The Banned Game

lolololololololololololololol... :lmao:
banned for randomness
Monty Python and the Holy Grail here! Youtube it! It is random though.

Banned for not knowing Monty Python.
well... what do you think if u eat strawberry pudding..?? it's red transparrent..?? or pink..?? n it's coloured too./??
It is usually red #40: it's base was coal tar, then shifted to a by product of petroleum. So it tastes pretty good.

Banned for not knowing what color strawberry pud is.
Depends if the color is natural but some food colorings are bad for you :/
Banned for saying color :p
Well, I'm fairly sure that red # 40 is what is used to make strawberry colored or flavored pud.

Interesting fact: The food manufacturers are not required to list what ingredients are used to make food dyes.

Banned for not knowing this.
banned for knowing this.. u should explin moarr will.. ahaha.. since i love strawberry things... :fullblush: ehmmmm.. so mango pudding too..?? gez.. there is alot colourfull food out there~~~
Hehe! I already banned him for having a mic between Miku's boobs.

Banned for saying oppai with a capital O.

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