[Discussions] SOTM #33 - August / September 2015

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Well, siggys/sets to make is for me like if I an dish cooking would (Because I'm chef...): I want from the very first "ingredients" start (renders, BGs, etc.), and not with already halfway cooked stuff (where I don't know what already give was in...) - it has with the duty one chef to do - But like you already mentioned have: "Again, personal preferences." Where then...:goodtea:
Yeah, I suppose everyone has her own ways to do things. Personally, if I wanted to make a signature, I'd search for base images that meet my criteria (e.g. illustrated by X, from franchise Y, depicting a Z situation), then decide on one I like. I just know whether I'll be able to make a good signature or will find it hard to even begin when I see an image. I don't always know what image I want, but I'll know it when I see it.

Abstract, I know, and this may play a role in me sometimes being unable to complete any graphical piece. A 'block', some would say, similar to a writer's block―but I do wonder at times if it's simply my inadequacies at turning any resource into an art.
Yeah, I suppose everyone has her own ways to do things. Personally, if I wanted to make a signature, I'd search for base images that meet my criteria (e.g. illustrated by X, from franchise Y, depicting a Z situation), then decide on one I like. I just know whether I'll be able to make a good signature or will find it hard to even begin when I see an image. I don't always know what image I want, but I'll know it when I see it.

Abstract, I know, and this may play a role in me sometimes being unable to complete any graphical piece. A 'block', some would say, similar to a writer's block―but I do wonder at times if it's simply my inadequacies at turning any resource into an art.
1st: Hi Ignis!

2nd: Well, yeah! I'm also somehow: I create siggys after my taste and situation - But I'm seasonal with my siggys: If Spring is, then I create an one (but from the actual anime series on the time then); If Summer is, then I create an one (this times as last from the summer-siggys: GATE/Lory Mercury)... But sometimes doesn't work with the projects: Because lacking of components at an siggy process - e.g.: The siggy what I currently have (the on my signature area), I could somehow an good rendering material of her find, but unhappily none matching BG (and I did nearly about 2 weeks worked on the siggy, how to figure out an solution...). In this case I've with several brush-heads used (in ~ 95% of the case I use only the airbrush tool), that I an BG get for her. - Well, yeah. Not always is easy an siggy/set to create...:goodtea:

And as edge note: I use very often light effects (like at moon made have...)
Art is something that overflows from the person who creates, even if the person using resources that wasn't made from scratch by himself if the final product is an original compilation by that person itself it's also an art.

If someone want to create a personal character an original art it's even more awesome. Personal speaking i am debuting my self... OK the C4D is a hell of awesome program Photoshop is also another awesome program I have made my self countless time complex graphics background, i have combined abstracts with many layer styles effects with abstracts 3D from C4D... In the end i am started to get a bit tired? Or i should say i am not satisfied any more? Or i want to do something more easy with less time to spare and yet the same time to looks complex?

Anyway i am getting into a crossroad my self lately... is to keep making with those methods i know till now or i am not good and to search for even more? I don't know if i have the time to study and learn new thing that will take at another level...I know working AutoCAD daily from building or better say making schematics and 3D Max Studio to design rooms to show to the people what their homes should be like when they are ready... But i love my hobby making signatures wallpapers banners i just i can't figure out what i want to do from now and on...
Art is something that overflows from the person who creates, even if the person using resources that wasn't made from scratch by himself if the final product is an original compilation by that person itself it's also an art.

If someone want to create a personal character an original art it's even more awesome. Personal speaking i am debuting my self... OK the C4D is a hell of awesome program Photoshop is also another awesome program I have made my self countless time complex graphics background, i have combined abstracts with many layer styles effects with abstracts 3D from C4D... In the end i am started to get a bit tired? Or i should say i am not satisfied any more? Or i want to do something more easy with less time to spare and yet the same time to looks complex?

Anyway i am getting into a crossroad my self lately... is to keep making with those methods i know till now or i am not good and to search for even more? I don't know if i have the time to study and learn new thing that will take at another level...I know working AutoCAD daily from building or better say making schematics and 3D Max Studio to design rooms to show to the people what their homes should be like when they are ready... But i love my hobby making signatures wallpapers banners i just i can't figure out what i want to do from now and on...

Short reply there: Artist curse.
Okay, then artist's hellish painful (and probably also masohistical) way...xD
I don't think it's a block or even anything like a curse; but it's pretty normal, I guess, to (usually gradually) lose interest in a subject you're learning when you have (or you think you have) reached a certain point or gathered a certain amount of knowledge. In some fields, there's a threshold after which the learning will get more interesting; in some others, it's the opposite. At least, that's how I've felt.

If you still have the desire to learn more but not enough willpower to do so, I suggest you go out of your way to seek some of the best examples of what people can do with the kind of knowledge you're learning, and impress yourself at how much you haven't learnt and how much there still is to be discovered. Of course, it's easier said than done; while that does motivate me, it doesn't always give me enough drive to continue learning in some cases...
i truly don't know i an starting losing my interest in sig creation i have spend time to my self in improving the best i can do at my rendering style. Anyway I am in a huge crossroad as i said before go further and loosing my self in graphics or trying to make the already owned skills more polished? I am closing my 32 in 26th of September And i have a family a child that i am playing with him daily and a personal life... i haven't set out for trail with bicycle for some time now...
@D'angel - I guess that the adult world you slowly full takes, where then...xD

And... What about my phat as set maker tell can: Is that that I just since about a year myself the sets make, where then still much to learn have... - But I guess that I been my style found have, and I'm proud about it meanwhile, I want so much how possible much much much sets make how I can...xD

And with the "block"... Well, I've just always at an project my minds recollect that I further with the progress continue...

Edit: The 32 poll needs probably a banner about it, I think...
Don't know i feel getting somewhat a strong chain to hold me down... I don't know if i haven't so many responsibilities i might have the will to take it longer but for the time been i am feeling some what fulfilled.
Hmm... Not that it me bother would, but we should rather to Social zone move with that, not...0.o???
I make the entry at the time, so I don't know what materials I'll use :fag:
Hmmm, I don't have any idea in this moment :fag: And I like to using more elements because so I feel crazy :lmao:
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