My mother always told me not to judge people by their appearance, but she divorced my father just because he went bald.
"How was the ride?"
"Oh, it was terrifying! I spent the whole time trying not to pee my pants."
Even if you work hard, if you don't have results, there isn't a point to it.
Japan's deepest subway line is the Oedo line, which goes as low as 48 meters below ground.
It’s pretty annoying that there’s a lot of bureaucratic red tape involved in moving, and to make matters worse, sometimes the person in charge has an attitude problem. However, the worst part of my moving this time was that the elevator was out of service when I moved in and my apartment was on the forty-second floor.
I am now a member of the upper-class. I will meet a bunch of celebrities and start going to champagne parties soon.
Today I bought a book called 'How to Make a Man Fall In Love With You,' but I lost it somewhere on the way back home.
what do with new ideas.... guess we need at least one quest for every lord...

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