The Rhyming Game

The mommies were sorry for their children were rotten and spoiled.

Their tummies were hungry... long forgotten along the foil.

Care to feed these bunch of rugrats to lunch?

Bear with such greed. That's too much! Drats.

Next word: children
Watch those small children~

Running around the little garden~

In the bushes theres something hidden~

Why do children like to go where theyre forbidden?~
edit:at each new page put a word of your own doesn't have to rhyme .


(I'm not sure what this would mean, since a page can be 10, 20, 30, or 40 posts depending on the user settings.
Soo I have a suggestion~ We could either rhyme a word 3 times and make a new one, or use 1 word to ryhme, and use another word that the next person rhymes.)


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ivight wrote on Shine's profile.
Pls upload the latest version of this post this
AUO wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, Could you please update this to Ver25.01.22?
[I'm moralist] 凍堂ヒロカの隷雄譚
TasogareHentai wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Sorry, if interrupt, but can you please upload this game? It released yesterday. Thanks in advance.