaper will now "Break, Split, Isolate, Cut, Escape" instead of Break, Isolate, Split, Cut Escape".
The options menu for adding new contexts to the automatic word wrapping now works properly.
Added new catchall pattern to the escaper.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed \> sometimes not being escaped properly.
Added dictionary entries for all standard MV/MZ system messages.
Added exceptions to _ escaping for known placeholders.
Fixed . sometimes disappearing in scripts.
Fixed ' sometimes not being removed from translated scripts even when it should.
Fixed ' sometimes being removed from translated scripts even when it shouldn't.
Fixed numbers sometimes having unnecessary spaces.
Added automation for battlemanager log messages.
Added popup and tagging for the battle manager skilltree plugin.
Added a bunch new entries for red tagging of file names.
Fixed some typos.
Removed the "POTENTIALFILENAME" error code.
Text beside _ will now always be escaped.
Made a big list of red tags based on context to tag file names.
When the MOG Battle Commands plugin is detected System terms commands will be tagged yellow.
Made a popup alerting the user of the existence of the the plugin.
Cells with lines with no Japanese before text escaped with // will be tagged red in plugins.
Lines with no Japanese before text escaped with // will be escaped.
I've removed the popup notifying you when the "Prepare cells for batch translation" button failed to remove a file, so it no longer spams the message on repeat presses.
Updated the error list in the help menu.
Fixed a typo causing a bunch of "ca not" to appear.
Added some new dictionary entries.
LL Galge choice entries will now be tagged yellow instead of green to reflect the manual attention they need.
Added 2 new error codes counting the "," in those cells and notifying the user if the translation has an incorrect amount.
Changed Name CatchAll for isolating patterns to not interfer with splitting patterns.
Added tagging and escaping for LL Galge plugin choice and message entries.
Made catchall patterns for custom name plate box commands.
Changed POTENTIALFILENAME, MISSINGPLACEHOLDER, and WRONGCOMMAND error detection to be more accurate.
Added some dictionary entries.
Added support for _n<> _s<> \o_S<> type scripts.
Fixed _CT automation.
Fixed some bugs regarding punctuation in scripts.
Fixed a missing doc entry.
Fixed a bad translation in the dictionary.
Added 2 new entries to the dictionary.
Changed how %s %d %1 %2 %3 etc. stuff is escaped so Sugoi actually tries to translate those cells.
Improved error detection for those placeholders.
Added _n<Name> entries to the wrapper.
Added a few new dictionary entries.
Fixed a bug causing \! pause commands to sometimes break.
Improved error detection for rogue "\".
Changed stint wrap amount to 56/50 monospace characters instead of 48/44 and pstint to 50/50 instead of 44/44 to better use "normal" dialogue boxes.
Fixed a description.
Fixed purple cells potentially getting processed wrong, and purple tags will now be removed if you press the prepare for batch translation button.
Instead of the UNUSUALLYSHORT error, cells with bad translations will now be tagged purple.
If the translation changes and they are no longer bad when you press the fix cells button the tag will be removed again.
Fixed a bad description.
Added 2 new translations options SLRGoogle and SLRLevi. They use the same escaper/wrapper/divider like SLR. Levi uses port 14370.
Updated the documentation to reflect the changes.
Fixed very specific "if" statements not being escaped properly.
Fixed a wrong description.
The Unusually Short error now includes the translated text in front so that if it is not removed at least whatever was translated is still there.
Instead of a fixed ratio on the minimum character count it will now determine it based on the difference between the original line and the user input. To prevent it from making unnecessary lines while still trying to always consider punctuation.
Wrapping now has a minimum character count depending on what the user put in.
Added automation for a _EventSetting custom script.
Made it consider original whitespace in front of lines and evaluate whether to keep or remove it for the translation during wrapping.
Made wrapping always check if it can break on punctuation instead of a space.
Removed unnecessary code.
Fixed a bug that was duplicating the title.
It will now attempt to place linebreaks in front of \< so those cells look less bad.
Removed some obsolete text.
Fixed bugs adding unwanted spaces, $1$2, and duplicated version numbers.
Added better entries for the scripts to remove apostrophes.
Fixed a wrong vocab entry.
Changed placeholders again this time to @@1@ because that works better for whatever reason.
Added a much more extensive script for recovering placeholders.
It will now attempt to remove all ' from translations of red and yellow cells, if the fix cells and check for errors button is pressed.
Cleaned obsolete entries from the cache.
Changed how some RPGM commands are escaped to prevent Sugoi from being fed empty input.
Changed placeholders again this time to @@@1 @@@2 etc.
Changed how placeholders are recovered, again.
Added a warning to the batch translator whenever it's recovering in a not ideal way and may have fucked up.
Fixed a bunch of patterns in the escaper.
Changed placeholders to @1@ @2@ etc.
Changed how placeholders are recovered.
Added a lot of new dictionary entries.
Fixed a bunch of patterns in the escaper.
Started building infrastructure to allow multiple models to be used with individual wrappers in SLR.
Revamped the system to reduce excessive repeating in the translation and made the output more varied.
Significantly improved the accuracy of the UNUSUALLYSHORT (Sugoi has crashed) error code.
Added some more entries to the dictionary.
The Fix Cells and Check for Errors process will no longer touch a cell if another cell would overwrite it anyway.
Fixed some punctuation patterns still putting wrong spaces.
Fixed patterns meant to fix punctuation and spacing.
Changed almost every escaper pattern.
Changed placeholders to #1 #2 #3 etc.
Added a bunch of new predefined translations.
Fixed unnecessary spaces around names.
Added patterns to better try to detect font and other files in the plugins and tag them red.
It will now always escape lines that include a filename, or common font name.
Protected file endings are: png, jpg, txt, ini, otf, woff, ttf, rvdata, rvdata2, rgssad, rgssa1, rgssa2, mp3, mp4, wav, ogg, json, js.
Added some more pre-defined translations.
Fixed an issue preventing the pre-defined translations of vocab entries to work.
Fixed names that are just question marks.
Fixed the "modified with SLR Translator" entry being duplicated if you press the fix cells button.
Added version identifiers to exported "plugins.js" and "Game.ini" files.
Fixed a "yawn" type sound not being translated in very specific contexts.
Fixed a bunch of typos and descriptions in the UI.
Changed general placeholders to #?1, #?2, #?3, etc.
Made new escaping and error reporting for general RPGM placeholders. (#%@)
Added new errors to the error documentation.
I've reset the cache and filled it with 30MB of fresh data.
Changed general placeholders to @#1, @#2, etc.
When reading that placeholder type it now allows an additional character between@# and the number.
Made pattern to fix RPGM placeholders.
Made several new errors to detect wrong or missing placeholders.
Added a a pre-defined translation for something requiring money.
Fixed the command catchall pattern not grabbing double escaped commands.
Excluded a certain Quest plugin from automatic word wrapping.
Added a new red tag for an untranslatable cell in plugins.
Introduced a failsafe script that looks for wrong formatting in cells enclosed in '' or "".
Introduced a new cell error as a failsafe to the failsafe.
Made the game title script more accurate so it really only touches those entries.
Added 2 new errors to the errorlist explanation.
Added popup for detection of the "Sideview" plugin.
"Name" cells in the "Weapons" object will be tagged yellow if the "enc_lv2d" is detected.
Added a popup for detection of the "enc_lv2d" plugin.
Fixed a typo in the MV/MZ parser.
Fixed regex checkbox not showing up in the replace tab of the find menu and added regex101 links to it.
Fixed \FW escaping.
Changed the catchall command escaper to also consider special symbols.
Fixed a cell in plugins being wrongly translated as game title text.
Improved the section for getting rid of leftover <unk> placeholders so it does not delete anything else.
Removed some unnecessary leftover bits in the find menu.
Fixed the main.js using a wrong name.
Added some more pre-defined translations.
Made some errors more accurate.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed colors of the tag menu in the find menu being inverted.
When wrapping, if Initial Corrections are not empty, they will be wrapped instead of Initial Translations, and I've made the code more efficient.
Fixed a bug destroying \. commands.
It will no longer always view a sentence as ended if it sees a \.
Made ESCAPEDBACKSLASH error more accurate.
Fixed a bug that caused D_Text entries with defined font size to have duplicate numbers or unnecessary spacing.
Added a few more pre-defined translations.
Removed escaping of wavedash punctuation again.
Changed the \$ error to say ODDUSAGE.DOLLAR instead because apparently you can actually use it on its own in very specific cases.
Added a missing character in the pattern for escaping brackets.
Added new patterns to fix punctuation.
Symbols and Japanese wavedash punctuation will now be escaped when followed by different punctuation.
Added patterns to the sentence ending block to safely remove unnecessary spaces at the end of dialogue.
Added more entries to the dictionary system.
The patterns mentioned in 1.074 will not be applied to non dialogue if there's special and normal character pairs in the original text.
Fixed font size entries for D_Text and info: entries getting lost.
Improved pattern for fixing sentence endings.
The patterns for improving translation special character consistency now also apply to non dialogue.
Added more pre-defined translations.
Added red tags for templatelLst and mapTemplateList plugin contexts.
I've added new pre-defined translation entries to the escaper and dictionary.
Improved Potential File Name error detection.
Introduced new error reporting for eaten lines. (When Sugoi just ignored parts of the input).
Added a check whether or not speech bubble characters have been eaten during batch translation.
They will now automatically be recovered from the original text.
The potential filename error check will now only mark _ cells if it doesn't touch a Japanese character.
Changed order of operation so Splitting happens before Cutting. (Much better.)
Added new error codes and expanded old ones to be more accurate.
Added tons of new patterns and pre-defined stuff.
Changed command error reporting so that it only reports unknown commands, that actually matter to a normal user.
Added some new MV plugins to green tags and escaped them.
Improved escaping of commands. It will now escape everything that even vaguely smells like a command as long as it doesn't have any Japanese in it. But unknown commands will still be tagged as errors in post, so you are aware that the system has no idea what they're doing.
Fixed \nw[] stuff not being escaped properly especially when it had other commands in front of it.
Added a new error check that tries to detect when the escaper fucked up and sent whitespace to Sugoi crashing it.
Apparently I introduced the possibility of 2 different kinds of red tags at some point one of which is not recognized as red by the batch translator. It will now replace certain contexts with the correct red to make sure it works as intended.
Fixed a problem that caused %1 MV Placeholders to be detected as error.
Found niche cases in which cells with duplicated isolated sections crashed the escaper. They will now be tagged yellow until I find out what's going on there.
Fixed the function that determines the error popup. It will now only show once, and not once for every error.
Changed the error codes in the tutorial menu to fit the new ones. (There's still some missing though.)
Changed escaper patterns to be more specific and added some "catchall" ones for lonely commands.
Changed the way error detection works and how they are displayed. Affected cells will now have their contents with the error messages put in "Initial Corrections" cells instead of overwriting them in the "Initial translations" cells.
Changed Error names to be more compact and have non breaking spaces around them. (Not reflected in the help menu, yet.)
Changed the way the popup works so it causes less unnecessary load.
Changed a check in the register string function of parserbase to a try catch operation so it crashing no longer kills all parsing.
Lines including \n<.> 2 times will now be flagged yellow. (Breaks the escaper, and is most likely a dev fuckup.)
Fixed tagging of _ lines in plugins.
Tag colors in the Find menu will now be displayed correctly.
Added more pre-defined stuff for Ace Scripts.
Fixed some typos.
Added more variations for vocab entries.
Made some regex patterns more efficient.
Added some more pre-defined translations.
Improved escaping of \n and\nw stuff.
Changed placeholders to %1 %2 %3[...] instead of %A %B %C[...].
Placeholders now get padded with spaces.
Improved patterns to remove excessive character repeats.
Added to a bunch of pre-defined translations to work better in some niche cases.
Removed a large amount of unnecessary regex patterns from the escaper.
Fixed some broken patterns and added a few more.
Removed the "Remove linebreaks" option from the options menu because in tests it didn't actually do anything.
Changed the extraction notice for packed games to be more clear.
Doubled up escaping of scripts so hopefully nothing slips through anymore.
Made new automation for \AA[] keys.
Properly escaped \# .
Disabled the development copy option. It just caused problems for little benefit.
Extracting VX/Ace containers is no longer optional, it will now detect in case you forgot and remind you.
Beautifying jsons is now turned on by default.
Fixed some typos.
Significantly changed the way text is being fed to Sugoi to provide better translation quality for multi-line plugins and dialogue boxes with multiple people talking.
Changed the way spaces are placed to make the translation more tidy.
Added several new pre-defined translations.
Added a new green tag and automation for a RMMV achievement plugin.
Changed the way scripts are escaped, making them much less likely to break.
Removed 2 broken option menu buttons.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed some typos.
Removed a lot of overlapping regex patterns that didn't do anything except take time to process.
Added some new pre-defined translations.
_ABL plugin stuff will no longer be flagged as an error.
Single cells that have more than 5000 characters will no longer be sent to Sugoi. (Just crashes.)
Made regex patterns for around 100 pre-defined translations more specific so they don't loose the original meaning.
Fixed \ac \MCD and \WSR eating the first character of a sentence.
Fixed [FFFF] and similar things being reported as Sugoi error.
Fixed some wrongly placed heart emoji in some pre-defined translations.
Plugins lines with sPictures or sbActionPictures entries will now be tagged red.
Made automation several very old VX plugins.
Improved the error detection system.
Changed default Sugoi server settings to use more resources for the sake of speed to fit an average PC.
If you still have an old "Appdata/Local/SLR Translator" profile folder you need to either delete it, or adjust the settings yourself.
Fixed a pattern block meant to keep Latin characters safe.
It was causing some pretty awful translations when translating Japanese that has Latin characters inside it.
Spaces in "info:" plugin entries will now be replaced with _ because that plugin is so bad it doesn't accept non breaking spaces either.
Added a failsafe that will restore lost font size numbers at the end of D_TEXT entries.
Significantly improved detection of empty objects, it will now work and remove them, regardless if you just made a new project, have already edited cells, loaded an old project, or changed row count.
If it fails to remove something it will now actually tell you what it was in a popup.
I had a typo in an elseif statement saying "!=" instead of "==", as a result doing the opposite of what it was supposed to do.
Cells with the script context will now be tagged green if they include standard text effects like \C[n], \N[n], etc., but only if they pass the _ checks.
Improved the regex pattern for detecting unapproved _ cells.
Fixed some checks using || instead of &&, which were potentially tagging stuff wrong.
Loads of small changes to the tagging in general that make no sense to list because my code is so bad they make no sense out of context.
Fixed a bug of the D_TEXT addon using numbers at the end as font size even when part of a text effect.
Numbers at the end that are in () [] {} "" or '' will now trigger the entire line to get non breaking spaces except the space directly after D_TEXT.
Fixed green tagged cells including the word "file" in context being falsely tagged red.
Added another manual translation for a string crashing Sugoi.
The core parser will no longer fetch Commonevents, State, and Map "name" entries.
Fixed some typos.
Cells with the "commonevents names" context will no longer be removed by default, but are tagged red instead.
Cells with the "Show Choices" context will now be tagged green to overwrite potential red tags.
Fixed a long "Nnnghh!"" sound crashing Sugoi by replacing it with a manual translation.
Cells in the "plugins.js" object with the "/File" context will now be tagged red.
First Public Release. (I didn't keep a proper changelog, and who cares if nobody has an earlier version anyway.)
Q: A game is not working correctly after translation, or the translator has problems during the translation of a game, what do I do?
A: Please post the DLsite code of the game (or it's full name), a screenshot of the problem, and a description when exactly the problem occured. If appropriate please also include a save file to reproduce the issue in-game.
Please do not include any rule breaking content in your post.
Q: So this is just another way to run Sugoi on a game?
A: No, Sugoi is only used for basic dialogue. Most scripts, noises, menu buttons, etc., have pre-defined translations from a dictionary I've built. There's also hundreds of regex patterns fixing common quirks and issues with Sugoi.
Q: Translator++ is terrible and constantly crashes stuff, so this does the same?
A: This is not using T++ parsing or converting. I'm just using its UI. Even old VX/Ace converts and exports correctly in SLR Translator, and as a result this does not have the crashing issues T++ has.
Q: When I use SLR on a cell why do some parts remain Japanese?
A: That means those parts have preset translations. Just click the "Fix cells and check for errors" button and the Japanese will be replaced. (Only works in the Initial Translations column to prevent it from touching manual edits.)
Q: Will you add support for AI/Translator X?
A: I have no plans to support anything other than Sugoi right now, because I do not have the necessary hardware or funds for larger models, and so I couldn't test any of it.
Moreover my dictionary system is specifically designed to fix known issues with Sugoi and would be pointless or potentially even make things worse for other models.
That also means I have no plans to support anything other than Japanese to English.
SLR Translator:
SLR Translator:
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Additional Tools:
(Extractors, Editors, etc. Also includes a minimalist Sugoi Repack.)
(I did not make any of these.)
Additional Tools:
(Extractors, Editors, etc. Also includes a minimalist Sugoi Repack.)
(I did not make any of these.)
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