The ^ < V Game

^ hunting santa
< no presents given T_T
v had a date w/ a girl this christmas
^real life imocon
<no dates, will be staying at home
Vwants some fun
^have fun with bewbs
< will be juicing on christmas
v fap
^ unexpected person
< no fap
v enjoying juice now
^no fap
<wants premium account and more games!
Vanother unexpected poster
^ wrong prediction
< doesn't need premium
v bewbs
^doesnt need premium, then what you use?
<wants bewbs, more games and time
Vwants games
^ should use spamming time for VN lol
< line slow , premium useless
v sexy time
^ Use Streamsux from TMNut
< Just bought game(Battlefield 2 Complete pack) online from Steam for USD$4.99 today
v Spamming
^ bought something frm Steam due to cheap sales
< spammer
v kidnap lolis
^ spamming a day keeps spamming everyday
< bothered by my data files
v has been downloading
^ Bothered
< Downloading Macross F: False Songstress 12GB - each DL took me more than 24hours to complete.
v Just woke up.
^mad downloader
<had project meeting on a sunday... wth
Vwants fun
^ needs juice for fun
< happy 31 day registered award for me
V already has 31 days registered
^ 31 days register member today
< not yet 31 days register member
v already a 31 days register member
^near 1k spam count
Vdont want to study
^ Tempting Avatar
< Didn't bother to study coz no longer in school
v Still enjoying school break.
^ not a student
< enjoys the life without exams
v finished with his work
^ kuroneko fan
< also kuroneko fan
v kirino fan
^ Loves nekos
< Needs to catch up on Ore no Imouto
V Also hasn't finished at least one recent anime.
^ Boobs lover
< Frustrated with slow internet connection
v Wanted to be addresses as Goshujin-sama
^ dc often
< maid lover
v killing spree

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maryantojoko wrote on tokyo's profile.
Hay sir , i need part 16 of JKT48 10th Anniversary Concert .
When i extract part 1-15 winrar say need part 16
Agent_Smith wrote on Shine's profile.
dead linksしすた~ずヘヴン-~ふたりはおしかけご主人様~-rj063982.1131190/
Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
yellow chiefしすた~ずヘヴン-~ふたりはおしかけご主人様~.1131797/
Irish99 wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello can you please reupload とびでばいん