Taiwanese teacher gets 4613 years sentence


A.C Milan Fan Club
Elite Member
Feb 24, 2012
Just going through some local news and this caught my eye:
from taipeitimes, another page:

Man gets 4,613 years in jail

The owner of a private school in Greater Taichung surnamed Wang (王) was sentenced to 4,613 years and 10 months in prison by the Taiwan High Court’s Taichung branch for sexually assaulting female students. The court said Wang, 46, would serve a 30-year term in accordance with the law. Wang can appeal to the Supreme Court. The ruling said Wang sexually assaulted 12 girls a total of 1,103 times. Several girls were assaulted almost every day, and one girl was sexually assaulted 536 times in three years. The girls were aged between first grade and sixth grade. Between September 2006 and June 2010, Wang sexually assaulted the girls during class or in a school van when taking them home, the ruling said. Wang inappropriately touched the victims and sometimes raped them, it said. The ruling said victims told the court that Wang said he would be sentenced to death if they told their parents and the girls would go to jail, too. Some girls were given NT$50 after being assaulted, the ruling said.
Following the recent sentencing of a school teacher surnamed Wang (王) to 4,613 years in prison for sexually assaulting multiple female students, lawmakers yesterday called for the revision of the Supplementary Education Act (補習及進修教育法) to ban individuals convicted of sex crimes from teaching at cram schools.
“While the Act for Hiring of Educational Personnel (教育人員任用條例) was amended last year to prevent individuals convicted of sexual crimes from working as school teachers, there is no equivalent rule for other education establishments, such as cram schools,” Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Chiu Chih-wei (邱志偉) told a news conference. “That is why we are seeing so many cases of cram school teachers sexually assaulting students.”
Chiu pointed to the case of a cram school teacher surnamed Wang in Greater Taichung’s Shalu District (沙鹿), who was sentenced earlier this week to 4,613 years in prison, that has received extensive coverage in the media.
The ruling handed down by the Taiwan High Court’s Taichung branch said that Wang sexually assaulted 12 girls a total of 1,103 times. Wang, 46, would serve a 30-year sentence in accordance with the law, the court said.
“Studies show that the recidivism rate for individuals found guilty of sex crimes is very high,” Chiu said. “One finding is that 46 percent of those who have sexually assaulted children are likely to repeat offend.”
Such findings make it imperative that the law is revised as soon as possible, Chiu said.
Humanistic Education Foundation executive director Joanna Feng (馮喬蘭) told the same press conference that when teachers convicted of sexual offenses found themselves unable to find work at regular schools, they were likely to look for a position in a daycare center or cram school.
“The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Interior should work together to establish a database to keep track of the whereabouts of teachers with such criminal records,” she said. “We are not trying to deprive them of the right to work, but rather want to put measures in place that will better protect our children.”

50NT dollars = 1.69 USD.
That seems very little but that amount can get you a egg,potato salad, cucumber sandwhich and a small juice.

Anyways, that seems awfully close to where i live, as in in proximity. But here in taiwan there is an awful alot of cram schools for a declining student population...
I think there will be more cases likes these in the future...

What are your thoughts? For me; i know this country is bad (like all) but i didnt think it would be bad in this way. Here not too long ago the whole nation suffered from a food scandal concerning a plasticizer in foods and drinks
50NT dollars - I still can't get the grasp of how much would that really is worth from Taiwanese people.
Does 1NT dollar treated like what the American treat their 1USD? Same like what the Japanese treat their 100 Yen?

Oh by the way, this thread should be in the General Discussion section, not in the Tech Support and Talk.:anblink:
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Uhhuh.. they got quite definite numbers there. That money seems to be very little alright. Around here you could get a cup of coffee with that.
1103 times in about 4 years, that mean those girls were assaulted almost every day, it's very curious that there's no one (such like their classmates, parents) found it in a such long time...
Why is this topic marked as Megaupload? :confused:

[MENTION=21963]blahblah[/MENTION] Not every day.
You forgot that it were 12 girls so everyone got abused on average every 12 days.

They got th 50NT as compensation for being raped? 1.69 US$ feels like a joke...
50NT dollars - I still can't get the grasp of how much would that really is worth from Taiwanese people.
Does 1NT dollar treated like what the American treat their 1USD? Same like what the Japanese treat their 100 Yen?

Oh by the way, this thread should be in the General Discussion section, not in the Tech Support and Talk.:anblink:

Thanks for Remove my thread to General Discussions & Debates
Thanks for Remove my thread to General Discussions & Debates
I shouldn't get the credit for the relocation of the thread, coz I don't have moderator authority to move any thread in the forum. It should goes to the admins and the moderators.
I'm just your average Joes.
I shouldn't get the credit for the relocation of the thread, coz I don't have moderator authority to move any thread in the forum. It should goes to the admins and the moderators.
I'm just your average Joes.
I thank you for your sincere advice. I know you will always help me when I need. Wish you a good day
So how does 4613 Years work? :/ Drag him back from hell 50 times or something?
Naturally he can't go to hell... He has to wait in prison until those 4613 years have passed and only after that he will go to hell.
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That is the weirdest case I ever heard off, a sentence in prison for life is enough torturing for the prisoners, where do you get the 1000 life sentence? The worst penalty for sexual harassment could only ended up by just 40 years or above...

To me this punishment goes overrated exaggerating.....
I think it's because if a prisoner do something good their sentence can be reduced? So "sentenced for X years" in court doesn't mean they must serve the full X years.

I guess the court doesn't want to use execution (easy way out for the guy), but they still don't want him to EVER return to society.
Well, if the society really want him out, the government should have exiled him elsewhere instead stick into the locals but right now the society ALREADY have some people like him already, even with that much punishment this still doesn't change anything, still doesn't save the society from moral decay due to the influence of crime. Even in Malaysia, imprison in jail for life is the serious sentence and should any punishment gone any further will actually broke the law itself.

Myabe the court somehow think twice....
Even in Malaysia, imprison in jail for life is the serious sentence and should any punishment gone any further will actually broke the law itself.
If my memory serve me well, didn't the hanging sentence is our highest punishment?:reallyconfused:
The hangging the gallows part is for drug dealers or murder. Usually doesn't work on rapist....
Those girls are pretty clueless about laws. They are the ones who were offended and it's a given that they wouldn't go to jail. How could they believe that demon of a man? :/ What is their average age anyway? Haven't seen those numbers...
Those girls are pretty clueless about laws. They are the ones who were offended and it's a given that they wouldn't go to jail. How could they believe that demon of a man? :/ What is their average age anyway? Haven't seen those numbers...
Chances are they still haven't reach teenage age when these things happened to them. Scared, confused and not knowing how the justice system works, make them tend to keep quiet, especially if this guy intimidate them, or sweet talk them, like giving them money to keep it a secret.
Truth usually come out when the parents notice changes with their children, as in most rape/molesting cases of children.
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Just give him life sentence or life on parole. Idc which, 4k+ years is a bit too theatrical, as if he could survive those years.
Theatrical has nothing to do with it In fact I find myself being quite satisfied

If it was hanging that would be a mercy to the imbecile

In my wonderful country it doesn't matter what crime it is there is a good chance that you'll get out in 14 yrs

I have no sympathy for those who abuse children

And making an example of one of them would do a lot of good
Don't worry, I wouldn't blame the bahamas for letting our weirdos vacation there. Although I seem to remember reading that part of the world has some pretty serious crime problems of its own. Actually there was a nasty story in this week's issue of The Economist about a Brazillian supreme court decision saying it's okay to have sex with 12 year olds if they're prostitutes. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess the judges were guys. To make matters worse they didn't print the letter I sent them about catgirls!

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