Mehs I didnt even know they had a limited amount of vectors XD Is it in the anime which i didnt watch yet? I thought it was just the length that was limited. Near the end Lucy kinda goes nutsy and has tons of vectors (in the manga).
Banned for misleading meh XD or maybe not idk oh teh confusion >.<
Huh, well I havent read the manga yet (other than scans of ch1 vol1) I didnt think that it would be THAT different though. Unless that pic was Mariko, didnt seem like it though O.o. Banned for proving me wrong with manga i havent read xD
lol mwahahaha so i wasnt wrong XD or at least not in the perspective of manga :3 but that part isnt actually all that great of a representation of Lucy because her vectors dont normally stretch that long. I think they switched number of arms with length of arms in the anime then(Lucy's arms were 3 or 4 meters). Hmm wat to ban for :/ Banned for uhh... not reading the Elfin Lied manga version XD