[MENTION=26533]Kionea[/MENTION] Hmm actually thats just the total clues you have~ I suppose i should add how many clues you found in brackets or something xD
Depends what you do with the items~ Food doesnt have to be for you~
Anyhow you and [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION] could go decide what you want to do with the soot sprite cuz both of you can do something although you may prefer not to~
Lol every room does have different things xD The kitchen actually had a really high chance for finding food but you managed to miss it ._. Blame the random number generator if you wish ;p
The thief decided to taunt the guests by running past the waiting room again~
Hmm ill finally be giving clues ;p cuz theyre basically done atm... Im giving one clue for every 5 pts and there will be clues given until you reach 100 pts~ I feel i should call the clues sightings instead... since thats basically what im giving as the clues xD
Sevit Alveil
Guest rooms East Clues- 4 Event- While poking around, Sevit accidentally bumped into a mirror and cracked it~ I do wonder how this would effect you~
Lol it has its uses~ Every place has its own little perks and whatnot... that random number generator is odd though... doesnt seem to like anyone much ;p
Well I'm too lazy to read every post I don't read, so I'll start here... :p
What the.. I have only 4 clues...
* sevit ignore the crack but planned to tell the maids later to replace it...
or, maybe right now would be better cause there is nothing left for him to do...
Sevit goes to the kitchen in hope of finding any maids or room caretaker...
Well, of course I will...
Or I won't get any idea for how to move next... XD
Once again, I'm sorry I could not be more active at this kind of game...
Is the phase shifting time is actually at random??
Or did you actually specify a time when the phase change??
[MENTION=8967]deathwarrior[/MENTION] the phase shifts are at 12 (for me) and thats when i start typing whatever stuff xD Ive been somewhat later the last two days cuz i had hw and stuff to do...