The ^ < V Game

^ nope... know how to call people idiots and tell them to shut up... thats about it.
< too poor to afford figures
V speaks 3+ languages
^ half done? or actually only cooking half of the fish?
< never tried caviar
V probably tried kobe beef
^ never tasted it but i heard its the best beef ~
< only tasted corned beef from brazil and australia.
V tasted corned beef as well ~ . . .
^ needs to eat better meat.
< never tried corned beef... is it beef with corn in it? <-- way too innocent
V loves oatmeal
^ true
< says corned beef its not really corn not.. its a ground beef preserved in salt. ...
V probably listening to a relaxing music . .~
^ kinda. and you need unprocessed meat. lot more meaty. ^^
< gave up on shopping.
V has multiple hard drives
^ good guesser
< will be off sleeping... after a round of spams..
v just woke up ~ . ..
^ more free time so more spam
< off to zzzz...
v new generation spam ham ~ ..
^ i think i count as new gen....
< spam ham
V young spam ham
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^ yep. is that my new nickname now?
< something stuck in my throat.
V needs to drink water.
^ probably thirsty ~
< looking forward of mayushii nyan yan ~
V an agent of organization ~ . .

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