The knee socks.

[MENTION=28568]Exaelia[/MENTION] Just make the picture :)

YES .... YES .... YES .... I HAVE FOUND MY Happiness

Knee socks are the most attractive piece of clothes that a girl can have, i just simply can't take my eyes out of them.

I am even on MAL .... THIGH HIGHS FC clubs ... that is the same thing as Knee socks.

Check it out.

i love black knee socks, but if i must choose, i will choose pantyhose :3
I will give standing ovation for my fellow friend on this thread and TS,
sharing the same fetish as mine. yeah only black /thigh high/knee sock are awesome.. kneesock/thigh high FTW,

please keep this thread alive :) post some knee sock pics..
This thread is calling me but I'm kinda disappointed that there are no real life socks pics, I think it would be more interesting if people could post their socks instead.


EDIT: " Overall Activity: 69 " What a coincidence.

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