The ^ < V Game

^ Loves matured girls
< Tainted and taints
V Likes Girls Dead Monster
^semi-right, i love them! esp yui
<prefers onee-san characters
^ Secretly loves imouto characters.
< Bored
v Has musical talent
^loves loli
< no musical talent
v working
^studying, not working
<doesnt like imouto, prefer boobies
Vrich guy
^ Likes them big boobied imouto4
< Middle class, though parents spent a little over $2000 on laptops.
v Amazing just the way they are.
<repeats that he only likes onee-san characters and big boobies
Vbig fan of VN
^Interpreter of time (You got it correctly)
< Neko to Anime look alike hunter
v Game guesser
^ sora fan
< VN player
v younger than me
^ likes nekos
< bored
v just back frm sch/work
^sprouting rubbish
<still stressed, and tired
Vlikes cats
^spamming very hard
<still stressed, exams coming in like floods
^ having exams
< healthy , doesnt nose bleed
v retired spammer
^still spamming
<not retired, but very tired
^ Apparently isn't stressed enough to not be able totype that all out :P
< Stressed and fed up with the long, boring, and repetitive school year
V Must be having a wonderful day
^ Has more freedom than I do.
< Stressed about homework, band, tennis conditioning schedule, county honor band, national honor band.
v Has played at least 1 video game this week.
^stressed like me
<played melty blood actress again, very tired even though exams are done
Vhad a bad day

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