The Banned Game

Banned for organizing stairs into pairs, and then making stairs out of pears.
Banned for being a pompous, highfalutin, nonsense tootin', crazy-eyed panda-sphere.
Banned for a wide range of vocabulary.

(In retrospect that's actually really neat) xD
Banned for being such a swell guy. Get it? Like with water? Swells? (I know what I'm getting banned for this time, though now that I am typing this it gets increasingly less likely opening a world of possible bans!)
Banned for making the poor janitor, Mr. Mopsworth, clean up your brain-debris. He has a bad back, you know.
*but there wasn't much brains for him to pick up*
Banned for trying to make me feel bad!! :enraged:
Banned for being a brainless zombie. Go back to your grave, Sintarow, you're drunk.
Banned because I just ate my last pretzel and you didn't replace them and howcouldyouItrustedyouIthoughtyouweremyfriend!?

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