The relation between online and offline bonds~

1. 5, unlikely but not entirely impossible. There are times that people are more open when offline and the unknown true identity of their partner provides a safety net provided that no critical information has been traded over.

2. 1, it is easier to make friends online but they are harder to keep or more appropriately, easier to lose (once you forget to go online for a long time).

3. 5, slightly but not really, I don't feel a need to meet them, but meeting them is probably a plus if anything.

4. 5, possible, but I wouldn't say it's appropriate.

5. 8, I don't completely agree, it is possible to truly be friends with someone online provided the relationship is mutual.

6. 8, I don't have offline relationships to be weakened in the first place, but that is of course because I am an otaku.

7. 6, meh I'm really 50-50 on this one. Either one has its perks, but since I don't like going out, I'm more aligned to online ones.

8. 3, Yes they are, and online relationships are less constricting.

9. 1, Yes they can, and with the great number of people you can possibly meet they can provide different outlooks on common problems.

10. 1, yes it is, it always is.
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1: 3
2: I think it is the same 5
3: Why not 2
4: It depends, if you also see them offline I would think so, but only online makes it difficult. 7
5: 10
6: Not really. 9
7: It depends, I don't think there is that big a difference when it is about friendship, and I would give it 5. But for romantic relationships I would think it is difficult online, so I would prefer offline, and therefore I would give it 3
8: Agreed 1
9: Agreed 2
10: It helps keep the connection. 4
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1. It is possible that a relationship created online can become as strong as or stronger than a relationship created offline.
1 - I have experienced this myself so I know that it is possible.

2. I feel like it is easier making friends online than offline.
3 - It can be easier to originally meet someone online and talk with them, but not necessarily easier to become close friends.

3. I would like to physically meet those who i have met online.
3 - A few friends yes.. most people it wouldn't matter

4. It is possible to have an intimate relationship with someone online.
1 - It is possible.. I met my husband online (not on a dating site). However it's not easy and is probably not for most people. Oh and it requires more caution, especially in the beginning.

5. It is impossible to truly be friends with someone online.
10 - completely disagree

6. Online relationships have weakened my offline relationships.
5 - I did have an issue where a close online friend began to hurt a very important offline relationship.. but that is the only instance when I experienced an online relationship weakening an offline relationship.

7. I feel more positive about offline relationships as opposed to online ones.

8. I feel that online relationships are as important as those offline.
3 - My online friendships are my "real life" friendships for me..

9. Online relationships can help me in life as much as offline relationships.
1 - When it comes to companionship with friends &/or seeking advice from friends.. online relationships can be just as helpful as offline ones.

10. It is easier to stay connected with people I have met offline through online connection.
3 - I'd imagine that's true.. especially with facebook, twitter etc
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1). I agree it is possible that a relationship created online can be stronger than one created offline (1)
2). I do feel it's easier making friends online....maybe cause i'm really shy lol (2)
3). I would like to meet some of the friends i've made here one day XD (2)
4). I strongly agree it is possible to have an intimate relationship with someone online...I'm there right now ^-^ (1)
5). I think you can truly be friends with people you've met online (10)
6). I'm stuck midway with this one (6)
7). I don't feel more positive about offline relationships (8)
8). I feel that online relationships are just as important (1)
9). I think online relationships can help out in life (2)
10). In some cases i agree it is easier to stay connected with people online that i met offline (3)
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Another random lurker incoming. xD
I could elaborate more on my answers, but I doubt it would matter, anyway... Hope it helps.

1. [1] I know a few people who makes this statement a solid true.
2. [5] In fact, I'm better at writing than talking, so people tend to see me as a less boring person when I'm online.
3. [5]
4. [1]
5. [10]
6. [10]
7. [6]
8. [4]
9. [1]
10. [2] This applies mostly to the communication with my family for the last three years, in fact...
  • Like
Reactions: Ghost Kitty~
1. It is possible that a relationship created online can become as strong as or stronger than a relationship created offline. [2]

2. I feel like it is easier making friends online than offline. [6]

3. I would like to physically meet those who i have met online. [3]

4. It is possible to have an intimate relationship with someone online. [5]

5. It is impossible to truly be friends with someone online. [10]

6. Online relationships have weakened my offline relationships. [3]

7. I feel more positive about offline relationships as opposed to online ones. [8]

8. I feel that online relationships are as important as those offline. [2]

9. Online relationships can help me in life as much as offline relationships. [3]

10. It is easier to stay connected with people I have met offline through online connection. [7]

Hope this helps ^^
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Reactions: Ghost Kitty~
oooh fun~ :runhappy:
1. It is possible that a relationship created online can become as strong as or stronger than a relationship created offline.

2. I feel like it is easier making friends online than offline.
5 hmmmmm I think there's a more meaningful connection offline. There's no taking things back, and you experience the non-verbal character of them. Online really depends on how much of the real person you experience. You might have only pictures to go from, but video chats can make the connection more real.

3. I would like to physically meet those who i have met online.
5 Some people yes, but others i'm not sure x-x. Unless we video chat often, we won't know what to expect of the person we're meeting. We might have some kind of idea of what they would look like, but suddenly breaking that perspective might make things different.

4. It is possible to have an intimate relationship with someone online.
7 I guess~ you'd really have to be involved with each other tho as if they were right next to you. Sharing things from each other's lives. I've been able to know people online better, and that helped me with talking to them offline. I guess that if you don't have a complete representation of the person, it's really hard to always think about them or have feelings for them.

5. It is impossible to truly be friends with someone online.
10 I wouldn't say impossible but.. x-x

6. Online relationships have weakened my offline relationships.
9 ummmm unless I'm talking about them irl all the time, I don't think it would x-x I mean, if it takes lots of time away from them maybe.

7. I feel more positive about offline relationships as opposed to online ones.
1 Definitely~

8. I feel that online relationships are as important as those offline.
5 ummmmmmmmm they can be x-x If you've put alot into it and they mean that much to you, yea~

9. Online relationships can help me in life as much as offline relationships.
1 I actually thought about whether or not an online type of counseling would benefit some people more than offline. I mean, there's ways you can get support online that you'd never get offline.

10. It is easier to stay connected with people I have met offline through online connection.
5 ummmm I seem to talk to them offline lots more, even though we don't see each other often. x-x Online stuff can make a difference, it's been that way when i couldn't go anywhere a few years ago. Friendships were more 1-1 online and I think that's what helped.
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I love surveys :)

1- Strongly agree
3- Somewhat agree
5- Slightly agree
6- Slightly disagree
8- Somewhat disagree
10- Strongly disagree

1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 3
6. 5
7. 6
8. 1
9. 1
10. 8
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Lol fun? xD Well i guess i made is simplish xD Didnt want to take too much of people's time xD
1. 4 it can happen but its not likely imo
2. 6 chatting online is nice but i cant rlly get to know the other person from it i mean i can hear a lot about their lives but there are just things you can only know in person
3. 3 ive met several ppl i would rlly like to talk to in rl...tho ive also met some real a**holes >.>
4. 10 i just dont believe humans work that way personal interaction is a must for it to be truly intimate (imo of course)
5. 5 hmm....i think its possible but uuh...idk >.>
6. 8 i dont have any real offline relationships to weaken lol i got some ppl i talk to but y,know
7. 4 i like online interactions but in the end i really find it best to talk offline
8. 1 if youve made friends with someone you should stick with it even if only online you might rlly be able to help them or just encourage them...that doesnt sound stupid does it >.>?
9. 5 ive had some good advice online tho rare
10. 4 more important stuff should be in person but for just small talk online is prob best way to go~

does that work?
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1. ehmmm... im kind of disagree with it cause sumtime we hav strong rltnshp bcause we meet evryday and we spend time together and do many things ^^ but it sure hard find tat ppl ==" (6)

2. ehhh somewhat i agree with it cause we dun hav to see ppl face to face and dun need to be shy :XD: (1)

3. Absolutely no ._. you know... im very shy person XD >//< its not like i hav bad face or anything just im ust shy person :XD: (8)

4. yeah sumtime i agree with it since we dun need c face to face... cause u noe.. (3)

5. its POSSIBLE, I have so many friend online and somewhat i feel more comfortable than in reality... but we live in reality and we can't denny tat XD (10)

6. yeah sometime ==" since i spend all my day in front my laptop and rarely go out ...(1)

7. yeah maybe ._. (3)

8. yeah i agree w/ it... we can learn so many thing from online friend and like the other country and culture and we meet so many kind of ppl tat was amazing :bigeyes: (1)

9. yeah i more lifely in online world ._. sumtime i can laugh and cry while chat or commenting T.T and in reality hell no ._. i rarely show my emotion in reality XD (3)

10. yeah ofc XD i can stay connected with long distance friend :3 (1)

like tis lol XD :lmao:
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Reactions: Ghost Kitty~
I'll help out after school, even though I wasn't one of the mentioned; I'm assuming it's not limited to them, at the very least.

Do you need the responses by today by any chance?
Answer in a scale of 1-10 with 1 = strongly agree and 10 = strongly disagree.

1- Strongly agree
3- Somewhat agree
5- Slightly agree
6- Slightly disagree
8- Somewhat disagree
10- Strongly disagree

1. It is possible that a relationship created online can become as strong as or stronger than a relationship created offline. 2

2. I feel like it is easier making friends online than offline. 2

3. I would like to physically meet those who i have met online. 3

4. It is possible to have an intimate relationship with someone online. 8

5. It is impossible to truly be friends with someone online. 5

6. Online relationships have weakened my offline relationships. 4

7. I feel more positive about offline relationships as opposed to online ones. 6

8. I feel that online relationships are as important as those offline. 6

9. Online relationships can help me in life as much as offline relationships. 10

10. It is easier to stay connected with people 4
i might have a different meaning for friends but whatever. here you go samy you dictator
Lol well just put whatever xD Now when did i turn into a dictator? :reallyconfused:

[MENTION=10800]Tenshi[/MENTION]; Nah its not limited~ Though itll mostly just be for fun now ;p Unless the teacher decides my essay sucks and decide to make it more detailed xD
1. It is possible that a relationship created online can become as strong as or stronger than a relationship created offline.


2. I feel like it is easier making friends online than offline.


3. I would like to physically meet those who i have met online.


4. It is possible to have an intimate relationship with someone online.


5. It is impossible to truly be friends with someone online.


6. Online relationships have weakened my offline relationships.


7. I feel more positive about offline relationships as opposed to online ones.


8. I feel that online relationships are as important as those offline.


9. Online relationships can help me in life as much as offline relationships.


10. It is easier to stay connected with people I have met offline through online connection.


I put asterisks around the answers so they're easier to tell apart from the question numbers.
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1. 5

2. 3

3. 2 - Would be pretty fun! I've actually done this before but only once.

4. 4 - Provided there was already a prior relationship established offline between the parties, then yes.

5. 1

6. 9

7. 5

8. 3

9. 2 - One of my friends used to listen to my bitching and offer advice through it all. They were the only person I really talked about my problems with at the time so I was grateful for that.

10. 4
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