Libido ...wut???

Tauburn really is rather unique compared to the other Cybodies. Most of them seem to have some sort of weapon or technique they specialize in, but Tauburn seems to have a whole cache of weapons stored in it. Could just be Phase 3, but I'm not so sure. Perhaps Tauburn is some sort of Anti weapon against all other Cybodies and the Galactic Pretty Boy is sort of the ultimate guardian? While the skill of the Driver is a factor of course.

Might have been a better idea if the Crux had just lied low after Takuto showed up and done their business in secret without basically training him.

And it seems we got some sort of mention as to who made these things in the first place: The Ancient Galactic Civilization. Gonna make a guess that those with Marks are descendents of this civilization.

And the idea that Sugata woke up because Samekh is finally fully revived, which I'm starting to think could be a really bad thing. Particularly with that implication that Samekh is some kind of demon king, though Marino could have been exaggerating. Maybe the reason Cybodies are sealed in the first place is to prevent that one specifically from waking up. Have to wonder what damaged it in the first place, if that was what happened and why all of them were sealed in the first place.

Head and Sugata's conversations are certainly omnious with Head's assertion that they are alike, which isn't honestly that surprising. I'd think that Head is trying to push him down a path similar to his and probably get him on their side. Might work for a while I think, though I do hope Sugata comes to his senses. Though I see Sugata joining them in some capacity and him having the King Cybody makes him a good chance, Head still strikes me more as a final boss type.

Of course, Takuto and Sugata's relationship seems to be a key thing here and I keep wondering when real jealousy might kick in with our trio, though I'd just as well prefer it stay a trio. Sort of wish he would just turn so I can worrying about it and going on about it.

The kissing scene was rather funny. Takuto should have seen that coming. Wako talking while brushing is also hilarious.

Next episode looks good and we get backstory on Benio this time. Looks like she tries her 1st Phase on Takuto, though I'm guessing it doesn't work. Tauburn can use giga drill breaker wtf?
Seems they added a bit more fanservice and humour to it - well, the BDs are coming out now.

Anyway, like every Bones animation I've seen so far it really starts to heat up from the middle onward - can't wait how it turns out. ^^
Solid episode~

I found Sugata’s claim of Takuto as his apprentice rather amusing.

I’m rather hoping that Head puts that R initial in the finished painting and shows it to Sugata. Partially, because we could actually get him to say his name (though we know it already), but mainly because I think this could be a good moment. I’d like if Sugata looked at the picture and was able to make the connection between this painting and all the other paintings in his house and around the island as well as remembering what Takuto said about how his father painted them. His reaction would be something to see, though I suppose the chances of him making the connection are rather slim.

Speaking of Sugata, his reactions were slightly disturbing in some regards. His happiness that Benio was the opponent I could understand since it essentially fulfilled his desire for Takuto to have a rematch with her or at least I think that is the main thing with that. More creepy is his apparent happiness that the Crux can now repair Cybodies. It seemed to do once again with Head’s advice to him, though I’m a bit unsure as to what Sugata lost exactly (freedom?). He really is getting manipulated rather easily. It doesn’t help that Keito seems quite convinced that Sugata will usher in the Departure, which just hints more towards him taking the Emperor role.

Benio’s backstory was interesting and gave her more motivation beyond adding boys to her collection, as she put it. I was a little surprised that her, Tetsuya and George were childhood friends. It also gave us a bit of background over why they had the marks, though it seems not all of the Drivers come from families that lost them from the sound of things. Benio’s comments about Sugata sort of gave the impression that he’s sort of a savior meant to truly lead them to their goal, which was a sentiment Keito echoed. Their feelings might be a factor of course.

Fight was a bit short, but that probably wasn’t as much of the point this episode since this was really the first example of them repairing a Cybody. Not that it seemed to do much good. It demonstrated once again that Takuto doesn’t seem to fall for the same move twice, though I’m not sure if that is significant in any way.

I’ve noticed that several of the Crux seem to have some admiration for Takuto despite him being an enemy. Of course, I don’t think many of them have anything personal against Takuto and his friendly demeanor seems to win most everyone over. I rather like seeing it in any case.
I shall go around IRL and shout out KIRABOSHI at any random person i meet from now on. You should too, recognise your comrades now.
A bit of comedy, a bit of fanservice - recapturing the audience's interest after the Christmas break. :P
It's pretty much all about Marino and Mizuno's love for Takuto. Somehow Mizuno also knows Monochrome.
They also manage to repair Ayingott. Both Wako and Sugata know its name without knowing why. They also feel uneasy seeing it and going by some of the Glittering Crux' comments they are not the only ones. Their worry is not without reason, for Ayingott manages to take control of Marino and goes berserk.
Sugata sees Ayingott as evil and interferes in the fight leading to the inevitable win for Takuto.
Afterwards Marino tries to lie about what she saw, but Head and Ivrogne see right through it. Most likely Ivrogne is the Maiden of the East as well. Anyway, the now know Mizuno's true identity, just like Sugata knows now the painter is not a normal human, and things are likely to move fast from the next episode onwards.
Gotta love the new OP (quite spoilerific).

Very interesting episode. Much more so than I was expecting in any case. Ayingott really was quite disturbing. And I didn't really think there was anything behind it being crushed by Samekh, but after Kanako and Sugata's comments it would seem there is. The Cybody is one that greatly helps the Crux in finding maidens and thus putting the seals in danger so maybe Samekh or Sugata or a past Driver destroyed that one to protect the maidens? It fits to a degree with Mizuno's story as well.

It also seems that both Wako and Sugata knew what it was when they saw it though only Sugata seemed surprised at that. He was quite keen to make sure that it couldn't come back again as well and had a nice save on his part with the King's Pillar.

I have to say I like how everyone, even Head, seemed a bit scared when it went berserk.

The conversation with Head this week was interesting as always. I'm not sure, but there could be something to that comment regarding God. There's probably subtext to him asking to paint Sugata, but I don't know what that would be.

How exactly did Head do that? He went from sitting there painting and then manages to disappear and show up in his Crux uniform. I'm glad that Sugata seemed quite disturbed by Head disappearing and am curious to see what he does from here. I'd imagine he plans to keep visiting to perhaps learn more and figure out what happened.

There are now serious clues in both the new OP and the episode itself, to suggest that Marino is a magical construct that should not have existed. Marino turned to dust and vanishes in the OP, while in this new episode Marino wasn't able to find her self present in her sister's childhood memories. Furthermore, the next episode synopsis suggest that their mum has came back, but Marino has disappeared.

All in all, the pacing has picked up and I can't wait for the next episode.
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Ever notice that Wako is always eating... JUST LIKE PACMAN mind blown.
Best anime of the season true story ;>
I wish that the fight lasted longer then Sugata blowing its eyes up with King's Pillar though lol.
New op/ed <3
Head formally asks Sugata to join Glittering Crux. Sugata offers to dissolve his elopement. Mizuno realises that she can't leave the island, all the while Glittering Crux is drawing closer to her - things are certainly heating up.
corocoro, you watched the episode already?
i missed quite a big part while trying to stream it live just now

edit: googl'd, think i saw gg already done with the subs? thats fast
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sorry i didnt notice, didnt expect gg to be so fast. =p
Endless eight done right~

Well, first episode without a Zero Time battle. Still a lot of interesting and important info.

Head and Sugata’s conversation certainly has quite a few implications. He pretty much demanded that Sugata be his model (while still sounding friendly) and I’m still not sure what hidden there may be to that if there is one. His comment on him being born for the role gives me a thought that it is related to his status as Samekh’s Driver, but I’m not sure.

His offer isn’t all that surprising and I’m kind of glad he didn’t bother trying to avoid his disappearance but got straight to the point. He’s very good though. He didn’t try pushing the offer, but just left it on the table for Sugata to mull over.

Of course, Sugata quoting Head when he seems to be preparing to use something that could kill someone doesn’t feel like it bodes well.

Head displays quite a bit of confidence in his own power, which is probably well founded. His comparison of libido to ambition also reveals that he would seem to have a hidden drive, one that he considers stronger than any other with a Warrior Cybody. Curious as to what that could be still.

His comment after seemed to be showing respect to Sugata and his position.

What I definitely don’t get is his comment regarding Takuto. The “fall” comment probably means he’ll be the first defeat for Takuto though whether that will come next episode or later on will have to be seen. The “ally” comment doesn’t make much sense at all, for the moment at least. Could it be due to the very strong possibility that he’s Takuto’s father? Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Tauburn and Reshbal look so similar and are perhaps supposed to be a pair in some way? Or maybe it could have something to do with knowing what Takuto wants (to free Wako) and there only seeming to be one way to get it.

And of course we have the R on the painting, which is one more spot of evidence that Head is Takuto’s father. I wonder why they have yet to reveal his full name yet since it’s already been indicated before on the net.

And we have three new members for Vanishing Age, one of which is clearly Takashi. Guess he was a mole the whole time? I think I heard Yukana in there, though that might be my mind playing tricks from reading she was voicing someone.

Head really was coming across as sinister in the club room too with that grin.

Poor Mizuno having her heart broken like that. I really did feel quite bad for her in that moment on the bus. Watching her just sit there in the rain didn’t help either.

Sugata’s insistence about training and such would seem to indicate he took what Head said to heart and is trying to train him and increase his skill as much as possible. I rather fear what will happen between them if Takuto were to lose. Sugata might have another moment of not thinking Takuto can handle it like in episode 8.

And this episode all but confirmed that Marino isn’t real given a few scenes like where their mother completely ignored Marino.

It was really weird hearing Undine sound nice, though considering Mizuno is an islander I guess she wouldn’t have much real reason to hate her.

And what, did the island reverse time or something? That is pretty cool, though it managed to come across as rather creepy.

I also have to wonder whether Sugata really could leave the island. He seems to be of similar importance as the maidens, though there have been comments to indicate he could.

I can really understand why the Crux and the others act the way they do. Keito’s motivations also seem like they might be more clear aside from the bit on Sugata.

Keito can really look evil when she wants to.

Next episode looks like it will be awesome. We get flashbacks of Takuto’s background with what I’m guessing are his siblings and hopefully his grandfather as well. Looks like we do get a Reshbal/Tauburn fight as well and it looks like Takuto isn’t doing too well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Head perhaps dropped “I am your father” on Takuto during the fight either. That would certainly screw up Takuto’s ability to fight.

Right now the only way I could see going into the Departure as a possible good thing for the trio would be if perhaps they simply obliterated all the Cybodies as soon as they were in the real world. Shatter the system entirely. That'd actually make for a fun moment. The Crux are all happy they succeeded, then Samekh and Tauburn destroy all the Cybodies.

Sugata should probably mention Head to Takuto, though I think he won’t. I’m also thinking more strongly he is going to join the Crux now, if only to break Wako’s seal and free her. If Takuto can’t do the job, he will.
Glittering Crux' Cybodies are only in the second phase, while Tauburn is in the third. The difference in power has been often attributed to that - with them now knowing who the next Maiden is they can break her seal and advance to third phase - where it should be easier to fight (and win against) Tauburn. An earlier comment also stated that a first phase power can not be used to win against Cybodies (which are at least second phase), so it is also possible that until now the battles were predestined to be lost (maybe to gather data and find out how to repair Cybodies).
The ally comment could refer to him being his father, to Takuto being a strong fighter or to the two being siblings (Head could have inherited the R from his father). Only thing is certain is that we won't know for sure until it is revealed - thus is Star Driver. :P
I'm also unconvinced about Marino being just an illusion - it's not like they talked a lot with their mother to begin with. I also wonder how she could be a pilot if not being real - then again, her Cybody is very unique, so that could explain it. ;) Of course, the fact that other characters interacted with her also points to her being a normal human. ;)
I guess I will reduce the wall of text next time :P. Star driver is so good for me to think and ask~ I hope they will answer the mysteries eventually and don't let us hanging too much like some anime >_>.
Watched the raw live. Spoilers ahead be warned.

Mizuno gets tricked by Keito and gets captured to Glittering Crux. Her first phase is revealed to be a very powerful one, being able to create another person in Marino, as well as blocking her out of zero time, which explains why she hasnt witness a star driver battle.

Head then proceeds to destroy Mizuno's miko cybody and seal. Yes, Head is the star driver of the dark Tauburn we see in the opening song. Takuto enters the fray, but is pushed into a corner easily as their cybodies has advanced into the 3rd phase. We got to see Takuto's past and his old friends, as well as his grandfather and how he got his mark. It was also revealed that Takuto's dad is somewhere on the island, alive.

Shortly, Takuto powers-up DBZ style and defeats Head. Back in the real time, Mizuno meets Takuto on the bus, and which also signalled the end of her pursuit for him. She finally leaves the island to meet her mother. She receives a call from Marino, who is well and around just behind her on the ship

New week, beach episode! The new Banishing Age members appear, with Yukana amongst their ranks.

FMA new trailer revealed too.

How to do Kiraboshi correctly.

A good conclusion to Mizuno's arc. I will miss Mizuno and Marino a lot. Unrequited love is always sad ;_;.

A good episode, but a bit disappointed too.

I was really hoping for Head to win. Seriously didn't expect that 4th phase power up to come in such a pinch for Takuto!
Though one would wonder why the section leaders were only surprised Head had a mark. But not saying anything about Reshbal being similar in appearance to Tauburn & that he said Takuto wasn't the only Galactic Pretty Boy. Unless they leave that for later.

Keito also said something about if you're strong enough you can resist the mark and not go into Zero Time, that clears up why Head was still gray a couple episodes back.

Also Takuto's mark is just so special since when Head apprivoised he didn't get any new clothes!

It was nice to see Takuto's past though, his grandpa was pretty cool, and looked awesome!
Though dang flying and crashing for kids seemed like it was tons of fun too! I can say I'm jealous there.

I did like Mizuno & Marino's ending/reunion, it was touching. And Mizuno well go give a punch to her mother too, all is good!

Well next ep more Vanishing Age members, and hooray for Phase 3 for Crux, and hope for a Head vs Takuto rematch later since he didn't use those black star things like in the OP lol.

Anyone in love with Endo Sarina and the fuku-buchou? I know i am. <3
Somehow I knew you were. :P
Coup de etat in Crux! Head and his Vanishing Age are now the only ones able to use Cybodies and the new phase causes an interesting problem for Takuto: He doesn't want to kill his enemies, so he has to do a grab sort of move to get the command centre.
Oh, King's Pillar also became ineffective and can no longer be used to get him out of trouble.
Tau Misairu!!!!! What???

Nice episode. Head redeemed himself this week. After his visit at the hospital, he turned on his super troll mode. His constant grin was just hilarious. You'd never think he was miserably defeated last week. It's good to see his loss didn't affect him nor his plans one bit.

The battle was pretty interesting this week. It revealed that Sugata's first phase is now useless, and that Takuto lacks the resolve to kill his opponents (which was fully expected -- he's not the type of guy who would willingly hurt others). His new attack was pretty fabulous, however I'm not sure he'll be able to use it everytime. Guess he'll have to find other ways to destroy Cybodies without harming their drivers.

The two lesbians were entertaining, they couldn't have found a perfect way to screw with Wako and get her fired up (literally). Madoka's my favorite for now, mainly because she's voiced by Yukana. I had a feeling she would call herself a Galactic pretty boy as well, despite being a female. That's just how this show rolls.

No more Mizuno/Marino in the ED ;_;. THOSE FLAT HEAD SCREW NIPPLE CAPS.
Coup at Glittering Crux. Head pretty much is the boss around, since only Vanishing Age can pilot the cybodies using their true marks and the cyberbaskets rendered useless and destroyed.

New characters in Madoka and Kou was just SWEET!!!!~~~~ NOt to mention they are voiced by Yukana(her 3rd high school role since Amagami, so recent!) and Mitsuki Saiga-san. Loved how they ended up provoking Wako into the beach volleyball.

As expected, Wako once agains get caught flimsy-dressed while entering zero time. No shockers for me when Madoka addressed herself as Ginga Bishounen. I guess everyone in Vanishing Age is one. With Sugata's King Pillar useless now, Tauburn also upgraded as Takuto had to destroy the cybody without harming the star driver. Therefore, TAU MISSILE!~~

Re-post: new miko song by Koshimizu Ami. PHEW!~

Danger - Please do not imitate rapists.
^ lol

Still the ending really was "WTF Keito!" Geeze what's the point of bodyguards when they just let people into your room like that . They really are mostly there to keep Sugata from leaving the island. Definitely a lot of sides to Keito shown off though. Not having given up on her dream with all those moves , the Crux side she has, and what happened at the end. Do wonder what her real motivations are for getting involved in this. But as Takuto says "It's a wonder."

At least someone in the Crux is starting to think about how dangerous letting people like Window Star have the freedom of using their Cybodies outside of Zero Time. Who is going to keep a leash on those kinds of people?

Get the constant reminders that Wako still has to make up her mind. Plus a bit of regret with Takuto that he doesn't have that childhood history with Wako like Sugata does.

Heres a short chat with my friend.

Less: What if it is Takuto instead of Keito?
Kou: You have mindfucked me. Mind bleach pls.
Some random thoughts:

The last two maidens are both slightly insane. ;) Still, Sagana-chan was better and had by far the best song.
Oh well, apart from the body-switching going on this episode we also see the three main protagonists cry.
Also: Qophlite entrance sequence. :eek: At least the people in the anime agree with me about it. :P
If they continue to increase the sexual subtext at this pace the last episode will be an actual hentai...
Is there anything Tauburn can't do?
And I'm still waiting for one of the Glittering Crux to die during Cybody restoration.

The girls from Kalafina are also nice looking, but that is not really related to the episode and more to the commercials. ;)

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